Forum > Gaming Discussion > Official Nintendo E3 2010 conference thread
Official Nintendo E3 2010 conference thread
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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:37:16
I'm getting that day 1 like the DS.
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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:39:15

aspro said:

I'm sorry to askyou guys this, but my internet is sludge, and I can't get any game sites to load.

Did they not announce a date/ show Zelda Wii?

Or is the 3DS Ocarina the only Zelda news?

Oh, they did show the new Zelda Wii game! There is a trailer in every game site now and screens! You haven't seen the screens yet? I'll post them for you here and if anyone can post the trailer from Youtube that'll be great as well!

And the date was pushed back to 2011 since Miyamoto said they're still developing it through the end of the year. Guess the Zelda 2010 hope was false. Sad

And the 3DS Ocarina of Time remake is a rumor I think.


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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:40:37

Yeah I'm quite disappointed with no mention of the VC. I also really want a price on the 3DS.


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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:40:42

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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:41:15
                         The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Screenshot
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Screenshot
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Screenshot
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Screenshot
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Screenshot


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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:41:21
Oh and Star Fox 64 too.
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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:42:00

aspro said:

I'm sorry to askyou guys this, but my internet is sludge, and I can't get any game sites to load.

Did they not announce a date/ show Zelda Wii?

Or is the 3DS Ocarina the only Zelda news?

Yes, they announced Zelda Wii, which is named:  The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword. Vader has a thread here about it.

3DS Ocarina isn't official yet, but IGN claims Nintendo will announce it soon.

The VG Press

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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:42:10

Ah hell screw the price. 3DS day 1 purchase confirmed. Nyaa


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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:42:32

Dvader said:


Yeah, I'm stoked too! Nintendo is really going all out on this thing! Grinning

But the graphics still look like N64. Hope it gets touched up a bit more like the Star Fox 64 remake.


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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:42:33

ASK_Story said:
                         The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Screenshot
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Screenshot
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Screenshot
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Screenshot
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Screenshot

Go to the Zelda thread for that.

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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:43:24

Dvader said:

Go to the Zelda thread for that.

Sorry. Just showing Aspro some screens.

I'll stick to the Zelda thread next time.


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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:44:03

aspro said:

I'm sorry to askyou guys this, but my internet is sludge, and I can't get any game sites to load.

Did they not announce a date/ show Zelda Wii?

Or is the 3DS Ocarina the only Zelda news?

Yes. They had a full reveal of Zelda Wii.

Miyamoto was there but the Motion Plus didn't give a very good showing. It was experiencing a lot of "interference."

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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:53:22
Snake Eater is coming to the 3DS.

I'm so owning one now.

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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:54:27
Stole this from a GS thread!

paper mario


Mario  Kart


animal Crossing






























Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:56:00

The VG Press

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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:59:16

Woo hoo! --er, I mean Wuhu island! Grinning

The VG Press

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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 23:05:24

By far the winner of E3. In fact I can't think of a conference that I have ever seen that was this good. This packed with huge game reveals. Non-stop games, no nonsense. Great stage demos, great big news, great trailers. It was conference perfection.

It started with Zelda, Zelda!!! A full on stage demo, yeah it had its issues but it was Zelda and it was amazing. Then they quickly got mini game crap out of the way with a Mario sports game and Wii Party. In no time back to games with Golden Sun. A reveal of a new Kirby game that looked awesome. Metroid Other M. Epic Mickey stage demo, I wish they showed more though. Reveal of a new Donkey Kong Country. It was 2D game heaven at this point.

Then came the 3DS part of the conference and since they couldn't demonstrate they quickly went over the features and gave us a Kid Icarus reveal! Crazy! Then the go past the game lineup as if it were nothing even though they were dropping bombs like Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Street Fighter, Assassin's Creed. It was perfectly paced, with huge reveals constantly. Bravo.

Overall A+

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Tue, 15 Jun 2010 23:29:03
Can't wait for the podcast.

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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 03:23:39
  • Posted 7:21 PST

    And that's it!

  • Posted 7:21 PST

    Answer: No.

