Forum > Gaming Discussion > Gaming in the 90's. Best gaming decade?
Gaming in the 90's. Best gaming decade?
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Tue, 09 Mar 2010 03:06:48
Mid 90s to mid 2000s=best decade kthxbai. Nyaa

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Tue, 09 Mar 2010 23:10:03
Hey Europe crew, what do you have to say. Dont ignore this thread. I gave you pictures, lots of pictures, say something.
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Tue, 09 Mar 2010 23:14:34
Dvader said:
Steel post here. I put this in the wrong forum.

I was wondering about this, but missed this post.


All better.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 01:02:14
LOL  I thought this was more of a blog so I put it in the blog section, but if you want it here than I am all for it.
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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 01:10:18

Dvader said:
Hey Europe crew, what do you have to say. Dont ignore this thread. I gave you pictures, lots of pictures, say something.

Damn euro dudes. Knowing them, they're going to post here with a 6 month delay. Just like game releases. Nyaa

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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 11:38:17

Euro crew was asleep.

What this thread shows is that I miss 2D more than anything. My favourite genre growing up was scrolling beat em ups. When things went 3D they messed it up and overcomplicated everything.

It has been a really big leap gaming wise. I think what I'll mostly appreciate is being there in the pioneering jump to 3D. Sort of straddling both sides, before and after. I think it gives you a unique perspective vs the new guys who got into gaming only after 3D became the done thing.

We are gamings' first generation, we've grown and watched the industry and the games and design evolve. Like elders in cloaks with staffs and shit. Nyaa

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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 18:46:31

gamingeek said:

Euro crew was asleep.

What this thread shows is that I miss 2D more than anything. My favourite genre growing up was scrolling beat em ups. When things went 3D they messed it up and overcomplicated everything.

It has been a really big leap gaming wise. I think what I'll mostly appreciate is being there in the pioneering jump to 3D. Sort of straddling both sides, before and after. I think it gives you a unique perspective vs the new guys who got into gaming only after 3D became the done thing.

We are gamings' first generation, we've grown and watched the industry and the games and design evolve. Like elders in cloaks with staffs and shit. Nyaa

This was up two days ago, you did not sleep all of yesterday. Nyaa

Yeah we are the generation that has seen gaming evolve. It is so exciting. We are those guys that went to the first movie with no sound. Then one day got to experience sound, and later color. The silent era in movies was like the NES era, the start of so many genres. The 16 bit era went into the age of sound in movies. The start of 3D for gaming was like the golden age of film, Zelda: OoT is our Casablanca or Gone With the Wind. Right now we are in the mega epic movie era in gaming. Our games are like Spartacus, Ben-Hur, Cleopatra, the most expensive movies ever made at the time. Soon we will enter the 70s so our Spielberg and our Star Wars is coming in like 5-10 years. Can't wait. Happy

(Where is Atari, Atari is like a play, it doesn't even count as a movie)

Edited: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 18:47:27
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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 18:53:05

Dvader said:
Gaf created another hell of a nostalgia thread this one about the decade of the 90's. One post in that thread blew my mind, it stated that many started the decade on an NES and we ended with the Dreamcast. Holy hell, let that sink in. The progress we made in that one decade is insane.

We started like this:

Ended like this:

Yeah...look how far downhill we went! I kid...I kid...


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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 18:56:16

Great idea for a thread.

I'll always think the 90's were the best gaming decade, just like I think the 80's was the best for music. We will never match the revolutionary ladder we climbed back then again. It was insane.

Look how much things have slowed down. Xbox and Gamecube felt like they were killed off early, and the 360 has been out for 5 years now and yet isn't becoming old news or dated at all yet.


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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 19:32:21

Dvader said:

Yeah we are the generation that has seen gaming evolve. It is so exciting. We are those guys that went to the first movie with no sound. Then one day got to experience sound, and later color. The silent era in movies was like the NES era, the start of so many genres. The 16 bit era went into the age of sound in movies. The start of 3D for gaming was like the golden age of film, Zelda: OoT is our Casablanca or Gone With the Wind. Right now we are in the mega epic movie era in gaming. Our games are like Spartacus, Ben-Hur, Cleopatra, the most expensive movies ever made at the time. Soon we will enter the 70s so our Spielberg and our Star Wars is coming in like 5-10 years. Can't wait. Happy

(Where is Atari, Atari is like a play, it doesn't even count as a movie)

What the hell ?  Silent era is nes games? Those were in color. What about pong or all those early computer games? Text only games? Arcades?  You realize there was a videogame crash before your silent era? 90's were great but I'll still have great memories of the 80's as well.

Ai.. kids these days.

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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 19:37:29

angrymonkey said:

Dvader said:

Yeah we are the generation that has seen gaming evolve. It is so exciting. We are those guys that went to the first movie with no sound. Then one day got to experience sound, and later color. The silent era in movies was like the NES era, the start of so many genres. The 16 bit era went into the age of sound in movies. The start of 3D for gaming was like the golden age of film, Zelda: OoT is our Casablanca or Gone With the Wind. Right now we are in the mega epic movie era in gaming. Our games are like Spartacus, Ben-Hur, Cleopatra, the most expensive movies ever made at the time. Soon we will enter the 70s so our Spielberg and our Star Wars is coming in like 5-10 years. Can't wait. Happy

(Where is Atari, Atari is like a play, it doesn't even count as a movie)

What the hell ?  Silent era is nes games? Those were in color. What about pong or all those early computer games? Text only games? Arcades?  You realize there was a videogame crash before your silent era? 90's were great but I'll still have great memories of the 80's as well.

Ai.. kids these days.

