Forum > Gaming Discussion > Gaming in the 90's. Best gaming decade?
Gaming in the 90's. Best gaming decade?
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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 22:57:50
^ I never said they were equal, only that the gameplay is similar. Adventure even had a secret room to find! And no high scores!
Edited: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 23:00:35

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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 22:58:23

OMG Old school VG Press school VG Press!

Cat fight!


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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 23:07:58
Resident pedant weighing in.  So long as you're using an analogy, you must be consistent.  The dependency on the comparison to the history of movies is dependent not on quality but progression past limitations.

Plays would be equivalent to sport.
Early motion pictures would be comparable to the early arcade machines.
Talkies would be comparable to the first games with music.
Colour with colour.
Animation with scrolling levels.
Home video players with home consoles.

Though the timeline may not be perfect, at least be consistent.  I highly doubt you'd consider a movie from 1890 of any particular value other than as a historical artifact, either.


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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 23:15:13

Ravenprose said:
^ I never said they were equal, only that the gameplay is similar. Adventure even had a secret room to find! And no high scores!

I'll back up Raven to the following extent; there are basic appeals in gaming that remain unchanged.  Twitch gaming is still twitch gaming.  Puzzle solving. Grinding and weapon upgrade.  All the basic appeals of gaming were there in the beginning and not a lot has changed significantly.

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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 23:21:30

Yodariquo said:
Resident pedant weighing in.  So long as you're using an analogy, you must be consistent.  The dependency on the comparison to the history of movies is dependent not on quality but progression past limitations.

Plays would be equivalent to sport.
Early motion pictures would be comparable to the early arcade machines.
Talkies would be comparable to the first games with music.
Colour with colour.
Animation with scrolling levels.
Home video players with home consoles.

Though the timeline may not be perfect, at least be consistent.  I highly doubt you'd consider a movie from 1890 of any particular value other than as a historical artifact, either.

You ruined the fun.

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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 23:24:01

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Thu, 11 Mar 2010 00:28:17

Ravenprose said:
^ I never said they were equal, only that the gameplay is similar. Adventure even had a secret room to find! And no high scores!

Yes. Yes. I know ALL about the Golden Flea and passing through the wall and seeing Warren Robinett's name...

I've been there since the beginning too, Hamster!

Mario and Mega Man spit upon your Pitfall Harry and Nameless Block Knight from Adventure!!!


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Thu, 11 Mar 2010 01:31:39

phantom_leo said:

Ravenprose said:
^ I never said they were equal, only that the gameplay is similar. Adventure even had a secret room to find! And no high scores!

Yes. Yes. I know ALL about the Golden Flea and passing through the wall and seeing Warren Robinett's name...

I've been there since the beginning too, Hamster!

Mario and Mega Man spit upon your Pitfall Harry and Nameless Block Knight from Adventure!!!


Yeah, I figured you knew about the secret, Leo. I was informing Vader and anyone else who denies the glorious awesomeness of Adventure! Adventure, a game where you must save your chalice of beer from an annoying yellow duck (see video above)! Saving a chalice of beer is far, far better than saving any silly princess!

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Thu, 11 Mar 2010 01:41:59

Ravenprose said:

Saving a chalice of beer is far, far better than saving any silly princess!

Riiight... and next you're going to say

is better than...

Edited: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 01:42:27
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Thu, 11 Mar 2010 03:26:27

Ravenprose said:

phantom_leo said:

Ravenprose said:
^ I never said they were equal, only that the gameplay is similar. Adventure even had a secret room to find! And no high scores!

Yes. Yes. I know ALL about the Golden Flea and passing through the wall and seeing Warren Robinett's name...

I've been there since the beginning too, Hamster!

Mario and Mega Man spit upon your Pitfall Harry and Nameless Block Knight from Adventure!!!


Yeah, I figured you knew about the secret, Leo. I was informing Vader and anyone else who denies the glorious awesomeness of Adventure! Adventure, a game where you must save your chalice of beer from an annoying yellow duck (see video above)! Saving a chalice of beer is far, far better than saving any silly princess!

I know about Adventure, I didn't mention it cause it is the only example of a game that is sort of like what we have now. It was ahead of its time. It was still a bunch of blocks though.

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Thu, 11 Mar 2010 04:20:18

*sigh* Yeah I knew about Adventure as well. It was, umm, interesting waaaaaaaay back when it first came out but it's certainly not even close to being something I'd sing any praises about today.


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Thu, 11 Mar 2010 04:56:24
Perhaps I didn't explain myself very well in my earlier posts. My point isn't that retro games are good or are better than later games, only that gameplay has continually evolved from the 1970s to the games we have today. Vader claimed that pre-NES games are completely different from the games that came out later, and they should not be considered to be the same. I disagree. There are lots of examples of retro games that had the same basic types of gameplay that eventually became standard on the NES and later games. I find it saddening that anyone who claims to loves video games would wish to discount any part of its history.

