Pachter: MS paid no more than $100 million for Gears of War
$99 million too much
EA reduces Forecast outlook
"Due to the weakness in current generation software"
Game Informer blasts Wii U for using Friend Codes
Only.... it doesn't use friend codes. impressions
Iwata, other Nintendo execs taking pay-cuts to offset losses
This will last 5 months
JoJo's Alll-Star Battle Getting Limited US Release
Fan favourite got a mixed reception in Japan. news
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travo (9m)
How about Waluigi's Mansion
I think if Nintendo finds the Wii U to be that much of a failure, they will finish up the games in development now, release those, and just focus on the 3ds for the next few years.
Witcher 3:
^ Girl spreading open her legs gif.
Hmm, I feel like playing through Resident Evil 4 HD now.
Okay so was something said of any importance on that Nintendo call? Because I'm reading recaps, and I'm not seeing jack.
Whole lotta "we still have no idea what to do with the Wii U" shit then.
Woah, MK in May? That's pretty cool. Sadly, MK and Smash may be the only things that could sell systems at the moment
Though DS games on it are a nice idea. Why they couldn't figure out to develop games for the Wii U like they did on the DS is still confusing as hell to me.
Yeah, besides MK, that's what I think too.
It's kind of like their thoughts are "hey, DS games are successful, so it should work." I agree that if they get in the same frame of mind that they did with the DS, they could think of multiple ways to use thecgamepad
And really that wasn't much of an announcement. I thought MK was always planned for a spring release. Oh well, they have my offer letter on the table. If they want me to be CEO, they know where to find me.
I'm so burned out on MK, that I still haven't beaten MK7, and I've had it for over a year now.
The only thing that I'm interested in is the online. MK Wii's online was fun.
You know it was Patcher who first made that comment. He was trying to describe the Wii U and then basically said, "its like a DS for the TV" and suddenly the people he was explaining it too understood it and got excited about it.
Hell, I still think if Nintendo made it in a new color and renamed the Wii U something like "DS TV" or "Home DS" they could double sales in a year.
Online MK Wii was awesome. Hell all of it was awesome. Maybe I'm a dork, but I loved using the steering wheel to control. That's the only way I'll play the game.
Yep, I think we can all agree that "Wii U" is a horrible, horrible name. It could be DS HD.....except the Gamepad isn't so...
I don't think I ever played without it.
I tried playing it once with the GCN controller, but it sucked. The game was built around the wheel, and it worked the best, IMO.