Carmack Comments on Facebookification of Oculus
"The deepest issue I find here stems from the way business is done in technology today: companies exist and operate only to get acquired" news aspro
EA's Peter Moore apologizes for dickish Wii U jokes
"Our apologies to partners @NintendoAmerica & fan @FrostbiteEngine ’s poor attempt at April Fools not condoned by EA : unacceptable/ stupid" gamingeek
NWR Mario Kart 8 Preview
We played Mario Kart 8. It's more of the same, but that means it's awesome electric fun, impressions gamingeek
Gamesradar Mario Kart 8 Preview
"Anti-gravity karts? Check. Possibly the best visuals a Nintendo game ever saw? Ditto. A slew of new racers that we never expected to be included in a Mario Kart title? You'd better believe it!" impressions gamingeek
Now Microsoft Studios is hit with layoffs
"There are times when decisions need to be made to realign plans and refocus our efforts," says gamingeek
How inFAMOUS: SS Used the PS4′s 8 (4.5) GB of RAM
I/O (input/output) speed was a big problem, even from the hard drive. Input/Output speed is the communication speed between the drive and the gamingeek
Shin'en using second gen Wii U engine on upcoming projects
“With FRN we wanted to get more realism. That was not possible with our old tech. So we implemented a lot of new stuff that allows us to get there" gamingeek
~~Are Japanese women the future of its gaming?
Animal Crossing: New Leaf shows that mixed-gender teams can defy both Japan's gender gap and its industry's troubles gamingeek
~~Super Smash Bros. Direct officially announced
Visit on Tuesday, April 8, at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT for a Nintendo Direct providing new details on Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Nintendo news gamingeek
And just one random note to throw into all of this for the next gen consoles, the single biggest selling game in Japan this year is going to be released on the PS3.
It's mainly because I have made reading my primary hobby now (I'm currently doing the 52 books in one year challenge), but it doesn't bother me in the least the lack of games coming out for PS4 or U. I'm going to be getting far fewer games each year for now on anyway, perhaps 3 or 4 at most. So far this year, it appears that I'll be getting Wolfenstein The New Order and Mario Kart 8. If those are all that come out that appeal to me, then that's okay.
And just one random note to throw into all of this for the next gen consoles, the single biggest selling game in Japan this year is going to be released on the PS3.
It's mainly because I have made reading my primary hobby now (I'm currently doing the 52 books in one year challenge), but it doesn't bother me in the least the lack of games coming out for PS4 or U. I'm going to be getting far fewer games each year for now on anyway, perhaps 3 or 4 at most. So far this year, it appears that I'll be getting Wolfenstein The New Order and Mario Kart 8. If those are all that come out that appeal to me, then that's okay.
I already own Kaboom.
I've played about an hour of Oblivion this weekend, and accomplished absolutely nothing while doing so.
Game Theory: Are Gamers Killing Video Games?
I spent my weekend with Royalty:
**The Prince of Darkness**
**Mercenary Kings**