PlayStation games to be 'playable on all devices'
Sony want this
Sonic Lost World - New details, returning enemies, attacks
Dimps on 3DS, Nintendo exclusivity and Smash Bros. talk
GTA 5 crashing older Xbox 360 consoles, reports claim
Suggested solution not working for many
FIFA 14 on Nintendo 3DS has no new features or modes
Trumpets EA press release
EA thanks Miyamoto for gaming contributions
then says he's 'falling down on the job' thanks to mobile
Takumi has mixed feelings about A.Attorney - Dual Destinies
EA "makes the bullets for the War between PS4 and Xbox 1"
Wii U has gun control
EA's new boss Andrew Wilson makes a few changes
Hands EA Sports to Söderlund, Mobile to Gibeau.
Killzone Shadow Fall multiplayer runs at 60 fps a lot of the time
Where they drop...
Nintendo and Panasonic working together
to improve game interaction. Nintendo has purchased 27% stock in the company. This cost Nintendo 35 million yen, leaving Panasonic with a 50% stake
Valve announces Steam Controller
The most prominent elements of the Steam controller are its two circular trackpads. Driven by the player’s thumbs, each one has a high-resolution trackpad as its base news
Wii-U Arkham Origins will be $10 less than 360 and PS3 ver
Cause of no online multiplayer - more of this plz
LucasArts cancelled a Star Wars project for Wii U
"that was going to be a Wii U title modeled after the old TIE Fighter and X-Wing games.”
'Wii U is pretty much in-between' current and next gen
Ubisoft on Watchdogs Wii U graphics
You can play all of Beyond with your iPhone
"For us this is a key feature in the game."
Nintendo teams up with Tesco for Wii U fight back
“We haven’t had the sales we wanted on Wii U hardware. We haven’t had the software for most of this year. But we have some quite ambitious numbers"
Examining Shigeru Miyamoto's Appreciation For Film
Miyazaki, Indiana Jones and more, good read
NY Times Issues a Correction for calling the Mario Bros. Janitors
In 1988
Star Citizen Passes $20M Mark on Kickstarter
This is going to be spectacular, or a spectacular disaster. news
Mikami Explains RE's Switch To Action
"That all came out of the commercial failure of the Resident Evil remake..." news
Hands-On Impressions of Valve Controller
"you’re mostly just moving your thumbs over the trackpads and marveling at what you’re feeling" impressions
Warning: You better buy Ubisoft Wii U games
"I'm dead serious about the third thing too. Based on what I'm hearing, if you want Ubisoft to support Wii U, you better support their stuff."
Order by:
GG, you sound like you're making excuses for Nintendo like a PR person.
I don't care to argue it....we'll agree to disagree.
Facts are facts Edge, you cannot claim with any kind of seriousness that the Wind Waker is Nintendo's #1 game on Wii U this year.
Please don't pull this PR person bollocks I've said nothing which isn't objectively true. I pointed out that Ubisoft made their stance clear at E3 and linked to the article, correctly. I pointed out that the WW isn't Nintendo's only bullet in the gun this year, correctly.
I pointed what Nintendo has been thinking about the matter of Wii U and sales and marketing, by recalling an article from a retailer meeting in the UK which actually happened when retail were considering their U support. As well as a recent article on MCV where they talked to them.
I pointed out that a new 3D mario from the galaxy team is coming this year, correctly.
I pointed out that it would be unusual to have a new Zelda game in year one of the consoles life, correctly.
If I'm wrong, please explain why?
And those people plusing Edges post saying that I am like a PR person just because you don't like or want Wii U, please explain how anything I have said is not objectively true, because it comes across as incredibly childish. I have read articles about most of this in the news whilst posting updates. If you have any new information to share, please do.
I started out a new Dark Souls playthrough on PC. o_O
I think I have enough games unplayed to give me an ample supply of available choice, and all I can think of is getting back to a game I beat recently.
^I think I have Dark Souls for PC... I only played the first 4(?) minutes of Demon Souls and as a result never really got a sense of it.
GG on your comments directed to me, yes I read the article, I was talking about the blogger not Ubisoft as it relates to "buy shit games you don't want or X publisher might not make good games in the future". I did that for GameCube, learnt my lesson.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile...but more importantly, HOW FAR HAVE YOU GOTTEN IN SAINTS ROW IV ? ! ?
That's for Aspro!
Old-school, FANTASY, Final Fantasy is hardly dead! I am sooooooooooooo looking forward to this game! The 4 Warriors of Light was highly under-rated in my opinion; I loved that and this is pretty much a super 3DS follow up to that!
Ok, I cleared up the undead burg, parish, lower burg, darkroot garden (for some bizarre reason I always end up clearing this one before being advisable to do so) and I reached the end of the depths, just need to kill the gaping dragon and I should be on my merry way to blighttown. ugh.
I think their perceived difficulty is greatly exaggerated. They are hard, but the good kind of hard.
Finished the Holy Triumvirate of games I've been playing for the last few months **The Last of Us, Shin Megami IV and Saints Row IV** so it was on to new stuff this weekend, for the most part!
I played:
**Mostly this!**
**Smidgen of this, smidgen of that!**
**and, of course, this! Go Wonder Pink!**
What about you, Cowboys?
I finally finished The Last of Us, and I'm now back to playing Oblivion and Diablo III.
Not really playing much of anything at the moment. Got caught up in a ton of delightful crap this week. I was able to squeeze in a little bit of Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask.
I finished Civilization 5 this week, which was awesome. Civ 5 basically plays like a deeper version of Civ Revolution on the consoles...much more streamlined than the old Civ games which makes it a more user friendly game. I tried to go and check out Civ 4 Colonization after finishing Civ 5, and was not feeling it at all.
Just started playing Metro 2033 on the PC. Really great atmosphere and world, but the gameplay feels a bit clunky and slow but not in the good Zombi U kind of way. Its good, but it feels like something is missing. Still enjoying it though.
Also started playing Haze on PS3. So far its not terrible...not as bad as some reviews made it sound. The story is horrible but the gameplay mechanics are fine.
That's about it for me.