You have been warned. If you miss this chance. I will have to fart some of my Lost Wind into your faces.
Actually it's too late for most people unless you already have pre-loaded credit in the Wii Shop. You can't add anything else, and so if it's not already in there can't make new purchases.
I’ve been playing Monster Hunter World and Resident Evil 2 remake this weekend. RE2 is sooooooo good. Familiar yet different. Quite tense and creepy as well. I love it.
Mainly Langrisser again. But I did give an old SNES game a try, U.N. Squadron. It gets a lot of praise as being one of the best 16-bit shoot-em-ups, and I vaguely remembered playing it at the house of some kids I used to babysit for. I'm going through a few of the levels, and it's okay I guess. Not really sure what the fuss is about though. Then again, there's only a handful of shoot em ups that I've really ever liked anyway.
I really enjoyed U.N. Squadron myself. I really dug the soundtrack and some of the boss fights. I thought the game had a really cool look to it. Loved that one stage with the parallax scrolling dark clouds and lightning in the background. I always was fond of parallax scrolling.
Piranha Plant is now available for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Today is the final day for the Wii Shop.
RIP that music
T_Prime85 on Twitch

Your last day to buy Lost Winds 2.
You have been warned. If you miss this chance. I will have to fart some of my Lost Wind into your faces.
You play it using a mouse? Meh
Actually it's too late for most people unless you already have pre-loaded credit in the Wii Shop. You can't add anything else, and so if it's not already in there can't make new purchases.
Fine, I'm farting into a jar and closing the lid in preparation.
I chuckled. Well done.
For us that was a Tuesday.
That usually just happens naturally after a few good shovelings
D: I loved winter as a kid but as an adult it can go and suck it.
T_Prime85 on Twitch

I’ve been playing Monster Hunter World and Resident Evil 2 remake this weekend. RE2 is sooooooo good. Familiar yet different. Quite tense and creepy as well. I love it.
So what have you lickers been playing?
I really enjoyed U.N. Squadron myself. I really dug the soundtrack and some of the boss fights. I thought the game had a really cool look to it. Loved that one stage with the parallax scrolling dark clouds and lightning in the background. I always was fond of parallax scrolling.