GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Ubisoft DRM was "attacked" at weekend "95 per cent of players were not affected." news Iga_Bobovic
[] MS reveals Lips: I Love the '80s Out in April. Amazing songs. news Iga_Bobovic
[] 2010 FIFA World Cup gameplay What are we up to? 44 years of hurt? news Iga_Bobovic
[] Fifteen new Fallout: New Vegas shots Right baccarat at ya. media Iga_Bobovic
[] Steam for Mac announced, detailed Launching in April with all Valve's games. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Reviews Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce 7/10 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Reviews Toy Soldiers 8/10 impressions Iga_Bobovic
EA to Publish Death Spank From the Monkey Island people. news aspro
Red Dead Redemption Delayed Take2 laying off 15% of staff news aspro
[] Activision Gets Into Fitness Gaming 10 Minute Solution games for the Wii news aspro
[] CVG GOW3 review 9.2 impressions gamingeek
[] Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands: first footage media gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review God of War 3 if you want to revel in old-school pleasures decked out in the very brightest new armour, this is about as good as it gets. impressions gamingeek
[] Edge mag feature: NIGHTS time extend Looking back at that freakish, flying joker editorial gamingeek
[] Halo Reach bug prevents teabagging If there is no teabagging there is no reason to play... news gamingeek
[] Sony wand getting nunchuk? news gamingeek
[] Microsoft force Sony to scrap Arc? news gamingeek
[] Red Dead Redemption images media gamingeek
[] Medal of Honor Images Tier 1 media gamingeek
[] God of War 3 Madrid event pics media gamingeek
[] GT5 video and media media gamingeek
[] NIER replicant video media gamingeek
Ironbeards guide to Monster Hunting media gamingeek
[] The Last Story: in development for 2 years Real time battle system in place news gamingeek
[] EGM digital mag video preview impressions gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 artwork media gamingeek
Zangeki no Reginleiv review 4 stars out of 5 impressions gamingeek
[] Max and the Magic Marker impressions I simply recommend you give it a serious look and consider supporting fantastic indie teams and games like this impressions gamingeek
[] Ubisoft's Authentication Servers Go Down Assassin's Creed 2 becomes unplayable news Ellyoda
[] PS3 motion-controlling Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 news Ravenprose
Retailer Leak: New Look/Weight PS3 Loses .2 kg news aspro
[] Modern Warfare 2 hits 25m unique players "DLC details coming this week." news Iga_Bobovic
[] Hollywood director praises Heavy Rain LaBute wants "sophistication" to continue. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Blizzard: console WOW still "unlikely" A regular topic at HQ, says Brack news Iga_Bobovic
[] MPs quizzed on videogames this month UK's big three laying out future plans. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Aliens vs. Predator DLC next week Special Edition MP maps for all. news Iga_Bobovic
[] HMV throwing FFXIII party today On Oxford Street in cor blimey London. news Iga_Bobovic
[] THQ E-Shop opens in Europe Buy Metro 2033, get RF: Guerrilla free. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Forza 3 Jalopnik DLC goes live Add 10 of the world's best cars. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Civilization V's Jon Shafer and Dennis Shirk Eurogamer Interview editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Previews Sid Meier's Civilization V impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Ghost Recon Future soldier trailer media gamingeek
Gow of War 3 sex minigame exposed NSFW news gamingeek
[] Bodycount Gamespot interview editorial gamingeek
[] DS2 needs 'strong online functionality' Says Monster Hunter tri developer news gamingeek
[] New Alan Wake trailer released media gamingeek
