GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Sqeenix: Deus Ex remains a “very important franchise” but will have to wait its turn before getting another entry because nobody asked for this gamingeek
[] Revisiting Crysis, the last great bastion  of PC elitism gamingeek
[] Switch RE Revelaitons 2 vs XB1 Switch is better, it seems gamingeek
[] Mario Odyssey Metro Kingdom walkthrough gamingeek
[] Portraying migrants' struggle via cellphone game They're bringing drugs, rapists etc editorial gamingeek
[] ​Pokemon game series surpasses 300M lifetime sales I'm tearing up... getting Misty. gamingeek
[] ​Activision unhappy with dog poo removal company Call of Doodee What a load of s**t gamingeek
NPD: Switch is on-pace to exceed Wii sales by 20%  analyst says gamingeek
[] Switch was the best selling item from Black Friday Hatchimals was no 2 gamingeek
[] Valkyria Chronicles 4 producer Q&A - dev time coming back to the series, and more​ gamingeek
[] ​L.A. Noire - UK sales data Switch ver 20%, XB1 ver 26% gamingeek
[] ​ARMS - selection of mobile keychains incoming Arms-some gamingeek
[] Nintendo Switch Online application - version 1.1.2  is available to download​ gamingeek
[] Rumor: There's a Mario Cereal coming And the box acts as an amiibo gamingeek
[] Model Chrissy Teigen Rants  About Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp's "Jerks" editorial gamingeek
[] Sony: "Sometimes we announced games too early" "Sometimes people say, NO SHIT" news gamingeek
[] Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp review gamingeek
[] Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 on Switch  GoNintendo Video Reviews - impressions gamingeek
[] EA cancelled Visceral Star Wars Because it was too linear and not economically viable gamingeek
Devil May Cry 5 using UE4 gamingeek
[] Screens of THQs open world action RPG Biomutant media gamingeek
[] "You probably don't want Darth Vader in pink" EA says gamingeek
[] ​VR to star in China's $1.5bn future tech theme park VR to bring the Mao Factor gamingeek
[] ​EA share dip wipes $3 billion from publisher’s value That's a lot of loot gamingeek
[] Bungie cancels Trials of Osiris steam  to address 'how we're reacting to your feedback' instead​ gamingeek
Nintendo is officially the richest company in Japan Sony is at no 4 gamingeek
[] Xenoblade Chronicles 2 reviews round up XXXXXsss out of 10? impressions gamingeek
[] Xenoblade 2 review: ambitious and enormous​ "a few flaws can’t hold this RPG back" gamingeek
[] Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Adds Event Theater And Details Expansion Pass Content​ gamingeek
[] Xenoblade Chronicles 2 9/10 - "This is another Xenoblade gem, and a must-have for the most dedicated of adventurers." gamingeek
[] Gambling-addicted teen begs EA to reconsider​ ​ microtransaction strategy gamingeek
[] ​Sega cuts full-year profit forecast by 54.5 percent It takes ages to be this good gamingeek
[] Eurogamer reviews Xenoblade 2 "The true sequel to the best-loved contemporary JRPG is unrestrained in its ambition, and the result is a chaotic kind of brilliance. " impressions gamingeek
[] Fatal Fury's Geese Howard joins Tekken 7  He's a bit chicken gamingeek
[] Skate gets a Kickstarter spiritual sequel Now you can flip the bird gamingeek
[] FF XV will soon let you play as any of the best boys​ I like to call them, the best-ie boys gamingeek
[] Playtonic celebrating Yooka-Laylee on Switch  with 64-Bit Edition giveaway​ gamingeek
RE Revelations - A look at Joy-Con motion controls  and IR camera usage​ in video gamingeek
[] Pokemon Movie Finds Female Lead gamingeek
[] ​ARMS - official version 4.1 patch notes The mysterious new fighter “Springtron” can now be selected. gamingeek
[] ​Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp - Christmas Event now live Most people say Christ when they see their in game bill gamingeek
[] This week's North American downloads - November 30 (Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Nine Parchments and more)​ gamingeek
[] This week's European downloads - November 30  (Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Resident Evil, 80'S OVERDRIVE and more)​ gamingeek
[] EA email claims Nintendo Direct coming in January Fe on February 18 gamingeek
[] ​Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - video reviews It's Buyin' time impressions gamingeek
[] Mario Cereal is Sureal yet tasty gamingeek
[] Nintendo's "insane turnaround" driving holiday sales In fact, according to IDC, Nintendo is almost single-handedly driving the hardware market with its Switch bundle sales. gamingeek
[] Xenoblade Chronicles 2’s Launch Trailer Has real Rex appeal media gamingeek
[] Teacher Whose Son Has Leukaemia Fights Back Tears After His Students Buy Him A Switch gamingeek
[] Take-Two predicts a complete shit to digital in around 10 years And no, that wasn't a typo gamingeek
[] Jak II, Jak 3 and Jak X Combat Racing  all hit PlayStation Store gamingeek
[] Super Mario Run was Google Play's most downloaded  new game of 2017​ gamingeek
[] Splatoon 2 - mini weapon collection #2  Is impossibly cute due out March 2018​ gamingeek
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Wed, 29 Nov 2017 21:18:12

