Gunman shot by Pokemon GO player he tried to rob
Now they're fighting back
Darksiders: Warmastered Edition - details, screens
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aspro (27s)
Mega impressions post.
Beat star fox, final level was amazing! Anytime you battle star wolf it's like fast paced rogue squadron, so much fun. There are a ton of secret levels, the game map keeps updating with secrets, it feels like a Mario map with all kinds of hidden stuff that activates as you do things in levels. Controls are still not the best but most of the game is exciting and fun. Loads of replay value. GG needs this game.
played Rainbox Six Siege free weekend, wow what a great tactical shooter. It's one life per round, you die you are out. There are a ton of roles to unlock, each with a special ability that can help the team. Levels are very destructible but the other team can reinforce areas for defense. It's such a nice break from running around like a headless chicken in most online shooters.
played Ark survival free weekend, what a piece of shit. You start naked in the jungle and EVERYTHING kills you. A fucking mosquito killed me. You have to punch trees like a lunatic to get supplies and run around gathering shit. Eveytime I get enough to make one damn took a fucking giant snake eats me, or a spitter attacks me, or a giant Dino eats me, or I freeze to death, and so on. Fuck it I can't stand these survival games. What has minecraft done.
I bought Adrift for the rift, that is the gravity like game. Holy shit what a pile of utter garbage. It's like gone home, in space but longer and more boring. You do nothing but float forward and grab oxygen tanks, then read or listen to story bits. If not for the cool VR aspect of it this game would be totally worthless.
I also got Titans of space VR which is a solar system tour, it's not a game. Now this was worth it. You know those pictures that show the scale of the biggest Suns to our sun. Imagine that in VR with you seeing the scale in person, it's crazy. You float through the solar system, look at the planets, learn some neat facts. It's really cool.
Good games Robio. When that Sven dude up and left at the start of the Mohran battle I thought we were done for. I need to find a crazy person who'll take me along once more and I'll have enough material for a Mohran charge axe
. I also can't help but notice how you fainted twice in that battle. Was also very impressed with your matching gear. I've played every quest like once, no way am I going to amass matching gear
. Hopefully we'll manage to meet up some more. Hunting is much better with more, not to mention a hell of a lot faster.
Those prices are insane.
Pokémon Go update went live. Seems much more stable now. The app used to crash on us at least every 10 minutes, today not once. Also love their workaround for the broken proximity steps thing: just ditch it.
And I can't help but notice you are a bitch for bringing that up... Mr. Bitch.
But yes it was fun. And all of my armor is matching. I will kill some damn monster dozen times if need be in order to have a full suit of gear. I'm OCD like that. Now that I know what I am doing with the online mode I will have to start playing that way more and get my rank up so we can start taking on monsters that are a little more challenging than a damned great Jaggi.