[] Sony readies 3D PS3 update So you bought your HDTV? Well now you want a 3D one news gamingeek
[] Vanquish 'a brand new kind of shooter' news gamingeek
[] Ghost Recon: Future Soldier details land news gamingeek
[] Q&A: Codemasters Reveals Bodycount, Studio Ref editorial gamingeek
[] Yakuza 3 Eurogamer review The Western version of Yakuza 3 might have suffered a few heartbreaking cuts, but it's still intriguing at every turn and shouldn't be missed impressions gamingeek
[] Codemasters unveils Bodycount FPS news gamingeek
[] Robin readied for Arkham Asylum II? news gamingeek
[] God of War III epilogue was scrapped news gamingeek
[] Take an in-depth first look at Prince of Persia media gamingeek
[] GiantBomb :"God of War III Interview news gamingeek
[] Natal to get full lineup at E3 news gamingeek
[] Bodycount screens Like Black but with painted faces media gamingeek
Nintendo Power online preview impressions gamingeek
[] Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth video review Gametrailers impressions media gamingeek
[] Endless Ocean: Blue World Official Movie 1 Live action trailer media gamingeek
[] Pachter: Infinity Ward Firings May Effect COD Really? Hmm... never thought about it. news aspro
[] God of War III Cost $44 million. So how many copies will it have to sell? news aspro
[] HUMOR: Why Sonic the Hedgehog 4 will suck editorial Ravenprose
Donkey Kong World Record Broken Not Billy Mitchell. news aspro
Tiger to Share Cover on PGA Tour 11 Elin doesn't get half, some Irish guy does. news aspro
Rockband 3 Launches Late 2010 And the beat goes on... news aspro
DJ Hero DLC Hits This Month news aspro
[] Bizzare Creations Dev Defends Activision They were great. Really, really good news aspro
Weird New Wii Game Mini games where you bet on internet search results. news aspro
[] SMG Vs. NSMB. Wii - review impressions media Iga_Bobovic
[] Heavy Rain "fuels a lot of hope" Quantic Dream chuffed with response. news Iga_Bobovic
[] SWTOR is EA's "largest ever" project Reckons WOW cost $100m to make. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Modern Warfare 2 DLC named "Stimulus Package" due out this month. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Reviews Warhammer 40K  For the emperor 9/10 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Reviews Silent Hunter 5 5/10 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] FFXIII ships 5 million copies worldwide Well they made their money already. news Dvader
[] God of War III gametrailers review Is it epic enough? impressions media gamingeek
[] Final Fantasy XIII 360 reviewing higher than PS3 v impressions news gamingeek
[] PS3 wands not focused on casual games news gamingeek
[] Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 Wii tutorial Motionplus allows any angle media gamingeek
[] Hanabi Festival returns to Virtual Console Castlevania: Rondo of Blood featuring news gamingeek
[] Eurogamer preview True Crime 3 impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer hands on Just Cause 2 impressions gamingeek
[] True Crime 3 gameplay GDC10: Brawl Gameplay - Take to the streets and punish the wicked media gamingeek
[] Mafia 2 images media gamingeek
[] True Crime 3: First images media news gamingeek
[] Sony trying to convert Wii devs Develop mag confirms Nunchuk device rip news gamingeek
SUDA happy with critical reception No More Heroes 2 news gamingeek
Scarface concept art from cancelled game media gamingeek
Will Wright talks Wii Says its a toy market, talks Nintendo investment in software editorial gamingeek
[] Reggie Forbes mag interview Blah blah, still no Wii HD etc news gamingeek
Sneak Peak at Warner Bros FPS Video here including American Idol's Randy Jackson news gamingeek
[] EA Sports Active Going Multiplatform news gamingeek
[] FIFA World Cup South Africa Video media gamingeek
[] Flips Twisted World dev diary VIDEO media gamingeek
[] Sin and Punishment US boxart Wow media gamingeek
[] Street Fighter 4 is on Iphone right now. It's $10. news Dvader
