Gunman shot by Pokemon GO player he tried to rob
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Darksiders: Warmastered Edition - details, screens
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robio (9m)
The key to NX is not Zelda or Mario or good games, it's POKEMON GO. And mobile games like it. It absolutely has to tie into the mobile games and make them better, have exclusives. Hook people on the phone and make them want the good stuff where they pay for the NX. If they don't do this they are stupid.
I think if they are smart they include 4G some how.
That did not work very well for the Vita. I can't imagine a scenario how Nintendo will pull it off. Maybe if they find a compelling way to create a near mandatory online service like PSN or Xbox Live.
NX will be $200, because that used to be the Nintendo sweet spot all the way through the Gamecube era and they KNOW they are fucked if the NX doesn't sell greatly.
I don't see the point in buying the S. I'm skipping that and buying the Scorpio at launch next October.
I don't think Nintendo will include mobile data in the NX. If anything they'll look into partnerships with wifi providers to be able to offer free hotspots to NX users.
As for price I think everything will depend on marketting. If it's being sold as a handheld first it can't be above €250 if it's really high end, or €200 otherwise. If it's being sold as a home console you can take along with you, I can see €350 being a viable option.
What worries me in terms of game design however, is how the mobility will impact gameplay. Sure, extra horsepower in the 'dock' could boost graphical fidelity for home play, but the ambition of gameplay will be limited by the neccessity to be able to run in a lower energy mode on the handheld itself. Unless Nintendo muddies the message by saying that some games can function on the go.
As for the design, how will this docking of a part of the handheld work? Will it be a freeform screen that sits atop a gamecube like controller? What happens when you dock the screen? I can't imagine Nintendo would then not use this screen at all when at home. Will the dock sit next to your couch to be used like the gamepad in Pikmin 3? How practical would such a thing be?
And lastly, I still can't believe Nintendo would put all their eggs in one basket. What happens if this NX thing doesn't take off? This is the company that introduced the DS as a 'third pillar' in case it wouldn't stick. Perhaps the dock is a fullfledged console in its own right, and what we've seen so far is only the handheld, with the console being a standalone piece of hardware that somehow can benefit from extra computational power for multiplayer games, the portable doubling as an extra controller?
edit: something that I also don't agree with is that this is a good thing, as it will benefit all those devs who made Ds and 3DS games. Their pool of potential consumers will hardly grow (13 million WiiU's) unless the NX is a runaway success akin to the Wii, which is at least an uncertainty and at most very unlikely. What is very much likely however, is that for all these devs development costs will rise siginificantly, thus heavily impacting their bottom line. The reason the 3DS and DS got all those quirky games was because they're cheap to develop for as they're low tech and thus low risk. What happens when all of a sudden those devs have to compete with full-blown home console titles?
Very excited for the Fast Racing NEO DLC. Do we know if this will be free or paid for yet? I must say that I haven't been able to put in as much time as I would have hoped with the game. It's also a game that's hard to put down and just pick up later, as the game is so eye blistering fast. If the pricing is right (€20-30) I'll definitely pick this up when it gets its physical release. An F-zero clone this good deserves a place on my shelves.
I didn't jump on FAST when it originally came out, so a physical copy seems like a good way to grab it. Unless there's a fairly dramatic sale between now and then I'll probably pick it up.
Wasn't that 3G though? My old phone had 3G and it fucking sucked balls. Almost 56k kind of speed. 4G is basically broadband speed.
I'm not actually sure if it's getting a physical release in the USA. It's confirmed for Europe though.
Anyone see Darksiders remastered? It's 1080p, even on Wii U.
Think about that, what other PS3/360 game is there that ended up as 1080p on U? Answer.... none? So yeah, pretty cool to see. Wish other companies had made the effort.
Regardless of what's in the dock, the handheld will have an Tegra X1 in it, which is still way more powerful than Wii U and Wii U can do XCX and Breath of the Wild. You should be more worried about developers gearing all the titles as handheld style portable games, instead of AAA epic budget busters.
It really depends on whether there is any wireless video signal and HDMI dongle. Otherwise the dock would have to be near the tv with the handheld plugged into it. The controller breaks off and acts wirelessly. Otherwise if the dock was near you on the couch and the handheld in it you would have a long ass HDMI cable crossing your floor. But at least you could still use the touchscreen at the same time. The only way to make that work would be via wireless video signal + dongle.
I can see your point but I don't necessarily think it would be that bad. I doubt the screen would be 3D so Phoenix Wright could go back to 2d art, it would just be higher res and more detailed. There are a lot of Layton style games with minimal movement, lots of puzzle type games. Some of these games just need cleaner edges and better lighting. Animal Crossing New Leaf looked pretty great. But I think it does open up the portable games market to home console players. Inazuma 11 for instance, I wouldn't get that on a handheld, but an anime football game I could play on the bigscreen at home? Or on a high end handheld with large high quality screen? I might even buy a fricking Pokemon game again for the first time since the DS one.
Then there's the portable games that never made it to Wii U, like Fire Emblem or Animal Crossing. I'd be bathing in these games on NX and not have to look with the stink eye at stuff like Tokyo Mirage sessions.
here's Eurogamer's basic mock-up based on its information from sources:
We've seen lots of attempts at fleshing this out to look like something resembling a final form factor. We have to say one of our favourite mock-ups is from the very talented NeoGAF user Pittree, who might possibly have summed up all of our hopes and dreams for the Nintendo NX to be revealed later this year ahead of its March 2017 launch. It seems to take the style and materials seen in the small white New Nintendo 3DS model, with some subtle tweaks. Let's take a look:
After getting a lot of praise for this original concept Pittree went away and worked on it further, adding in speakers and a design for detachable controllers. Here we can see the mock-up integrated with Nintendo's rather lovely "There's No Play Like It" branding featuring a different controller bolt-on. Might Just Dance Now be played in tablet form with one of the detachable controllers serving as a motion tracking device? It's also easy to imagine playing classic games in that mode, using NES and SNES-style controls.
Now we see how Zelda: Breath of the Wild might look on the Nintendo NX, followed by examples of how two player games might work.
While Pittree did a sterling job of showing how he thinks Nintendo NX might look, like so many concept mock-ups there are no shoulder buttons that we can see - unless those tiny nubs in a couple of images are meant to represent these. We find it had to believe the NX wouldn't feature these inputs, unless those controls become 'virtual' options on the screen. Time will tell.
So anyone else remember the Digitimes article that some people derided, saying that Digitimes were wrong more than right? Eurogamer is getting all sorts of credit for the NX story but Digitimes broke the news weeks if not months ago.
So if they were right, look at the last line.
VR function too.
I would prefer that you choose your own power option. I'll be mainly using mine in the house plugged into the mains. Even if the X1 was downclocked for mobile play it would still be more than twice as powerful as Wii U.
VR would be easy with a gear VR like device. I bet Nintendo for sure gets in on that.