This game is tits
Platform | OVERALL |
Nintendo 3DS | 9.00 |
Overall | 9.00 |
Resident Evil Revelations is a true entry into the RE series even if it is on a handheld (for now). It has a campaign as large as any RE game. It has a mix of RE4 combat with a more traditional level layout of the entries of old. This is a game where the total package is excellent even if certain aspects are lacking. The campaign is split into chapters that act like a TV show with a "previously on" intro to each one. The majority of the campaign has you playing as Jill as she explores a ship filled with a new kind of BOW, the T-Abyss virus monsters which all look like skinless gooey things. The monsters come in various types like the standard "zombie" monster, one with huge claws, one that explodes and other almost boss like monsters that have specific weak points. The variety is pretty decent and you keep seeing new types as the game goes on. Now these enemies are not like ganado, they dont exactly react to specific body part shots in the traditional sense. Instead they have a certain damage threshold when reached they get stunned which allows you to perform a simple melee attack. The combat does not have the intensity of RE4 or RE5 mostly because these enemies are bullet sponges. It feels like old RE where you stand and shoot until they create a puddle on the floor. The level design is more traditional as well so expect lots of hallways or small flat rooms with few places to hide. Rarely do you see a room with multiple paths, with upper floors and lower floors but when you do it does feel a tad like RE4. Sadly most of the time the simple hallways doesn't allow the combat to shine so it becomes all about walking backward while firing. Oh that's right I forgot to mention you can move and shoot in this game. I will say that this game has the best controls of any RE ever, the options accommodate every single type of player. Want to play it totally traditional, you may, but believe me you will want to move and shoot. If you don't have a second stick the gyro sensor does an excellent job replacing the aim stick. The touch screen allows for quick changing of weapons, the d-pad does so as well. Grenades have their own button, so does health. The run button is gone, just hold the stick forward and you run. It controls like a dream and has the excellent camera you get from RE4. The RE6 teams should have been taking notes. When not battling monsters you are usually exploring the ship while using a device called Genesis that scans the environment. It sounds a bit annoying but its a neat mechanic which has many uses, like finding items in the game world. If you scan enemies you get herbs so may risk not having your weapon out just so that you can scan a monster. Some enemies are invisible which you can easily see with the scanner. The level design allows you to explore a bit but most of the time you still have to go to one specific point, with only one true path to get there. Don't expect a classic mansion like design where you can get keys in any order and approach the game as you so please. Puzzles are surprisingly absent, as is item management. There is one type of puzzle, a touch screen mini game that gets old fast. Outside of that there is practically nothing else outside of combat and scanning. When you are not playing as Jill you play as one of the other playable groups, either Chris or Kevin. These segments are far more action oriented pretty much pitting you in a straight narrow path with constant enemies attacking. Here you get more classic monsters like dogs and hunters; loads and loads of hunters. The limitations of the combat really show here as these segments become repetitive quickly. The campaign is very uneven because of the jumping between the more slower paced Jill story and the action segments. You also play many areas twice as different characters traverse the same locations. Jill has the best moments by far. The very best involving bosses, some that stalk you through a level like a quicker more nimble Nemesis. Its during those moments where Revelations matches the best of the series. But most of the time you are stuck in a game with combat that wants to be like RE4 but it doesn't come close and has level design like old RE but fails miserably in creating that old school experience. This creates an experience that is not good at either type of RE game but the mix is interesting enough to make it a very enjoyable one. I would say that if I was scoring the campaign alone it would be tied with RE0 as the worst mainline campaign. If you care about the story in RE games forget about this one, it has the worst story I have ever seen in a RE game. It stars a bunch of new characters that have zero personality. Jill and Chris might as well be new characters as well as they don't even act like themselves and have zero reference to anything that has happened before. The villains are the usual crazy dude that wants power without any of the cheesiness that makes RE villains work. Then there is Raid mode, move over mercenaries your time as the best mini game mode is over. Raid mode is better than the campaign, there I said it. Imagine RE becoming a loot game, imagine you can level up and you battle monsters who have levels as well. Raid mode basically follows the exact path of the main campaign but adjusts all levels to remove all story elements and puzzles. You begin by choosing your character, each have their own bonuses. Then you choose your weapon loadout, each weapon has a level which you must be at or be a higher level to use it. The weapons have stats like damage, shots per second, reload speed which all can be customized with upgrades which you find in the game. As you play you find new higher level weapons and if you are lucky you can find some rare guns. The enemies in this mode are the same as in the game with some major changes. For one they all have a visible life bar and you can see the damage you cause as you hit them. This makes it much easier to find their weakspots, all enemies have them in different spots requiring a specific strategy for all. Each enemy has a level as well, as long as you play in order you should level up at the same pace the monsters do to create that perfect difficulty balance. Now the best part are that some monsters have bonuses on them, some are super strong and are huge. Some are super quick and are tiny. Some have armor on meaning your bullets do much less damage unless you add armor piercing to your gun. This adjustments totally change the way the combat is approached, like a loot game some enemies SHOULD be bullet sponges, its all about how much damage you do as you avoid being hit, its excellent. Once you play through all levels, which can take like 6 hours you can do it all over again on the next level up, Like PSO it has three difficulty levels, each time the mix of monsters getting more and more crazy. Oh and you can play this whole mode online with a buddy. There is even a special level unlocked after completing a difficulty level that gives you the entire boat to explore, with multiple exits and only whatever ammo you start. And all enemies are max levels. Its the ultimate endurance mode, survival horror at its finest. Revelations was clearly created by some witchcraft cause no 3DS game even comes close to looking this good graphically. It has the look of RE5 but in handheld form, its hard to describe. If blown up obviously it looks much worse than RE5 but the way they disguise it on the handheld it looks stunning. The music is pretty decent and matches the sounds the more recent RE games have. This game is designed perfectly for portables offering easy pick up and play options and loads of replay value. Revelations is sort of a tale of two games. You have the story mode which I wish was better. It tries to be much like the old games but sort of misses the point of what makes them great. Then you have raid mode which is the best mini game mode in any RE game. I guess if you are not a fan of loot games this mode may not be your thing but I ate it up. Raid mode would have made a far better stand alone title than Mercs 3D. The overall package makes Revelations the best third party title on the 3DS by a long shot. I wonder if this will be the best Resident Evil game released this year. |
Posted by Dvader Sun, 30 Sep 2012 20:13:03
Sun, 30 Sep 2012 20:53:00
Excellent review! I agree completely, and I --CAN-- because I actually FINISHED this Resident Evil! It was good enough to keep me going until the very end! One question though: Who's Kevin?
Sun, 30 Sep 2012 20:55:43
Keith, Kevin, same thing.
Sun, 30 Sep 2012 20:57:30
Whatever you say, Daniel!
Sun, 30 Sep 2012 21:03:29
Great review and I agree with pretty much everything except the controls. They work fine with the given hardware but a second analog stick would have been so much better as I personally don't care to much for gyroscopic controls. It is still the best looking 3DS game and a great entry in the RE franchise due to gameplay but yeah I was quite disappointed in the throwaway story since I really dig the RE storyline in general. Raid mode is totally awesome.
Sun, 30 Sep 2012 21:12:33

Sun, 30 Sep 2012 21:26:00
It's better than RE3 and Zero. Not story wise but overall. Nice review.
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