[] GDC: Mafia 2 hands on preview GS has exclusive impressions impressions Dvader
[] SFIV: Hakan Revealed! Weirdest SF character ever? news ASK_Story
[] Yakuza Review -- 8.5 "Great!" ...even though it's subtitled! impressions news phantom_leo
[] NPD February Results Wii fails, end of Nintendo era, OMG hide! :P news Dvader
[] MGS: Peace Walker gameplay footage. I hate PSP, I hate that this is on PSP, I dont want it... damn it looks good... I want a PSP. media Dvader
Cyrsis 2 PC and Console CryEngine trailer. So pretty. media Dvader
[] Sakamoto wanted Metroid Other M to be 2.5D Blame Kotaku for the misunderstanding news ASK_Story
[] Might & Magic Clash of Heroes coming to PSN/XB Good-bye hours to my life! news ASK_Story
Nintendo Details Last Story Official blog up. news aspro
Kojima Interview (Via Twitter) Talks Peacewalker news aspro
Medal of Honor 1up preview impressions gamingeek
[] Medal Of Honor doesn't work with PS3 Move news gamingeek
[] New PlayStation Move trailer shows balls media gamingeek
[] Perfect Dark CVG XBLA review impressions gamingeek
[] GDC: Q&A - Sony Studios' Yoshida On Move Deve news gamingeek
[] Aragorns Quest PS3 developed by TT Fusion Wii version made by Headstrong games news gamingeek
[] New Fable III screenshots media gamingeek
[] Monkey Island 2 pics media gamingeek
[] 20 pics of Playstation Move Did they get the Wii photographer or something? media gamingeek
[] 44 pics of Final Fantasy 14 media gamingeek
[] Sony GDC 10: Press Conference: PlayStation Move media gamingeek
[] Last Story Artwork Sakaguchi's Goochimama game media gamingeek
[] "From Trauma Center to Trauma Team" editorial gamingeek
Max and the Magic Marker review The physics engine is as rigid as World of Goo, and the concept is as orginal as Lost Winds. impressions gamingeek
[] Metroid Other M preview impressions gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 Vooks impressions impressions news gamingeek
Ghost Trick promo trailers media gamingeek
[] OnLive Service Dated, Priced June 17, 14.95/month news Ellyoda
Media Create Figures Updated Japanese Sales Numbers news aspro
[] GDC: Engadget hands on with Move With video impressions media Dvader
[] GDC: EyePet hands-on "Squee!" says Steel. impressions Dvader
[] GDC: GS Duel hands-on Wii Hobo Fighter HD news Dvader
[] GDC: GS TV Superstars hands on Another Wii HD mini game collection news Dvader
[] GDC: GS Sports Champions hands on Wii Sports HD impressions Dvader
LOTR Aragorn's Quest coming to PS3 Move. Wii HD ports have begun! news Dvader
[] GDC: GS Move Party preview Why read this. impressions Dvader
[] GDC: Introducing PS Move Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii news Dvader
[] EA COO Interview. Shiny Discs Here To Stay Also weighs in on Infinity Ward news aspro
The Red Star Coming to Handhelds Take2 to publish game with troubled past. news aspro
Prinny 2 Screens Sold enough for a sequel eh? media aspro
Y's Vs Legend of Heroes Date Set RPG titans join forces. Should be amazing. news aspro
Square Enix Working on New Engine Advertising for jobs. news aspro
[] Deus Ex 3 trailer Awesome sunglasses media Dvader
[] Nintendo signs deal to develop "Dr. Who" games. Source is a crappy newspaper news Dvader
[] Sid Meier's GDC Keynote Interesting stuff about protecting the player from himself and great AI is not a good thing. news Dvader
[] GS Yakuza 3 review A GS review?! Lets fight! impressions Dvader
[] GS MLB 10 The Show Review Cause everyone on this site loves baseball impressions Dvader
[] The Grinder is now a top-down shooter. First footage Xbox 360 media news Ravenprose
Foto Showdown - Photo-driven RPG Konami's new DSi game news aspro
Kojima on Future of MGS Tweets replace tea leaves. news aspro
3DTV Industry Favors Gamers Over Movies news aspro
Will Wright Spouts Off at SXSW Horse training games are big in Germany. news aspro
[] History of Fan Made Sequels Being Shut Down Feature editorial aspro