Avengers looks fantastic.  It stars a ton of characters who might be considered B tier, but still looks fucking better than a movie starring Batman, Superman and Wonderwoman.  I hate to say this because I love Batman,Superman and Wonderwoman, but DC may need to just start over.  They’ve totally dropped the ball here.

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Wed, 29 Nov 2017 21:18:20

Anyone else getting Xenoblade 2 this week?

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Wed, 29 Nov 2017 21:24:18

Fuck Fox for holding the Silver Surfer rights.

This was my favourite series growing up and they are fucking it over.

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Thu, 30 Nov 2017 00:15:14
GG Silver Surfer might go to Marvel soon. Fox is looking to sell it's movie studio to Disney along with the rights to all their movies.

I actually liked X-Men at Fox and don't really want it to be apart of the MCU their movies were better than Marvel's in my opinion. The only two bad ones are Last Stand and Apocalypse.


  • SMB Mix-Up! (1AB2-0000-0047-5A7D)
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Thu, 30 Nov 2017 08:27:14

Make the Switch.

Look at them playing that Switch. Awww...


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Thu, 30 Nov 2017 08:34:31
gamingeek said:


Would alcohol help?

I actually dipped a guass pad in some jack daniels and stuffed that in my mouth. It helped a bit. As it turns out I had a bad abscess in the tooth next to the one I got crowned. This tooth has been shady for awhile but I wasn't expecting this anytime soon. It infected my gums which caused the insane pain. Now I'm taking penicillin for a week which has already started to knock it down. I have a giant ball forming in my gum next to the tooth, full of yummy stuff. Can't wait until it pops.


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Thu, 30 Nov 2017 09:34:21
edgecrusher said:

I actually dipped a guass pad in some jack daniels and stuffed that in my mouth. It helped a bit. As it turns out I had a bad abscess in the tooth next to the one I got crowned. This tooth has been shady for awhile but I wasn't expecting this anytime soon. It infected my gums which caused the insane pain. Now I'm taking penicillin for a week which has already started to knock it down. I have a giant ball forming in my gum next to the tooth, full of yummy stuff. Can't wait until it pops.

Nintyfan17 said:
GG Silver Surfer might go to Marvel soon. Fox is looking to sell it's movie studio to Disney along with the rights to all their movies.

I actually liked X-Men at Fox and don't really want it to be apart of the MCU their movies were better than Marvel's in my opinion. The only two bad ones are Last Stand and Apocalypse.

You know when Lionsgate made the Planet Hulk movie they actually had to replace the SS with Beta Ray Bill because of Fox. For some reason they tied his character exclusively to the Craptastic Four.

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Thu, 30 Nov 2017 12:53:13

I've been eyeballing that game Biomutant for awhile now. It's on my Steam wishlist. I really dig the style and vibe of it. This and that game Vampyr from the Life is Strange guys, I'm really hoping they both deliver. Old school vibes get me excited.


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Thu, 30 Nov 2017 12:54:31

View on YouTube

They make some great picks here. Star Tropics 3, anyone?


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Thu, 30 Nov 2017 16:34:49
edgecrusher said:

Make the Switch.

Look at them playing that Switch. Awww...

Did you ever review the game here? I wouldn't mind reading one if you were up to it.

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Thu, 30 Nov 2017 16:42:11
edgecrusher said:

I actually dipped a guass pad in some jack daniels and stuffed that in my mouth. It helped a bit. As it turns out I had a bad abscess in the tooth next to the one I got crowned. This tooth has been shady for awhile but I wasn't expecting this anytime soon. It infected my gums which caused the insane pain. Now I'm taking penicillin for a week which has already started to knock it down. I have a giant ball forming in my gum next to the tooth, full of yummy stuff. Can't wait until it pops.

