Platform | OVERALL |
Wii U | 8.00 |
Overall | 8.00 |
Now this is how you do an expansion. For $20 the ENTIRE game of NSMBU is transformed into a new game starring Luigi. Yes the backgrounds are reused and the map is the same, who cares, every single level is brand new. These levels are slightly more challenging than the original versions, they are also much shorter. That's the one hitch, there is a 100 second timer to every level, so each stage is about half the size of the original. On one hand its nice to have a more concentrated challenge but it comes at the lack of really interesting well designed levels. I wasn't that thrilled with NSMBU, I found that the forumla has run its course. The levels are missing that spark that make the best platformers shine. Luigi doesn't really fix that but it proved to me one thing, I can play this game forever. While it may not be up to the best of Mario standards, NSMBU and NSLU are simply fun as hell games with perfect controls and TONS of content. I enjoyed going through every level. Looking for every hidden coins all over again, searching for devilishly hidden secret levels. None of it was that challenging which is a shame cause that is what Nintendo advertised this version as. This game is like old faithful, if you every need something enjoyable to play just pop it in. I got about another good 10 hours out of this game, for $20 that is a great deal. |
Posted by Dvader Tue, 10 Sep 2013 03:05:38
Tue, 10 Sep 2013 11:43:23
Better than Witcher 2.
Tue, 10 Sep 2013 11:46:17
This is not for me I think.
Wed, 18 Sep 2013 15:18:23
I payed €40 for the disc copy. I can't stomach more NSMBu, but a single player focused stiffer challenge, I am interested in. Enjoyable, but the levels are laughably short. Which, considering the challenge in some, isn't necessairily a bad thing.
Thu, 19 Sep 2013 12:58:27
I want that green case more than I want to play the game
Fri, 20 Sep 2013 03:26:05
Its weird for me but the shorter levels with no check points kind of made the game easier. Long levels with poor checkpoints or no checkpoints mess me up a lot more than tiny bursts. So in the end I think I found Luigi to be easier.
Tue, 24 Sep 2013 08:36:36
I don't know if the shorter levels make it easier. Some levels just click and I can breeze through them in one go. Others don't, and it'll take me a couple of lives to see them through to the end. The game is focused a lot on the ideal racing line. If you get it right, you can breeze through most levels.
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