EA Takes In-Game Advertising In-House news aspro
[] Ars Technica Doesn't Like Strippers NSFW Editorial about seedy marketing of games. editorial aspro
Level 5 Game Announced in April Also working on next Prof. Layton news aspro
[] NBA Jam Wii Trailer media Ravenprose
Red Steel 2 The first 20 minutes media gamingeek
[] Dead or Alive Paradise: Spanking the Monkey video Wait.... I thought it wasn't about making softcore porn? media gamingeek
[] Gametrailers TV Nintendo blowout 4 video chapters of Iwata all over your face media gamingeek
[] Sony Concerned About PS3 Move Shovelware news gamingeek
[] Exclusive CVG Red Steel 2 footage media gamingeek
[] Tiger Woods PGA 11 wont support Natal Not in a position to do so news gamingeek
[] Molyneux: Natal is bigger step than Move C'mon Moly! Does it really matter whose is bigger? news gamingeek
[] Digital Foundry vs Move Talks of inherent latency editorial gamingeek
[] Sam and Max headed to PS3 news gamingeek
[] NPD: February Down 15 Percent On Lagging Unit Sale Constrained Wii news gamingeek
Dragon age 2 release date news gamingeek
[] Medal of Honor Exclusive Tier One Trailer media gamingeek
[] Fable 3: new video media gamingeek
[] First screens of Ghost Recon Future Soldier Do we call it G.R.F.S? media gamingeek
Fragile Dreams - more screens media gamingeek
[] Earth shattering Mario Galaxy 2 details coming? Uh oh.... I smell a hedgehog! news gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 press impressions and video impressions gamingeek
[] EEDAR NPD analysis - Wii in short supply February numbers reflect entirely on the Wii being supply constrained and has little to do with declining demand of the product. news gamingeek
Prince of persia sands of time trailer The movie media news gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 website updates news gamingeek
[] The Grinder weirdness continues Still a FPS on Wii? But Gauntlet on 360? news gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 Super powers trailer media gamingeek
[] Valve thinks Biometrics are the future Interested in the Vitality sensor? news gamingeek
Max and the Magic Marker video tour media gamingeek
Crystal Bearers for £16 Is it Hobo time? news gamingeek
[] Rumour: Infinity ward holding back royalties  To keep staff around - this sucks news gamingeek
[] Joystiq Metroid Other M interview editorial gamingeek
[] Dirt 3 in the works news gamingeek
[] Doctor Who Wii is real Koch Media handling sales and marketing news gamingeek
Pachter: Wii needs a catalyst news gamingeek
[] Another Reggie interview Talks Wii 2, motion rivals etc editorial gamingeek
[] GDC dev leaks DS2 info Gamecube like dev kits? news gamingeek
SUDA re-iterates: No More Heroes 3 for Wii 2 If, it happens news gamingeek
[] Metroid Dread talk news gamingeek
[] Tournament of Legends GDC Interview, Impressions Yay... impressions gamingeek
[] NBA Jam debut trailer media gamingeek
[] Rabbids Go Home $18 on amazon Because you're worth it news gamingeek
[] GDC dev: Wii development costs less than PS1? news gamingeek
[] Metroid other M Shacknews impressions impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer: Moving on with motion controls Editorial on Natal and Move and what it means for the market editorial gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 worldwide boxart comparison media gamingeek
[] Director of FFXIII speaks of Story-Driven Games Don't expect FF to change all that much! impressions phantom_leo
[] Excellent FFXIII Review and Pros/Cons Breakdown Well thought-out points! impressions phantom_leo
Yakuza 1Up.Com A- Review Kickin' the Haters in the Nuts! impressions news phantom_leo
[] Reggie Fils-Aime Q&A news Ravenprose
[] The Press Room Episode #51 editorial impressions media news Ellyoda
[] RUMOR: Insomniac going Multi-platform? Resistance to Ratchet and Banjo team-up? news ASK_Story
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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 22:51:44

