NGamer hands on with the new Wii RPG
Instead of button-mashing clichés, Pandora’s Tower champions strategic finesse.
1up: Is Halo 4 Trying Too Hard to Be Call of Duty?
1UP got a glimpse of developer 343 Industries' new vision for the Halo franchise.
1Up Reviews Mass Effect 3
"A" "great blend of shooting-and-talking that the first game strived for". editorial impressions
GDC: Unreal Engine 4 Planned for Wii U
GDC: Epic to show UE4 demo behind closed doors?
Force Feedback Sticks in Next Gen?
University project hopes so, but lets be realistic. news
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So just don't have to pay or anything. I did it just a few weeks ago.
10am I will have Mass Effect 3! Probably take me until friday to finish Mass Effect 2 I have to suffer for a few days.
I'm sick of registering for every fecking website on teh internetz.
Look at this shit. I ordered this amazing chinese brush painting, waited weeks for it to come. It arrives this morning and the top 3 inches is covered in mould like it was sitting in stagnant water for a week.
Sucks about the painting GG.
Try IMGBay or something?
That ain't right.
GH held a party for Lollipop Chainsaw
Datura has a disembodied hand, so I'm thinking it might be a PSMove adventure game? Star Wars video.....OMG it has Storm Troopers dancing to the YMCA! Diabolical Pitch does everything it can to make a kinect game look interesting, but all the flash on display doesn't disguise that you are rooted to the spot throwing balls.
First review
1up: Is Halo 4 Trying Too Hard to Be Call of Duty?1UP got a glimpse of developer 343 Industries' new vision for the Halo franchise.
Please fucking NO! I love Halo for being HALO. I don't want it to be Call of fucking Duty....
Good, you shouldn't be using imageshack in the first place. imgur is the defacto image upload site.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSooooooooo. Ya'll buying Star Wars Kinect?
The Last Story in HD
Xcom gameplay footage!!!
Wow Xcom looks fantastic!
Gay Shepard huh, now my Shepard can finally fuck anything that moves.
Today was SUPPOSED to be about gaming, relaxing, unwinding and being stress free. I took time off to chill, get my Mass Effect and SF X Tekken, and just enjoy myself, peacefully for a little while. I posted a few quick impressions on GS last night about SF X Tekken and woke up anticipating excitement all around on the boards. I should know better by now. There WAS a Topic on GS, thankfully taken down by Travo btw, that was entirely devoted to "BioWare Pushing a Ghay Agenda in Mass Effect 3." In it, the completely ignorant and phobic TC went on and on about gay relationships being forced upon him in the game... How it was offensive that some male character in the game was expressing worry about his husband (compete with a *cough* *cough* after the word husband, thrown in so thoughtfully) being captured or killed (I don't remember) and how there was a sub-quest with Shepard saving some man in the game whom then hit upon him... The TC said BioWare actually stressed there was a message of Shepard going around in the game teaching people to be more tolerant of races, species and orientations... and how much that angered him. He even went as far as to bring up that female BioWare employee the entire underworld of the internet was trolling so badly a few weeks ago, calling her a fat bitch, or something to that effect.
Reading that ruined my day before it even started.
That there are people out there who still feel this way and then think it's OK to go on a public board to try and find sympathetic ears to rant to about it sickens me, literally. Thankfully Travo took care of everything before too many people started to gather there, but the damage was already done... to me, at least. I tried to make light of it and make the guy look foolish, but it got to me nonetheless.
It's obvious this kid is closeted and angry. It pisses me off he needs to ruin an event like the release of ME3 to push his hate on the world. The Mass Effect games (at least when you play as a Paragon) ARE all about bringing people (aliens) of different walks together to defeat a comon threat... Apparently, gay people don't have a place in the universe next to Krogans, Turians and Earthlings...
This shouldn't bother me as much as it does, but it does. My stomach has been twisted for hours and my hands hurt from the fists I was making involuntarily for most of this morning. I find I can't even PLAY the games I have been waiting for, for soooo long because I was so annoyed. In case you haven't guessed by now, when I can't play or I am feeling stressed, I write and/or create elaborate topics to distract myself...
Sometimes the internet is the greatest gift to humanity, and sometimes it allows exposure to people and elements I just don't need to deal with in my life anymore... Sorry about MY rant in here now... I just felt the need to get this off of my chest.
Edit: Topics like this are why I am sooo against Trolling as a whole. People underestimate the power of their words. Trolls have this near sociopathic desensitivity about them... They may think they are having harmless fun, or maybe they really do intend to do harm, I dunno... but the more a troll trolls, the more truly troll like he becomes, to the point where he doesn't fit in with normal society anymore. Sadly, they never seem to change or even want to change until they bring harm upon others, or someone brings harm on to them. I just don't "get it" sometimes...
THIS is the douche-bag, btw.
I Am Alive looks intriguing.
Sorry to hear that Leo, the internet is full of assholes. I just met the gay character in ME3, he is treated no different than anyone else. He says he has a husband that is literally the extent of knowing his sexuality for now. The game is about choices, this seems like one that should be in there considering what else this game allows.
Just dont let it get it to you that much.
Stop with the spoilers goddamn it. I'm not reading any more post until after I get mine grrrr.