The Wii U sucked. We don't have to be nice about it. It's the truth. It had some great exclusive games and the MiiVerse was pretty awesome, but that pretty much sums up the good stuff about it. And now the MiiVerse is dead and all but about a half dozen of those exclusive games are now available on the Switch. It could almost be phased out of existence without any real loss. Almost...

The Wii U still has one wonderful feature that makes it worth owning. It's just about the most perfect emulation device ever created. At least for Nintendo purposes. Along with the classic systems, it can act as a Wii and a DS, which is something you can't really do on PC or anything else for that matter.

The Wii titles in particular are what I'm looking forward to revisiting this summer. Another one of Wii U's massive shortcomings was the virtual console. So many great titles could have been given one last chance to be played. Then again maybe not considering only like 12 people had a Wii u. Still, I was definitely bitter that a lot of great games never got that one final showcase.

So this past weekend, I tinkered with my Wii U for several hours and unlocked it's potential!!! It was actually quite a pain in the butt, and would have been a lot easier had I just tried to do it on the Wii, but unfortunately the Wi-Fi on it is no longer working and that makes certain things significantly more difficult to do.

And while it is rationalization to some extent, it's also a reality that many Wii games cannot be imported to other systems because of the controller. Barring an actual successor to the Wii, these games are potentially locked and lost.

So at any rate that's going to be my summer project. I've pulled a list of games that I'd like to revisit or even play for the first time. And I'm going to see if my love for the Wii is still legit or if it's completely tinted by rose colored glass. That said, I've already gone a long way into this and I have to tell you, the Wii U menu looks fantastic when it's filled with a bunch of these Wii titles.
Posted by robio Tue, 01 Jun 2021 20:44:50 (comments: 36)
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Tue, 01 Jun 2021 20:57:33
Oh I will mention there is one early disappointment with this so far. Well most games will work, there's always a few that won't. In this case one of the ones that will not work is Another Code: R – A Journey into Lost Memories. That was one of the titles that I was looking forward to finally getting my hands on since it never made its way to North america. And it looks like that's not going to change. Not anytime soon anyway.

Very sad about that. The good folks at Cing made some damn good adventure games, and I would have liked to have seen them. On that note I still need to get around to playing their other game but didn't make it to North america, Last Window: The Secret of Cape West.
Tue, 01 Jun 2021 21:25:10

My WiiU has issues with the connection between console and gamepad, making it impossible to use.  Sure, a lot of games have been rereleased, but I'd be damned if I'm buying those again.  Since the U never really sold well, second hand consoles are also scarce and rather pricey.  I should just suck it up and get one now they're still around though.

Tue, 01 Jun 2021 21:40:52
SupremeAC said:

My WiiU has issues with the connection between console and gamepad, making it impossible to use.  Sure, a lot of games have been rereleased, but I'd be damned if I'm buying those again.  Since the U never really sold well, second hand consoles are also scarce and rather pricey.  I should just suck it up and get one now they're still around though.

Wii U's got expensive for about 6 months over here. But I think they're back to being dirt cheap again. outside of breath of the wild and maybe some of the more obscure games that got collector status, like devil's third, it's very rare to see even a game for it be more than $15.
Wed, 02 Jun 2021 14:28:14
Should of tried Mclassic on OG wii? As long as you have a 1080p or 720p TV.
Wed, 02 Jun 2021 15:58:49

So you put home brew on it? I have it as a wii emulator because it is built in, it's my Wii as well as Wii U. I recently played Umbrella Chronicles on it. Shame Nintendo has really shitty BC practices.

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 16:22:48
Dvader said:

So you put home brew on it? I have it as a wii emulator because it is built in, it's my Wii as well as Wii U. I recently played Umbrella Chronicles on it. Shame Nintendo has really shitty BC practices.

Yep. Too many Wii games have gotten stupidly expensive Particularly a lot of the late era games that got small releases, like Fishing Resort of all things. So it helps make them easier to track down.
Wed, 02 Jun 2021 23:45:11

I thought I heard that the Xbox Series S makes for an excellent emulation system.

Thu, 03 Jun 2021 12:34:10
Archangel3371 said:

I thought I heard that the Xbox Series S makes for an excellent emulation system.

I've read that too. Not a giant surprise. The original Xbox was a really good emulation device for the time. That said I wouldn't use any current gen consoles for that. If you're not using a pc, I think it's definitely better left for unsupported devices. Then again, the Wii u still gets that yearly update for increased stability.
Fri, 04 Jun 2021 22:37:01
Okay so my first experiment has come to a very quick end. The game that sort of spurned all this on in the first place, Fishing Resort, doesn't seem to like the emulator situation. Either that or it just might not like being played on a Wii u. There's a weird bug that occurs when it searches for free space to save games. Basically it doesn't find any, despite the fact that I have an unused SD card, a USB hard drive, and plenty of space on the Wii U hard drive.

Again, just a little frustrating because this was the game I wanted to play in the first place. I wanted a damn fishing game. Oh well, other games I've messed with have been a lot better, and I'll start bringing those up soon enough.
Sat, 05 Jun 2021 17:57:17
It's been a little time yesterday with a Resident Evil 4 with the Wii controls. I remember when the game first came out, that I just thought it was the most photorealistic thing I had ever seen in a video game. Despite the graphics being kind of brown and gray, it just looked incredible. Now...that's some muddy shit. As it should be though, the game is approaching its 20-year anniversary, which is scarier to me than anything in the game. Anyway, definitely time for the remake, and I look forward to seeing that when it does come out.

As far as the game itself, when I first played it years ago, I never could get used to the Wii controls. I know everyone said it makes it too easy, but that just isn't the case for me. I don't know if it's the hand trimmer or what, but it just is really hard for me to adapt to remote and infrared aiming to shoot. That definitely seems to be the case even now.

I did have a lot of fun with it, despite my struggles though. I will give it another go one of these days, and see if I can train myself a little bit better.
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