This article is cool, it goes over games that have gone off the radar like too human 2, war devil, kid icarus etc

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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 23:41:08
Holy crap, there is a British Aircraft Carrier docked in Rotterdam near the Erasmus bridge. GG did you send it there? 
The VG Press
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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 00:44:49

Iga_Bobovic said:

Dvader said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

Dvader said:
The Wii is different so I want different games from the Wii,  

So you buy Darkside Chronicles instead of LKS?

Hey Vader, you want better 3rd party Wii games? How about buying some good games?! Endless Ocean 2, LKS or perhaps Silent Hill: Shattered Memories?!

Action speak louder than words, and your buying habits put you in the "mainstream whore" category.

Well I never said those games would be better than the major third party stuff, they are not. I will get those games when I have disposable income or I will rent them. As for DSC, yeah thats on my RE obsession, we all have our own.  I don't want just good games, I want EXCELLENT games (in genres I like). So that is why I buy Mario Galaxy, Metroid and Nintendo stuff.

How would you know? did you play those games?

Here's one for you.


Oh I love how you keep changing the argument. First you say I want different games on the Wii then suddenly you want games in genres you like (so not so different games) that are excellent. You are not making any sense.

Oh and not everyone has an obsession. You have enough to make up for the rest of us (Sonic, RE, FF and Zelda)

In what way is LKS a game I want to play, that is where you fail. I don't care for weird Pikmin like strategy game.  Give me any action game on the level of Bayonetta. Give me an action adventure game as incredible as Uncharted 2. Hell give me a game outside of Nintendo that is as good as Ratchet. An RPG as good as Dragon Age.
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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 00:58:42

Agnates said:

Dvader said:
Who is giving you a minus 1. LOL

The GC was not on par, right, it missed out on some games mainly cause it was clearly 3rd place in the US and the demographics of Nintendo consoles always came into play. Still the vast majority of 3rd party games came onto the GC.

Look at the recent releases: Bioshock 2, Bayonetta, Darksiders, FFXIII, Battlefield 2, Aliens vs Predator, Dante's  Inferno just to name a few of the third party games to hit. All of them on PS3/360 not one on Wii. If the Wii were on par with the PS3/360 do you honestly believe that not one of those games would also be out on the Wii. They would be, Battlefield 2 would be on the Wii, GG would have his awesome FPSs that the Wii is missing.

So you are claiming that because of what happened 4 years ago, the thought that the Wii would fail and all that is still the reason the Wii is not getting third party support now. What happened then happened then and your explanation makes sense, what is happening now is different. Most companies still don't bother to make major third party games, they don't want to put their best teams at work on a Wii game cause there is more money to be had on the HD systems and that system allows them to make the games they want.  I don't think anything would ever change cause of the hardware limitation of the Wii. I think that even if all the 3rd party devs knew exactly where the Wii would be today back in 06, that they still would be focusing on the HD systems, there would probably be better support but the Wii would not be getting the major releases.

The second those specs were revealed it was obvious this was going to happen. Nintendo created a split, there are the HD consoles and there is us, you need to choose one. You can do really watered down ports that would require to create an engine from scratch and many modications for it to work on the Wii but who wants to do that. And as you stated most people don't want lesser ports. So the major companies give Wii their scraps, their B-teams, here is some cheap hardware, make a cheap game. All the shovelware is the third parties fault. There is a giant market to be had and people will buy good games. But do you believe that if Square put all their resources into FFXIII on the Wii that it would sell as much as FFXIII on 360/PS3,  I don't think so.  A series that is known for being cutting edge, it wouldn't work. So Square gives Wii Crystal Bearers, a lackluster effort. It's a combination of the main teams making their games for the HD consoles and the publishers putting out the worst possible effort on the Wii that has created this. But all that would be different if the Wii was on the level as the other two. FFXIII would simply be in development for all three consoles, it would have been easy to pull off, it would have happened.

Have you noticed that nearly all the best Wii third party games are odd strange titles, lots of them puzzle games and stuff. The companies that say, hey lets make a unique game centered totally on the wiimote is usually the one that makes a noticable title. The company that says lets just try to make lesser version of what the HD consoles have usually turn out poor. The Wii is different so I want different games from the Wii, I don't want ports, I believe CoD is a waste of time but it's CoD so it sells well so that made sense. I want new original games that don't suck, sadly with developers all putting their best teams on big HD games the Wii rarely gets the awesome original game.

There is lots of blame to go around as to why the quality of the third party games on Wii is not so good. I believe that is a different argument than why isn't the Wii getting the major franchises, the major FPSs, the major third party release. That is a simple obvious answer, cause it's not on the level as PS3/360. Obviously to be at that level changes the price of the system, probably changes the userbase completely, it alters all of history. But hey you would be playing Battlefield 2 with a wiimote (its EA they port EVERYTHING). Argue all you want that the Wii wouldn't get those third party games, it might miss out on few, maybe really violent ones, but not many. One other aspect you are missing is that most game companies want to work with the best tech, want to be cutting edge, want to make the best game possible. It's not all about the money.

