Gunman shot by Pokemon GO player he tried to rob
Now they're fighting back
Darksiders: Warmastered Edition - details, screens
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SupremeAC (4m)
Dark Souls 2, Animal Crossing amiibo Festival, Final Fantasy X and Rocket League for me.
Just been playing Limbo with the limited time I have. I think I'll shelve Wolfenstein" Old Blood for now since I have Doom for PS4 on the way in the mail.
Then I'll balance Insed with that for a while. Not entirely sure what format to get Inside on. MS has shown good faith with the backward compatibility and I really wonder about Steam these days and if they are in it for the long haul. Irrational, I know.
I've been playing the first Assassin's Creed on the Xbox One this week....wanted to see how it ran on it, and it runs great. Still a really good looking game all these years later. I'm trying to play all the way through it to see if I can get all the remaining achievements.
I see.
Get back to watching FMA, pathetic excuse for a human.
Its actually pretty cool. Fun, laidback family time, we had a blast seeing the regular AC characters do their thing in random special events.
Any amount of time I put into learning Splatoon will be time not spent on Rocket League.
I would but I don't want to embarrass you with my leet skillz.
So star fox is a good game that controls like shit and never really finds good footing. Really the controls are just stupid, I can't find any benefit to them. When I am looking at the tv screen and try to play it like star fox the motion controls don't let it feel right. If I switch to the hybrid mode any time it goes into freemode where looking At the pad is needed I can't play with that so I put back motion. Freemode at times has the camera on the side so you basically have to fly and shoot with the pad.
The other vehicles have similar issues but it depends of the vehicle. The Walker is cool and feels like tails from SA2. I like being able to transform on the fly. The gyrocopter is terrible. I did a whole level flying around slowly, dropping a tiny robot to hack shit. It was an exploration level, wtf this is an action game. Totally out of place.
There is ton of rewards and medals for high level play but I for the life of me can't figure out how to play at a high level. There are medals given for hidden objectives which is a pain, give me a hint of how to get them.
When it works and feels like star fox yeah it's great. The tank level felt like the most normal level so far without any of the forced pad watching and it was fantastic. But most of the time I feel like I am just getting by the levels cause they are easy, not really skillfully.
And this is what gg wants peope to play. Stop peddling your gross shit gg!
Wait, is Sega releasing a Mini-Megadrive this year?
Played AC Amiibo Festival once again with the family. It is quite fun! It's not only the board game, you can also unlock stuff like clothing or emotes for your amiibo (it saves your exp to the amiibo after each completed game), and there are special minigames that are available at certain points of the game. We had a blast freaking out when the turnip market plummeted and we were all loaded up with turnips hoping to land in a spot with high selling value. It is not a deep game, and it is not for single playing, but it is quite fun for what it is.
Well that blows the mini NES away....even SEGA makes better consoles than Nintendo.
Forget you guys have even seen this. This is a smaller version of that plug and play genesis that was released a few years ago, completed with the 40 generic games like chess. The emulation on this is not good and the sound is even worse. It's shit.
This makes me sad.
Glad I could shit in someone's cereal today.
Wtf why is this place dead. NX is basically revealed and nothing?!?!?!?!
This is HUGE. Portable console, detachable controllers that becomes local two player, mobile graphics chip, cartridges. Crazy stuff.