Note: I am not suggesting that everyone should like or play retro games, only that we respect that they are an important part of video gaming's history.

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Thu, 11 Mar 2010 05:20:19

Yeah I can understand that. I mean everything has to start somewhere. I certainly wouldn't discredit them as video games because they most certainly are.


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Thu, 11 Mar 2010 08:12:31
Wow. I'm sorry but pre nes wasn't just a tiny blip before real gaming showed up. This is like some kid now saying games weren't really good until they got 3d. I can't pick a favorite decade though - they've all been great.

And  I guess those arcade pics are supposed to make me think -bleh- Instead of  *JOY* ?
Here's some more

I could throw these out forever.. So much many quarters. and they weren't all mindless simple twitch fests. This star trek one had some strategy to it.
This was the beginning of lucas arts getting a reputation for great games. Their finest hour - Battle of britain, rescue on fractalus, manic mansion, loom.
Never mind computer games - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, MULE, lands of lore, seven cities of gold...battlechess.. a world war 2 simulator with troops as x's and o's that I can't remember the name of that was way deeper  than call of duty

You think zelda invented deep adventure games? Try Ultima

And console games you say- they were just all arcade ports, no?
Shit,  Intellivision had a precursor to sim city and civilization with Utopia - read this description

You and your opponent each have an island to rule. Points are accumulated based on the welfare of your island people. You can choose to be a benevolent ruler or an aggressive dictator. Your people need food, housing, and industry for clothing and other essentials. What you cannot manage are natural disasters. A single hurricane could wipe out your crops, sink your fishing fleet, destroy all the homes and factories you've built. Rebels may automatically appear should the welfare of the people drop. They could attack. Classic dilemmas in a game that is sure to become an absorbing classic in its own right.

  • One or two can play, either competitively or cooperatively.
  • Colorful computer graphics and special sound effects.
  • Computer measures your people's well being through a sophisticated scoring system that weighs ALL island conditions.
Was shitloads of fun too.(they forgot that bulletpoint)

And fortune builder for colecovision was a sim city precursor.

And Gateway to Apshai was better than adventure

So while the 90's were awesome for games, the 70's and 80's were where it all began. People growing up with the nes and later were introduced to amazing and fun games sure. But people growing up earlier were introduced to the freaking  concept of video games in the first place. Before that it was pinball or monopoly. Would you rather have been at the first screening of citizen kane or seeing the flicker of light and image from the first film screening in a basement in paris?
(not to equate video games with the over 100 year old film industry though.heh )

Edited: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 08:36:22
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Thu, 11 Mar 2010 10:46:22
^ Pssst. We know! We just like giving Hamster crap! Shhh! Don't tell him!
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Thu, 11 Mar 2010 10:50:18
I can put an end to ALL of this with one simple telephone call!

...but you don't want me to call HIM do you...

OMG! He's already here!

R-U-N ! ! !

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Thu, 11 Mar 2010 10:51:59


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Thu, 11 Mar 2010 11:29:54

angrymonkey said:


Temple of Apshai was sooo much better!

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Thu, 11 Mar 2010 16:28:15

Dvader said:

gamingeek said:

Euro crew was asleep.


This was up two days ago, you did not sleep all of yesterday. Nyaa

I spent yesterday looking for a dick to hold, but I couldn't find one. Nyaa

Dvader said:

gamingeek said:

Yeah we are the generation that has seen gaming evolve. It is so exciting. We are those guys that went to the first movie with no sound. Then one day got to experience sound, and later color. The silent era in movies was like the NES era, the start of so many genres. The 16 bit era went into the age of sound in movies. The start of 3D for gaming was like the golden age of film, Zelda: OoT is our Casablanca or Gone With the Wind. Right now we are in the mega epic movie era in gaming. Our games are like Spartacus, Ben-Hur, Cleopatra, the most expensive movies ever made at the time. Soon we will enter the 70s so our Spielberg and our Star Wars is coming in like 5-10 years. Can't wait. Happy

(Where is Atari, Atari is like a play, it doesn't even count as a movie)

I think we're in the 80s action movie phase right now and have been for a while.

And WILL be for a while.

edgecrusher said:

Dvader said:

We started like this:

Ended like this:

Yeah...look how far downhill we went! I kid...I kid...

You don't have to add "I kid" to the end, we're all thinking it.

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Fri, 12 Mar 2010 21:22:38
The only thing that makes the 00's better than the '90's for me, is that I have to throw out pretty much all of the PS1 and Saturn library.  At the time it was great (I have a lot of PS1 and Saturn games, I think I have more PS1 games than for almost any other system), but that stuff is largely unplayable these days due to the chunky graphics.  The cart based systems from the '90's are still incredible though I don't think it can stack up against the 00's.

The 00's had Dreamcast, GBA, DS, PS2, XB, PSP, PS3, Wii, 360 and GC and those games are all still playable and a good number of them are top shelf.  Graphics may have plateued but the quality of the play itself has improved.

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