  • Posted 7:21 PST

    He asked if the images of the evolution of the Zelda series in the trailer has to do with the story.

  • Posted 7:20 PST

    Last question.

  • Posted 7:20 PST

    Aonuma says that the pace will vary enough, with puzzle solving and exploring and whatnot, that it shouldn't be a problem. But the demo on the show floor made it look like its constant combat.

  • Posted 7:19 PST

    But he plays it a LOT, apparently.

  • Posted 7:19 PST

    Miyamoto says he does get a bit tired playing it at the office.

  • Posted 7:18 PST

    Next question wonders if the developers worry that the sword fighting mechanic will tire out players.

  • Posted 7:18 PST

    "Once that's done, we'll finish Pikmin," jokes Miyamoto.

  • Posted 7:17 PST

    Much of the staff of Spirit Tracks is working on Skyward Sword.

  • Posted 7:17 PST

    Aonuma said the whip originated in Spirit Tracks, and that the same person is handling the mechanic in Skyward Sword.

  • Posted 7:17 PST

    Next question talks about how he just beat Spirit Tracks on the plane and wants to know if the whip originated in Spirit Tracks or Skyward Sword. He gushes about the whip item at length.

  • Posted 7:15 PST

    Miyamoto says one of the goals of the game is to have gameplay be as seamless as possible.

  • Posted 7:14 PST

    Aonuma said that it was a decision to provide more seamless combat.

  • Posted 7:14 PST

    Next questioner says he noticed that Link could drink potions while running in Zelda, where as in the past he had to stop.

  • Posted 7:13 PST

    And then he says he'd rather answer questions about software and asks for the next question.

  • Posted 7:12 PST

    Kondo says they are shooting to match the battery life length of the DSi.

  • Posted 7:11 PST

    A tech reporter asks a question about the 3DS' battery life.

  • Posted 7:11 PST

    "Rest assured, though, we are very hard at work on Pikmin."

  • Posted 7:11 PST

    He then laughed, and said hey didn't want to bring Pikmin here because the other games would distract from it.

  • Posted 7:10 PST

    Even though he apparently promised it at this very event 3 years ago.

  • Posted 7:10 PST

    He laughs off the questions, saying he was misquoted by a British newspaper.

  • Posted 7:10 PST

    Next reporter says his intern is wondering where Pikmin 3 is, since he apparently mentioned it.

  • Posted 7:08 PST

    Miyamoto says they have increased the number of music staff at Nintendo to write more songs.

  • Posted 7:07 PST

    Third questioner asks whether or not Skyward Sword will have an original orchestral score or maybe even voice acting.

  • Posted 7:07 PST

    Aonuma said that the demo at E3 will have the HUD up all the time, but they are still working on how to deal with it exactly.

  • Posted 7:06 PST

    Second questioner expresses concern the HUD for Skyward Sword is too crowded and takes up too much real estate.

  • Posted 7:05 PST

    In a very Japanese way, they gently explain the 3DS doesn't really work that way. They do say it will have "push" passive updating technology, much like the Wii does. The system can be updated without being turned on.

  • Posted 7:04 PST

    A Japanese reporter asks a question about the 3DS wireless capabilities in broken English. The panel doesn't understand, so he repeats it in Japanese. It's about the 3DS' push Wi-Fi capability, which the reporter thinks will be based to a wireless carrier.

  • Posted 7:00 PST

    The lights come up, and the session moves to Q&A.

  • Posted 6:59 PST

    They run the trailer from this morning's presentation again. Wait--Link? In a Zelda game? I. am. shocked.

  • Posted 6:58 PST

    He said the Wii MotionPlus will have a new pointing system that will make the Wii Remote be used like a three-dimensional mouse.

  • Posted 6:57 PST

    He said the pointing item system from Twilight Princess could be cumbersome because people often couldn't find the cursor on screen.

  • Posted 6:55 PST

    Miyamoto says the item selection process may be unfamiliar, but once players are used to it, it will feel comfortable.

  • Posted 6:54 PST

    He said that Skyward Sword will make item management and changing clothes much easier and more streamlined.

