phantom_leo said:To answer some questions posted throughout this topic over the past year:
(1) That little pumpkin guy you all were talking about (I believe) will be your companion in the single-player game. I have no idea if he will stick with you always or if he just serves as a Tutorial for starting players, but I'm pretty sure that's what it is.
(2) For those of you who may not know this game --->DOES NOT<--- require the use of Friend Codes --AND-- will be --->FREE<--- to play online!
(3) Those numbered sections on the map you may have noticed in some of the pics, those are where (roughly) the game needs to load. Numerous, but not bad.
*grumble, grumble*
no one ever listens to me...
SteelAttack said:I will only get this game if I have the chance to play with you guys. If Nintendo is going to fuck things up like they are accustomed to and make it pay to play or restrict online play like the first EO then I won't even bother.
SteelAttack said:But...
I've never claimed I wantedI don't want this game.
...I wanted to see you swing your Great Sword...
phantom_leo said:phantom_leo said:To answer some questions posted throughout this topic over the past year:
(1) That little pumpkin guy you all were talking about (I believe) will be your companion in the single-player game. I have no idea if he will stick with you always or if he just serves as a Tutorial for starting players, but I'm pretty sure that's what it is.
(2) For those of you who may not know this game --->DOES NOT<--- require the use of Friend Codes --AND-- will be --->FREE<--- to play online!
(3) Those numbered sections on the map you may have noticed in some of the pics, those are where (roughly) the game needs to load. Numerous, but not bad.
*grumble, grumble*
no one ever listens to me...
That's because we listened to the Capcom press release and media reports that told us alreadly that it would be free to play online.

Agnates said:Because it's cool? :-P
Are these images actual character models or art, because the creatures in game look very much the same to me.
On another note, I love the shield bash you can do with the sword and shield now, I've learnt the Dos Jagi's AI (but still have trouble with the other one) and I don't even need to use a potion to kill it, always striking and dodging at the right time, knowing when there's room for a shield bash as it runs toward me which often makes it pounce back and stop any attack, and eventually stuns it after multple hits to the head.
This game makes you feel so badass when your ass isn't getting kicked by a new monster

Dont the little monsters annoy you when you are going after the big boss? Sort of like a boss that keeps spawning annoying minions in other games?
Do they spawn or can you just polish off the little ones then take the fight to the big guy?
Again all this is what I know from MHFU and it seems to be the case in the Tri demo as well, unless they've overhauled the ecosystem and made it more natural so that the only animals in the area are the animals spawned when you first visited it (for the current quest) and if you kill them all you end up with an empty area. I know they've made it so if some pack of animals appear to be leaving the area you can follow them and they move on to the next area properly through the load zones but I don't know if that natural effect only occurs when a special event is triggered (ie, their AI telling them to move to the next area due to being scared of your attacks or another monster, and you happen to be there) or if it's fully working constantly. The effect is the same for the user experience.
I've never claimed I wantedI don't want this game.