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Monster Hunter 3 (Wii) Reviews are coming in - the crowd goes wild PAGE 13
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Sat, 06 Mar 2010 16:48:18

gamingeek said:

phantom_leo said:

GG will make an official topic for a game, discuss it for a year and a half and then never land up playing it, so he's probably out too.

Damned right. Happy

Steel will claim he wants the game and that he's going to buy it and then never will, citing steep import charges or excessively priced Mexican copies or lack of stock at his countryside mom and pop store. LOL


But...I've never claimed I wanted  I don't want this game.

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Sat, 06 Mar 2010 16:49:03
Look at any screenshot showing the current area's mini map, you will see rooms connecting with passageways (mostly, the design can vary a bit). Those passageways are the loading parts, you go into one side and appear at the other side, as if you travel the distance from one room to the next during the loading. The actual rooms vary in size, some are smaller, others much larger. If you see videos with almost constant loading it's only because the dude playing knows what he's doing and runs directly to his goal, picking the closest passage ways to him (there may be diff ones per room, some directly next to each other, kinda giving you different shortcuts to different areas if you want to take them). Fights tend to stay in one room, until the monster decides it's had enough and tries to flee, then you follow and continue the fight there. Normally you can't see where it went (well, at least if it's a flying beastie, if it's just running you can attempt to chase it directly) unless you throw a paintball on it which marks it for a period showing its location in the mini map, but the demo has that enabled all the time, and there's also a skill you can activate with the same effect in the full game. If you take too long to find it, it may regain strength by sleeping or eating other smaller beasties. Monsters can get fatigued also, which may disable some of their attacks until they regain strength. Anyway, this setup likely ensures the excellent online performance, as each client only needs to keep track of what's happening in the current room and not much else.
Edited: Sat, 06 Mar 2010 16:57:01
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Sat, 06 Mar 2010 16:56:37
Ah I see. Thanks.

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Sat, 06 Mar 2010 16:57:22

phantom_leo said:

To answer some questions posted throughout this topic over the past year:

(1) That little pumpkin guy you all were talking about (I believe) will be your companion in the single-player game. I have no idea if he will stick with you always or if he just serves as a Tutorial for starting players, but I'm pretty sure that's what it is.

(2) For those of you who may not know this game --->DOES NOT<--- require the use of Friend Codes --AND-- will be --->FREE<--- to play online!

(3) Those numbered sections on the map you may have noticed in some of the pics, those are where (roughly) the game needs to load. Numerous, but not bad.

*grumble, grumble*

no one ever listens to me...


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Sat, 06 Mar 2010 17:30:06

SteelAttack said:
I will only get this game if I have the chance to play with you guys. If Nintendo is going to fuck things up like they are accustomed to and make it pay to play or restrict online play like the first EO then I won't even bother.

SteelAttack said:

But...I've never claimed I wanted  I don't want this game.



...I wanted to see you swing your Great Sword...


Edited: Sat, 06 Mar 2010 17:37:31
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Sat, 06 Mar 2010 17:51:30

Oh, so it has unrestricted online?
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Sat, 06 Mar 2010 17:52:57
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Sun, 07 Mar 2010 09:57:49

phantom_leo said:

phantom_leo said:

To answer some questions posted throughout this topic over the past year:

(1) That little pumpkin guy you all were talking about (I believe) will be your companion in the single-player game. I have no idea if he will stick with you always or if he just serves as a Tutorial for starting players, but I'm pretty sure that's what it is.

(2) For those of you who may not know this game --->DOES NOT<--- require the use of Friend Codes --AND-- will be --->FREE<--- to play online!

(3) Those numbered sections on the map you may have noticed in some of the pics, those are where (roughly) the game needs to load. Numerous, but not bad.

*grumble, grumble*

no one ever listens to me...


That's because we listened to the Capcom press release and media reports that told us alreadly that it would be free to play online. Nyaa

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Sun, 07 Mar 2010 12:08:45
I really like these transparent images, are there any more (for Tri, I know the MH Wiki has for the older games)?

