study on how gaming habits change with age
competitive games become less attractive
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robio (10m)
Outside of Sunset Overdrive and Rare Replay are there any legitimately good games that are exclusive to the Xbox One?
One of the site's forefathers.
Forza 5
Forza 6
Forza Horizon 2
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Halo 5
Those are the ones that are currently available.
Can't beat Zanza on Xenoblade Wii. And you jerks won't help.
Sorry but I just don't recall any particular advice that I can give you for that. Perhaps I was at a higher level where I didn't have to concern myself with being all that strategic.
Just use google. There's a bunch of advice for the game out there.
Been meaning to pick up Horizon 2.
I've only played a little bit of it but I really enjoyed it so far.
study on how gaming habits change with age competitive games become less attractive
Could have fooled me. My brother is in his late 40's and basically all he's played since 2007 is Call of Duty.
There's an abundance of racers. I wonder if picking up the cheaper Forza 5 would be worth it considering 6 is already out. I mean are there many differences between them?
Ancel on Beyond Good and Evil 'it was hard to sell a heroine who can not handle gun and who does not have a big chest, it was something new'
Her chest looks fine to me.
Forza 6 is a pretty solid improvement over 5 with more tracks and the addition of rain and night racing.
Thanks, I guess 6 is the smart choice
The two most boring first party franchises. I wouldn't be surprised if this lack of exclusivity hurts Microsoft in the future.
The best strategy is to make sure you are leveled up enough before fighting him. Zanza really isn't that difficult if you can beat Dickson. I believe I focused on just attacking Zanza and ignoring his angel-like companions, but I'm not 100% sure.
Not too surprised. I have noticed that I play less competitive games then I did when I was in high school and college. Ironically I now enjoy games that are practically just visual novels and battle strategy games.
One of the site's forefathers.
Well you may think that they are boring but I think that they are excellent so whatever. Also there are more exclusives coming in the future. Personally I don't really care if the games end up on PC as well or not, I prefer to game on consoles in general anyway. As long as I can get good games that I can enjoy on my system of choice then that's all that really matters to me.
I've read it and it wasn't that helpful. Supposedly Zanza is level 82 and I am 81.
It will take another several hours to get even a couple of levels above him. I am locked into Prison Island with no way out. I have to go to the kitchen to mass slaugter Obarts. I can't even get past the 1st phase of Zanza.
Dickson was a breeze, as were the spirits. Even Lorathia was easy once I knew what I was doing. You can't just focus on Zanza as you cannot topple him for long, if at all and he chain attacks with the companions, unless you take them out. Even Reyn with 9999/9999 life gets killed easily.
Cross-buy functionality will be an Xbox "platform feature" and cross-save
Sounds an awfull lot like a company preparing to pull out of the console race in my opinion... Perhaps MS would like Xbox to become more akin to Steam, where they themselves are hardware-agnostic If so they've also given up on owning the living room. I can see how this would interest them. Keep getting paid licencing fees to be available on the Xbox platform, keep receiving money from consumers through XBL and without having to worry about spending a lot of money on researching and advertising new hardware. Not sure on how I'd feel about all that.
Free anime on Windows store for PC, Xbox owners So far, we have The Devil is a Part Timer and STEINS GATE
I highly reccomend The Devil is a Part Timer - it's short, 13 episodes and funny as heck.
Steins Gate is 26 episodes and some people really love it, but for me was a bit too long and unfocused.
You guys noticed how Ninendo is remastering every 3D zelda? Surely Skyward Sword NX is next.
If it's free and only 13 episodes I might try it out. Thanks to my Link I can now also just stream it to the telly.
This is a game that could really use a remaster. The grahics during gameplay were ok, but some of the cutscenes were beautifull thanks to added effects and post-processing, which really showed off the art direction. If they could remaster the game so that all of it looked as good as those cutscenes, I'd buy it again in an instant. TP, not so sure.
Looks good on Dolphin.
I've renovated the Anime thread a bit if anyone is interested. Added pics and series descriptions to the stuff I've been watching lately.
Wish you guys would try getting into Anime, there is some great stuff out there.
Not everyone's thrilled with Quantum Breaks PC announcement
I can see why some people would have a problem.
So yeah Gravitational Waves... Anyone pick up on the news? Seems like Einstein was right once more.
Now all we have to do is find a way to simulate the collision of huge masses and we'll have found a way to fold spacetime and travel through the universe at huge speeds!