Hardball Times Reviews Out of the Park 13
10/10 "a real gem and great for all baseball fans"
hardballtimes.com editorial impressions
Tell ‘Em Why Your Mad Tuesday: The Life Of The Tank
It ain't easy being a Tank in World of Warcraft
1UP Reviews Prototype 2
C+ "oppressive story, indifferent characters, and hollow world all try their hardest to smother any sort of fun that the player finds"
1up.com editorial impressions
Super Monkey Ball Bikini Videos
Now With More Ball, More Monkey and Less Bikini!
andriasang.com media
Insider:Nintendo wants to cut Wii U production costs
Maximize online services
Throwback Thursday: “Split Screen Spying”
spy vs spy plus split screen equals good times
RUMOR - The craziest Wii U rumors yet, I promise
Wii U operating system to be mobile based? UE3 Metroid?
Feature: Worst Game Glitches
A collection of the most game breaking-est bugs in recent memory.
1up.com editorial
Feature: Sierra's History
"Rob Lammle From King’s Quest to Leisure Suit Larry"
mentalfloss.com editorial
The Press Room Episode #110
Aspro and Foolz host a news and community-centric podcast this week.
thepressroompodcast.com editorial impressions media news
Whoa.... Wii U controller has Wii remote IR now?
Or is it an outward facing camera?
High Sell-Through For Fire Emblem Awakening
Fire Emblem Awakening was last week's top selling game, managing the rare feat of outselling all other top 20 games combined.
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Recently Spotted:
Yakuza 3
Starts out so fucking slow. But here and there it shows small peeks of what's underneath. I never even played the first two games but after the useful recap feature, I'm up to speed with the plot.
I mean can you assholes imagine how badass Body Harvest would be on modern hardware and all the cool shit they could do with the controller? And let's not forget Rockstar would be in charge of this.
See its under the radar greatness like this that Nintendo could be enticing 3rd-parties to create as exclusives on their new console that would set my cock on fire. It doesn't have to be GTA 5....in fact this could be even better.
I'm playing Fighting Fantasy: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain on my Kindle.
It's pretty neat, especially for $0.99.
Isn't that the sequel to Final Fantasy: The Lost Jewels of Nabooti?
I like that word NABOOTI.
C'mon! Say it with me NA-BOO-TI ! ! !
It's like Bootie, but Nah!
^That reminds me, I downloaded Tribes: Ascend and Blacklight: Retribution on the PC. Both supposedly very high quality online multi-player FPS's that you don't have to pay a dime for. As much as I enjoy a round of Call of Duty & and like, it makes paying $60 upfront for the main game followed by $15 map packs and a service subscription look like a complete fucking ripoff.
After we're all done with the A Song of Ice and Fire series, I suggest we delve into Nabooti!
Who's with me?
I seriously can't stop laughing at Nabooti!
OW! My sides hurt!
Dude looks seriously annoyed to have three white kids stuck in his 'fro!
Alright. I'll stop.
One last thing: I am SOOO posting that in the Ring of Fire book thread!
Mainly I've been playing this:
It started off a little bit slow, but as it picked up and I've gotten a little better at it I've really enjoyed. Totally worth all of the hype that it got. Surprisingly I never realized it was a scary as it is. The use of sound and shadows of upcoming enemies is done really well and good for a few scares.
And aside from that I've been playing this:
I've never been a big fan of Earthbound, but lately it's been getting a lot of "retro-review" type posts so it's been on my mind. I was thinking of playing through Mother 3 again too so I figured maybe it was worth giving this game one last shot and see if I can make it all the way through.
Wouldn't we all?
He's a racist.
Did anybody watch that Body Harvest tribute? Seriously awesome video.
For the record, the kid in the bottom right hand corner of the booty book is kind of how I always pictured Leo to look.
You think I have a mutant chin and hyper-elongated neck?!