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Sun, 07 Mar 2010 13:51:14
Why are they transparent?

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Sun, 07 Mar 2010 14:04:14
Because it's cool? :-P
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Sun, 07 Mar 2010 14:08:17

Agnates said:
Because it's cool? :-P

Are these images actual character models or art, because the creatures in game look very much the same to me.

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Sun, 07 Mar 2010 14:54:08
Yes, it's just random PR stuff CAPCOM posted on the blog, they're transparent to match any page they were posted on. And yes, almost all renders you see around the web are using the in-game assets (except for the FMV intro quality stuff and a few other videos with the same quality, the ecology videos I mentioned earlier), though imo they look better in game with the soft lighting hiding any flaws and corners, while sharp renders make them obvious.

On another note, I love the shield bash you can do with the sword and shield now, I've learnt the Dos Jagi's AI (but still have trouble with the other one) and I don't even need to use a potion to kill it, always striking and dodging at the right time, knowing when there's room for a shield bash as it runs toward me  which often makes it pounce back and stop any attack, and eventually stuns it after multple hits to the head.

This game makes you feel so badass when your ass isn't getting kicked by a new monster Grinning
Edited: Sun, 07 Mar 2010 15:11:05
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Sun, 07 Mar 2010 20:04:23

Dont the little monsters annoy you when you are going after the big boss? Sort of like a boss that keeps spawning annoying minions in other games?

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Sun, 07 Mar 2010 20:31:01
They hinder you, not really annoyingly, just another obstacle for you to overcome. The dos jagi can call out more of them, but after you learn their AI they're pretty easy to either avoid or to quickly dispatch them inbetween dodging the big one. They only take a few strong attacks, maybe less than a few with the more powerful (but slower) weapon types. You just need to be careful with your movements, you don't wanna have nasty surprises where you time your potion usage just right and one of the dinos jumps on you stopping the action and putting you right in the path of the dos jagi's next attack or something, costing you a knock down. The bird thing can also mimic the dos jagi's voice and call some of them as well, or call the aid of bigger things, but there are ways to interrupt that call.
Edited: Sun, 07 Mar 2010 20:36:49
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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 14:16:27

Do they spawn or can you just polish off the little ones then take the fight to the big guy?

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Mon, 08 Mar 2010 14:28:24
You can do that, it might call out for more later, or if it flees the other area may have more of them. Boss specials aside, every area will likely have some animals, if you kill them and come back later some more might be there, or they might not be, if you leave and come back much later there may be some other species there this time, or even nothing at all, there's no exact respawning method that I know of, and they don't respawn in front of you or something. If the boss special calls some small ones they will likely appear from one of the current area's loading exits (not necessarily all usable by you, some might be paths only the monster can take to flee, and you pick other paths to follow) as if they came from elsewhere, not just pop up out of thin air.

Again all this is what I know from MHFU and it seems to be the case in the Tri demo as well, unless they've overhauled the ecosystem and made it more natural so that the only animals in the area are the animals spawned when you first visited it (for the current quest) and if you kill them all you end up with an empty area. I know they've made it so if some pack of animals appear to be leaving the area you can follow them and they move on to the next area properly through the load zones but I don't know if that natural effect only occurs when a special event is triggered (ie, their AI telling them to move to the next area due to being scared of your attacks or another monster, and you happen to be there) or if it's fully working constantly. The effect is the same for the user experience.
Edited: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 14:44:28
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Tue, 09 Mar 2010 13:00:49
Very proud to say that last night I finally beat up the damned red dinosaur with the hammer. And then I came extremely close to doing it again with the light bowgun.  Time ran out, but he was pretty close to being dead.  1 more minute and I think I would have had him. Very happy that I've finally figured out how to fight with the bowgun.  Probably going to be my weapon of choice.
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Tue, 09 Mar 2010 13:03:34
Nice work, go pwn the qurupeko now :-)
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Tue, 09 Mar 2010 13:05:03
That thing is already intimidating the hell out of me. If red dino was 1 star. . . I don't think I'm going to like a 3 star challenge.
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