Fallout 4 (9.5) Superb! Review
Jim Sterling says it's S.P.E.C.I.A.L -- HOLY CRAP, EVEN HE LIKES IT!
thejimquisition.com impressions
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Archangel3371 (50s)
That NWR article has clarified:
Xenoblade Chronicles X Is Bigger Than Skyrim, Fallout 4, or Witcher 3
"Actually it's bigger than all three combined."
There's S rank to go.
Same here. It was mostly collecting stuff and going back to characters. Just an excuse to explore the world more.
It's looking like a sure thing in a geographical sense. The scale of the landscape seems to dwarf other games. But remember you get to fly about in a mech.
That was me, I thought if I jizzed over the store model it would be reduced in price and I could then afford it.
Alright. Just bought Fallout 4. Hopefully the next 250 of my posts here WON'T be about glitches, crashes and game ending bugs.
I just went to Gaf for a moment and witnessed 60+ pages of people whining about framerate drops. This I find INCREDIBLY pathetic and annoying. THAT I can live with. Putting several hours into a game and finding something unpassable, save data being lost or the game freezing due to bad programming. That I WON'T tolerate.
Loved Skyrim. Hope to feel the same about Fallout 4!
So have you guys heard, Activision has its own tv/movie studio now and plans a COD cinematic universe.
Talk about art inspiring etc etc.
Michael Bay to direct?
Probably should have just waited a few weeks for a few patches to be applied, but I am approaching the end of Witcher 3 and I'm looking for something as immersive.
Started playing and I encountered ONE stutter in an hour and a half.
This would have caused the enitre collective of gaf to post 18 videos of why the game is broken and should have been delayed 6 months to fix it's imperfections.
Best Buy will have splatoon for $28 after GCU on Black Friday, ok I think I am in. Also I'll get Disney infinity 3 for $30.
Yup it's stupid
People were posting videos of the PS4 version, showing the salesperson in the beginning, skipping one frame of animation when he puts his clip-board down. People were cancelling their orders and declaring the game better on Xbox One because of it. That went on for 60+ pages, saying how Bethesda was in bed with Microsoft and preaching all sorts of conspiracy theories.
Once reviewers posted a video of the Xbox One version, where the frame-rate dipped down to 0 for a moment in an outdoor encounter, people went ballistic and started a whole new thread on that. Half the people laughing at the PS4 people, the others declaring it GOTY for PC.
How do these people enjoy any games, ever? It's like mass obsessive compulsiveness over there!
GAF is not liking this.
I don't know, it blows my mind every time. Anal gamers are miserable people.
Oh there's this MiamiWesker dude that is the worst of them all. More anal than an actual anus.
You know what just dawned on me? Everyone is asking "Where's Luke?" "Where's Luke?" "Where's Luke?" when it comes to The Force Awakens.
Why isn't anyone asking: "Where's Yoda?"
Where's Jar-Jar?
Hopefully Dead-Dead.