You'll have to excuse Vader. He's under the mistaken impression that video gaming started with the NES.

Edited: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 19:44:05

The VG Press

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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 19:42:46

Ravenprose said:

angrymonkey said:

Dvader said:

Yeah we are the generation that has seen gaming evolve. It is so exciting. We are those guys that went to the first movie with no sound. Then one day got to experience sound, and later color. The silent era in movies was like the NES era, the start of so many genres. The 16 bit era went into the age of sound in movies. The start of 3D for gaming was like the golden age of film, Zelda: OoT is our Casablanca or Gone With the Wind. Right now we are in the mega epic movie era in gaming. Our games are like Spartacus, Ben-Hur, Cleopatra, the most expensive movies ever made at the time. Soon we will enter the 70s so our Spielberg and our Star Wars is coming in like 5-10 years. Can't wait. Happy

(Where is Atari, Atari is like a play, it doesn't even count as a movie)

What the hell ?  Silent era is nes games? Those were in color. What about pong or all those early computer games? Text only games? Arcades?  You realize there was a videogame crash before your silent era? 90's were great but I'll still have great memories of the 80's as well.

Ai.. kids these days.

You'll have to excuse Vader. He's under the misguided impression that video gaming started with the NES.

It may as well have. LOL


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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 19:45:10

Ravenprose said:

angrymonkey said:

Dvader said:

Yeah we are the generation that has seen gaming evolve. It is so exciting. We are those guys that went to the first movie with no sound. Then one day got to experience sound, and later color. The silent era in movies was like the NES era, the start of so many genres. The 16 bit era went into the age of sound in movies. The start of 3D for gaming was like the golden age of film, Zelda: OoT is our Casablanca or Gone With the Wind. Right now we are in the mega epic movie era in gaming. Our games are like Spartacus, Ben-Hur, Cleopatra, the most expensive movies ever made at the time. Soon we will enter the 70s so our Spielberg and our Star Wars is coming in like 5-10 years. Can't wait. Happy

(Where is Atari, Atari is like a play, it doesn't even count as a movie)

What the hell ?  Silent era is nes games? Those were in color. What about pong or all those early computer games? Text only games? Arcades?  You realize there was a videogame crash before your silent era? 90's were great but I'll still have great memories of the 80's as well.

Ai.. kids these days.

You'll have to excuse Vader. He's under the misguided impression that video gaming started with the NES.

I know there were videogames before NES, but I know they were a very different kind of game, a crappy kind of game. The industry died and out of the ashes came the NEW game industry, a new type of game, one we are still playing today.

So i say again, everything pre-NES is like a play. Broadway is the Atari classics collection.

Edited: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 19:46:25
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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 19:45:16

Yeah the '90's were fantastic for gaming and the leaps in technology were quite amazing but I'd be a little hard pressed to not say that I'm having more fun gaming now then I've ever had what with the proliferation of online gaming, achievements/trophies, dlc, and all the other amazing things the tech in today's consoles offer us. The initial jump to 3D in the PS1/N64/Saturn was pretty ugly and a little jarring at times but now it's absolutely gorgeous.
Edited: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 19:46:08


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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 21:21:19

Dvader said:

I know there were videogames before NES, but I know they were a very different kind of game, a crappy kind of game. The industry died and out of the ashes came the NEW game industry, a new type of game, one we are still playing today.

So i say again, everything pre-NES is like a play. Broadway is the Atari classics collection.

Today's games are nothing more than an evolution from the games for the 70's and early 80's. They are not two different kinds of games; they are the same games, only the newer ones are longer and more complex. Do you really think Super Mario Bros would have ever been made if Miyamoto hadn't came up with Donkey Kong first? I don't think so.

Anyway, I'm not going to argue about it since this is not the point of this thread. You're not the first person to have labeled retro games from the 70's and early 80's as "crappy." *sigh*

The VG Press

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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 21:45:24
Pre-NES games were about high scores, no real levels, no level design. It was a simplistic boring look at games. SMB changed everything. Some people will argue Pitfall, are you kidding me. A game with a 20 minute timer and one screen.

WTF is this shit, yeah no.

This is gaming before SMB:

You go from that utter crappy simplisty of game design. TO THIS!

An overhead view of a young boy in a green tunic battling creaturesA person in a powered exoskeleton faces a brain in a glass-protected chamber.

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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 21:58:37
I have played practically every game known to man. YES, including those from the pre-NES era!

I have to agree with Vader here. Scrolling levels gave you goals other than high scores. THAT all started with Super Mario Bros.

I started gaming with the Atari 2600, but once the NES hit, I never looked back.
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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 22:38:19

phantom_leo said:
I have played practically every game known to man. YES, including those from the pre-NES era!

I have to agree with Vader here. Scrolling levels gave you goals other than high scores. THAT all started with Super Mario Bros.

I started gaming with the Atari 2600, but once the NES hit, I never looked back.


Agreed. I also started in the Atari 2600 era as well and I too have a vast library of games played under my belt.


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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 22:43:05
*sigh* I could argue this further, even showing many examples of how we had early versions of NES-like gameplay with games like Pitfall II (Metroid), and Adventure (Zelda) in the pre-NES days, but what would be the point other than to waste my time?

They might look "simplistic and boring" to you guys, but they still look great to me, which is why I still play my good 'ole Atari. Happy

Edited: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 22:44:10

The VG Press

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Wed, 10 Mar 2010 22:52:51
Blah... Rhonda... Blah... Quickclaw... Blah... Red Dragon... Blah.

Those levels didn't scroll.

...and you didn't just compare Adventure to Zelda... DID YOU?


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