  • Posted 6:54 PST

    He says the 3DS version will make this process much easier.

  • Posted 6:54 PST

    He apologizes for the long time it took to change out of iron boots going through the Water Temple.

  • Posted 6:53 PST

    He asks how many people have played Ocarina of Time. ALL the hands go up.

  • Posted 6:52 PST

    He said they also want to change the typical structure of Zelda games with Skyward Sword.

  • Posted 6:50 PST

    Aonuma said the new, exaggerated art style helps in this process. "If we had kept the Twilight Princess art style, we'd be done already!"

  • Posted 6:49 PST

    He said the Wii MotionPlus offers such precision that players have to pay close attention to the enemies. For instance, the demonstrator is fighting a scorpion, and must hit its claws at specific angles.

  • Posted 6:47 PST

    Miyamoto said he's a big fan of Impressionist Art, so the new art style reflects that. He said Cezanne was a big influence.

  • Posted 6:47 PST

    Apparently Miyamoto was such a fan of the art style the approval process took one step.

  • Posted 6:47 PST

    He said when you play the game, the cloud banks are "very impactful" and they wanted to make the art style highlight them.

  • Posted 6:46 PST

    The sky is also very important to the game, apparently.

  • Posted 6:46 PST

    The Skyward Sword will become the Master Sword, apparently.

  • Posted 6:46 PST

    It's the "master sword."

  • Posted 6:46 PST

    The sword possesses intelligence, and will assume the semi-human form in the teaser poster shown last year.

  • Posted 6:46 PST

    The reason he goes down is in the title--it's the Skyward Sword.

  • Posted 6:46 PST

    However, the revelation prompts a series of events which forces him to go to the land beneath the clouds.

  • Posted 6:44 PST

    One day, he learns there is a land below the clouds ruled by evil forces.

  • Posted 6:44 PST

    In this Zelda, Link is a little boy born into a land above the clouds called Skyloft.

  • Posted 6:43 PST

    He said the scene this morning showing Link diving off a cliff into a bank of clouds was meant to be "impactful" because it was an important event in the story.

  • Posted 6:41 PST

    He is going to talk about the game's story.

  • Posted 6:41 PST

    Eiji Aonuma talking now.

  • Posted 6:41 PST

    However, since he couldn't guarantee it would arrive this year, he'd rather take his time and get it right.

  • Posted 6:40 PST

    He said they need to make a few more dungeons but it's mostly complete.

  • Posted 6:40 PST

    He said that gameplay on Skyward Sword is almost complete, and the graphics are being polished.

  • Posted 6:40 PST

    He said the reason they only showed a piece of teaser art at last year's event was because of this lag.

  • Posted 6:39 PST

    He said that there's often a big lag from when the graphics get done and the game is completed.

  • Posted 6:38 PST

    Miyamoto said that the goal of Skyward Sword is to get back to basics and focus on what makes them really fun.

  • Posted 6:37 PST

    Nintendo of America has now apparently confirmed a full-fledged remake of Ocarina of Time for the 3DS, so those demos opening up the show are a taste of a real game.

  • Posted 6:36 PST

    A member of the Treehouse development team takes the stage for a demo.

  • Posted 6:36 PST

    He apologizes that a glitch on stage this morning was wireless interference, and a majority of people in the audience who have played the game agree.

  • Posted 6:35 PST

    Miyamoto suggests they move onto Skyward Sword. He jokes about his performance this morning, and invites Eiji Aonuma to the podium.

  • Posted 6:32 PST

    He said the fun is when you open up your DS and find new dog information on it.

  • Posted 6:32 PST

    Nintendo also set up a "bark mode relay station," where they set up kiosks where everyone who passed by exchanged dog information.

  • Posted 6:31 PST

    For those who don't know, bark mode is a setting where players close their DS while running Ninendogs. When passing other DS owners doing the same thing, the games will exchange dog information.

  • Posted 6:29 PST

    The bark mode will now be activated automatically.

  • Posted 6:28 PST

    Apparently the 3DS will address the bark mode problems of the original Nintendogs on the original DS.