Oh hell man, I went through something like that a couple years ago. Pissed me off too. You take the time to brush, floss, etc and you still have stuff like this happen. Ended up getting a root canal. Hope the pain ends soon enough.
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Thu, 30 Nov 2017 17:20:24

Xenoblade 2 reviews

DualShockers: 9.5/10

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is one of those RPGs that I didn’t want to end. Luckily, there is enough post-game content to satisfy players looking to sink 100’s of hours into more adventures with Rex and the party. However, I can’t seem to shake the feeling that I was left with as the end credits rolled. I feel like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 showed me what it’s like to go on a real adventure and it happens to be one that I don’t think I will ever forget.

Nintendo World Report: 9,5/10

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is one of the finest JRPGs of the generation and perhaps of all time. The two or three complaints I have are nitpicks, the most significant of which likely won’t occur for players taking their time and enjoying the incredible world that Xenoblade Chronicles 2 creates. Washing over any minor issues is one of the most engaging stories I’ve ever played, a vastly improved and fun combat system, and an out-of-this-world soundtrack. It sets a precedent for JRPGs on the Switch that I doubt will be topped, unless of course Monolith Soft somehow manages to pump out a Xenoblade Chronicles X 2 before the end of the generation.

RPGsite - 9

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is an extraordinary game that stays true to the ideal, classic RPG experience. Monolith Soft has meticulously crafted a typical boy-meets-girl and save-the-world story into an endearing tale that feels fresh. The amount of thought and work put into the world of Alrest is jaw-dropping. It’s masterfully put together with incredible cutscenes, a charming cast, a thrilling battle system, and an exceptional soundtrack. Technical performance issues and a troublesome method in acquiring new Blades blemish the experience a little, but no JRPG fan should give this a pass. This year has brought us a great deal of superb RPGs and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 magnificently stands tall among them to close the year out with a bang.
Edited: Thu, 30 Nov 2017 17:32:27

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Thu, 30 Nov 2017 17:57:54

Good reviews for xenoblade, I still don't think I will pick it up anytime soon. I am battling carnage who is of course descrediting the reviews saying that xenoblade sold poorly so that shows no one liked it. Lol

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Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:26:20
Dvader said:

Good reviews for xenoblade, I still don't think I will pick it up anytime soon. I am battling carnage who is of course descrediting the reviews saying that xenoblade sold poorly so that shows no one liked it. Lol

His logic is quite remarkable. It's like to him "2 + 3 = chair."
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Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:42:48
robio said:

Oh hell man, I went through something like that a couple years ago. Pissed me off too. You take the time to brush, floss, etc and you still have stuff like this happen. Ended up getting a root canal. Hope the pain ends soon enough.

Do you have teeth that are really close together? That's how mine are and it seems like people who don't have well spaced out teeth end up having tons of issues no matter how well you try to take care of them. I know other people who have near perfect teeth and don't take care of them at all. Really sucks, especially with how expensive it is to get work done to your mouth. Luckily, the pain is pretty much gone now....I was up like 30 hours straight monday into tuesday because of the pain. Ugh.


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Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:43:10
Dvader said:

Good reviews for xenoblade, I still don't think I will pick it up anytime soon. I am battling carnage who is of course descrediting the reviews saying that xenoblade sold poorly so that shows no one liked it. Lol

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Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:45:31
robio said:

His logic is quite remarkable. It's like to him "2 + 3 = chair."

I can't stand when people try to gauge how good something is based on popularity. It literally has nothing to do with it. Especially in this day and age with the absolute garbage that gets tossed out there in the entertainment industry.

Edited: Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:46:27


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Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:46:12

Really solid reviews for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I’m really looking forward to this game myself.


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Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:47:36

I hope they also put Xenoblade 1 and X on the Switch. I would buy them at a high price.


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Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:51:18

What's your opinion on reviews regarding playtime, guys? I remember way back reviewers were expected to complete a game to be qualified to review it. Now the number of short linear single player games is shrinking and/or there is so much post completion content - that I think most reviews are the equivalent of hot takes.

If I think about XCX, I sunk over 250 hrs into that game and seeing some reviewers at 30-60 hrs then reviewing it, I'm highly aware of a swathe of content that they haven't even seen yet. Now you can't expect a reviewer to be able to have that amount of time before doing a review, yet on the other hand there is tons of stuff they haven't seen or done. So how do you square it?

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