Bungie Will "Reveal" Destiny on Feb 17
"..we’re going to give you your first glimpse..."
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Dragon Quest X Selling Below Expectations
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Last Guardian Creator Teases Existence of Game
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robio (58s)
Can't wait to play Diablo III on Ultra on my new Laptop! Plus all the steam games I own!
That's a lot of value for $1000.
It's one kickass puter! Best mobile AMD video card out and arguably the best mobile card period. this thing will play almost every game on ultra and has out to three screens at once for that awsome surround visual gaming. I will just out put to my big screen and hook up wireless 360 pad and wham best home gaming console out. It should allow me many options and still have my old pc hooked up as server +++
There isn't much. Nintendo has released the NES version of Dig Dug this week. Woot!
I love me some Dig Dug, but the NES version? Gimme a break, Nintendo. Release some freakin' GBA titles already! I'm going to get Link's Awakening one of these days, but that's about all 3DS eShop has worth buying. Meh.
I'm kinda tempted to get a PSP just for this reason. PS1 games have to look a lot better on that small screen, and I have a bunch of PS1 games.
Ugh. 3DS store blew. OoT appealed but not for $40.
Looking at the 3DS for the first time in a long time... man these screens are poor.
On the Vita side I am having major problems getting Sony to take my money.
EDIT: Oh it was so simple on the Vita. All I had to do was format my Vita memory card, restore my Vita to factory default and create a new profile with a new email address and credit card. Simple!
Hitting my stride with Dark Souls. Tried to do the garden, but Sif kicked my ass thoroughly. I've been advised to go to Blighttown instead. What a shithole. And the developer who came up with designing the toxic dart dudes can go choke on a bag of dicks. I need to backtrack now to the asylum to grab that piece of shit ring that I'm gonna need when I reach the bottom of this toilet of a level.
Destiny reveal at 1pm EST
So it seems like all next gen games will also be coming out on current gen systems (well not Wii U
). What does that say about the launch games we will be getting?
If the PS4 launches with The Last Guardian and possibly Killzone 4, it could be the best launch lineup in history. Wel, except for Zelda and Wii Sport, of course.
I really thought Microsoft was gonna use Destiny as a launch title for the 720.
Seriously fuck that game and the game that came before it. I refuse to be tortured while I play a GAME ... it's a freaking game...
Tons of Destiny previews:
A bunch of previews:
UPDATE: IGN is revealing it Live in 30 minutes:
Destiny has ALWAYS ONLINE DRM. Cannot play offline.
10 year game. Story evolves over time. No subscription fee.
At least 3 classes Hunter, Warlock, Titan
Kind of like Journey, people will be appearing in your game. You can team up with friends to do missions.
Coming to all major consoles and next gen, probably not Wii U, no PC.
Cell phone integration, you can keep track of your missions, talk to friends, check your stats, etc.
From the vid doc.
Bungie co-founder and project director Jason Jones kicked off the presentation with a look at Bungie's "seven pillars." They're what guided the goals of Destiny through development. Here they are:
Bungie kept using words like "hopeful" and "mystery" to describe the world of Destiny. They want to create a world that players will be interested enough in to want to spend their time there.
Put players in a sandbox, give them tools, let them use these tools against enemies. Bungie has always been good about sticking to a formula when it comes to battles, and it sounds like they haven't lost sight of that with Destiny. They believe that players have more fun when they feel like they're being successful in a game. It's not about the content necessarily. It's about having a broad range of activities, both competitive and cooperative, and completely non-shooting related activities, too.
No bullshit points and number-crunching stats. Players want to customize the look and feel of their games. So let them customize their appearance and their fighting style. Let them build their characters.
Bungie wants you to jump in expecting to do one thing, and be seduced into doing an entirely other thing. Hopefully the random and spontaneous game events will lend themselves to this experience. Interactions with people are unpredictable, and they're excited about what possibilities that will bring.
Everything is more fun with friends around. As Bungie said, going to an empty gym is creepy. Certain cooperative activities will specifically require multiple players. And even when you're just playing solo, you'll still see other people in your game, because there's always someone playing with you, according to Bungie.
You'll have to have basic coordination for this shooter, as any other, but Bungie wants all sorts of people to enjoy this game. All the core activities should be enjoyed by any novice player.
Bungie said that a player's mindset when they come into games is that they don't want to work hard or read too much. They want to feel things they don't feel in their otherwise everyday lives. This pillar in particular influenced Bungie to put a huge investment into their UI design. They had to throw out dearly held ideas because it just wouldn't work with all players.
Interesting that they're billing Destiny as a 10 year game, but they're including the current gen consoles for it. Looks kind of cool though. And it's already better than Journey because it has the crazy thing called a story.
RE6 is awesome! How can some people hate on this game? I just fought a naked chick! A naked chick!
I know right. The game is awesome.