  • Posted 6:26 PST

    The game will communicate with a visual medium, the 3DS' microphone, and the touch screen.

  • Posted 6:26 PST

    The game will also feature facial recognition. So dogs will react differently to players it knows and players it doesn't know.

  • Posted 6:25 PST

    If you put your face close enough to the screen, the dog will lick your face.

  • Posted 6:24 PST

    He said the game will use the 3DS's inward-facing camera to recognize your face.

  • Posted 6:24 PST

    He said that the new game will have a larger range of different sized dogs, and add a new form of communication between the player and their dog.

  • Posted 6:23 PST

    He said the sequel will also bring out the individual personality of the dogs.

  • Posted 6:22 PST

    Kondo says that the 3DS will really bring out the animals' differing fur types.

  • Posted 6:22 PST

    He said the reason the new game will have dogs and cats is because it's interesting watching dogs and cats interact.

  • Posted 6:22 PST

    He said they skinned Nintendogs with cat models, but it was strange because they behaved like dogs--coming when called, tails wagging.

  • Posted 6:21 PST

    "Cats are interesting. They're kind of like girls. When they come talk to you, it's great. When you go talk to them, it doesn't go so well."

  • Posted 6:19 PST

    Miyamoto jokes about experimenting on cats.

  • Posted 6:19 PST

    Miyamoto said he mentioned he got a cat at last year's round table to fool the press into thinking he was working on Nintencats.

  • Posted 6:17 PST

    Now its onto the new Nintendogs games, Nintendogs + Cats. (The plus is in the title.)

  • Posted 6:17 PST

    He was a software developer before this, though--the 3DS is his first hardware project, a fact that made him "very nervous."

  • Posted 6:15 PST

    Kondo is the overall hardware producer of the 3DS, but is also offering input on software development for the device.

  • Posted 6:15 PST

    Hideki Kondo takes the mic, with O'Leary translating.

  • Posted 6:15 PST

    He said the fact that every 3DS presents 3D in the same way, it offers developers a consistent standard, instead of having to worry about differing TVs.

  • Posted 6:15 PST

    He said "we have a lot of ideas" about bringing back old games and creating new games.

  • Posted 6:13 PST

    He said 2D visuals make it difficult to accurately gauge spatial relationship on the screen.

  • Posted 6:12 PST

    He said he wants to bring back many old games, but with enough new features to make them feel like a new experience.

  • Posted 6:12 PST

    He said as soon as he started work on the 3DS, he wanted to make a Starfox game, since the 3D screen offers depth perception for maneuvering.

  • Posted 6:11 PST

    He mentions an R Wing that was shown briefly during this morning's presentation as part of the Starfox N64 announcement.

  • Posted 6:09 PST

    "It's like you have a submarine pet in your home."

  • Posted 6:09 PST

    "We took our time," jokes Miyamoto. The game was almost done for the original DS, but then Nintendo decided to take it to the 3DS.

  • Posted 6:09 PST

    It was the submarine game which was first shown as a tech demo with the original DS. It lets players manipulate levers with the touch screen.

  • Posted 6:08 PST

    He said development of the game is almost finished, since it's been in the works for six years.

  • Posted 6:07 PST

    He then references a new game being shown on the show floor, called Steel Diver. He asks how many people have played it. No hands go up.

  • Posted 6:07 PST

    Miyamoto asks how many people played Ocarina of Time in the 6th grade. A bunch of hands go up.

  • Posted 6:05 PST

    Bill Trinnen, Miyamoto, Tim O'Leary, and Hideki Kondo take the stage.

  • Posted 5:59 PST

    On a large screen on the front of the theater, video interviews with Miyamoto, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, and Zelda co-creator Eiji Aonuma play. English translations of their conversation have them talking about the concepts behind Ocarina of Time.

  • Posted 5:58 PST

    Unlike last year's spartan event, this year's roundtable saw the aisles of the venue lined with assistants holding Nintendo 3DS units. Each had a tech demo which saw the 1998 N64 game The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time running on the new handheld.

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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 03:58:19
Mother of god, that 3DS lineup!
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