Even More Layoffs at Disney Interactive
Another 80 team members are now looking for work.
bigdownload.com news
Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes Coming to PSN/XBLA
Great on the DS - Now Great In HD.
gamingunion.net news
Angry Birds Maker Says Consoles Are "Dying"
And the king of casual isn't talking about red ringing.
industrygamers.com news
Miyamoto Discusses Zelda and Starfox 3DS Remakes
In the latest Iwata Asks.
andriasang.com news
Dissidia 012 Review from 1UP
"A-" "as original and entertaining as ever"
1up.com impressions news
Bioware Employee Boosting Metacritic for Dragon Age 2
Bioware staffer caught giving his game 10/10.
bigdownload.com news
EA Outlines Digital Strategy
Ten franchises, each making $40 million each.
industrygamers.com news
Bungie Takes First Step Toward Setting Up Charity
Bungie Foundation will provide grants etc...
nowgamer.com editorial news
WB Commits to Using Unreal Engine 3 Through 2014
So what heppens if a better engine turns up?
industrygamers.com news
More on Angry Birds CEO's Dying Console Comment
Very good editorial response
itworld.com editorial news
Sony Wins Subpoena of GeoHot's Paypal, YouTube, Twitter
Now you're all going to die!
dailytech.com news
Yakuza 4 Review from 1UP
"B+" "Do yourself a favor and try something different."
1up.com impressions
Multiplayer Would Have "Compromised" Arkham City
Say the developers, RockSteady.
gamerzines.com news
Duke Nukem Forever Multiplayer Detailed
There will be persistent stats and leveling.
bigdownload.com news
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Recently Spotted:
Mmmmmmmmm... I'm getting myself some Wings tonight to celebrate Vader's Birthday!!
Only problem is, I gotta wait 30 mins to do so!
So. Hungry!
In the meantime... What have you non-birthday boys been playin'?
**The end is getting near! Just a few more Missions for my crew members!**
**The diabolically awesome 9 hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors... If you have a DS and like to read A LOT, You HAVE TO experience this game! The puzzles and plot are beyond clever!!**
Killzone multiplayer and I just started Uncharted 2. In fact, some more Killzone for me tonight once I get some work related stuff done. Maybe even some Uncharted mp for Vader. I think I want to start Fable 2 sometime this week.
Trials HD. I'm now well past the stage of anger and frustration, and I'm just doing attempt after attempt on the final extreme track, Inferno 2, going forward like a mindless zombie, without any feeling of elation, anger, or distress. This game has emptied my soul.
CoH, on the other hand, provides action, strategy and rewarding gameplay. I'm halfway in.
I'd thumb up Steel's post, but I don't want to seem as though I am in favor of him having an empty soul.
Woo! Emptied Soul! +1...!
Maybe I shouldn't have had those beers with my wings?
I've mostly been playing Halo 3 this weekend, and I picked up a new game this morning:
Played it pretty much all afternoon. On Chapter 3 now. Never thought I'd enjoy playing a Final Fantasy game, but I am thanks to the quick battle system; and the awesome graphics don't hurt either.
The story is quite good, and I'm liking all of the characters . . . even Vanille! 
So will anyone be in the DC area next week on the 31 and 1st? I'm taking a trip with the fifth graders to visit DC.
So. Since it's generally been the case that all movie to video game translations have sucked balls, I guess the solution is now to make the movies as video game like as possible to begin with...?