No, I'm not claiming it's only because of what happened 4 years ago, maybe you should read the whole post.

Again, changing the Wii's specs could have affected the Wii's success so you can't claim it would have guaranteed 3rd party support if it was more powerful. The GC tried that, and it didn't work, the Wii's success wouldn't be guaranteed had it gone after the same market. We also have evidence that at least some games can be ported with minimal effort and can result in sales that more than justify the cost and yet they still aren't. Your speculation still cannot justify (without fanboyism) why exactly COD4 wasn't originally on Wii despite the sales of the previous games, which as explained were on par or better than the PS3's and not a "sad fraction" as you falsely stated. That fraction only came after killing their chances by skipping 4, and back then the likes of you were claiming it couldn't be ported, which was easily shot down with Treyarch's sloppy understaffed efforts.

And yes, I've noticed what the Wii's quality 3rd party titles are, I don't see what that has to do with anything. It only means they haven't tried to make any serious effort in other genres (hell, that's been our topic of discussion, lol, I don't see why you bring it up as something new), even though Nintendo and some other exceptions prove other types of games can be succesful as well. There are also whole genres completely ignored, not just because HD systems do them, as nobody does them at all. Where are the great 3D platformers that would get those who enjoyed Mario Galaxy to play them? There was De Blob, which was succesful, then nothing, not even a sequel in sight until recently, which might be too late. But that's another topic.

The "simple obvious answer" you keep going back to is merely far fetched speculating that the Wii would have been just as succesful had it been more powerful. You simply can't know that, it's not a fact no matter how many times you repeat it and ignore evidence to the contrary. You aren't convincing anyone acting like that.

The Wii isn't getting FFXIII but it's getting DQX. That is the approach developers should take. A different game, with its lower dev costs, on Wii, a different game on PS360. CAPCOM did it with Monster Hunter Tri for Wii, and Lost Planet 2 on PS360. They couldn't even afford another game of such high production values (among the many they already have, I don't imply they only do one at a time, obviously) hence the  move from PS3 to Wii for the former. Ubi's doing similar by providing two new PoP games, one for PS360, one for Wii, which isn't a port. So, yes, there is a way for Wii to get the big franchises, even those that can't be ported (which are fewer than those who can be). Hell, some realised that early on but instead of making a decent effort they wanted to fool the audience (RE: DSC comes to mind, what exactly stopped CAPCOM from making quality follow ups to RE4 - not 5, which they recently said may be possible to port actually - and helping that market grow instead of do rail shooters that perform worse with every iteration? was it the dev costs being higher than a port? bs, as higher as they may have been, sales coupled with nurturing and growing a potential userbase they currently don't profit from would more than make up for it - plenty HD games sell less than optimally but still keep being made, a Wii game wouldn't cost nearly as much - and yet EA made DS: E instead of a proper game). The reason it's not getting games is, my previous comment which didn't only talk about 4 years ago. Some change, but too littletoo late in the generation. Their loss.

Except that I am not arguing at all about how successful the Wii would be. In fact I think it would be a disaster for them if it were PS3/360. All I am saying is that the big 3rd party games were never going to come to the Wii because of their choice of hardware. The day Nintendo announced the specs was the day i knew there was going to be a major split in the types of games the Wii would get. I don't understand how you think that if the Wii were like PS3/360 that it would NOT be getting all the major third party games.

You act like you know all these internal sales numbers and costs vs profits and all that. Do you think these mega companies don't know all the actual data. If all of them are choosing to not make ports there is a reason. If they knew they could make money they would make money, something else is at work there.

Of course making separate Wii games is the best approach. That is what I am arguing as well.

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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 00:59:36

aspro said:

1up review.  Now, besides the fact that the reviewer is talking to Dvader, who said he will skip 3 because it is missing out some content -- and that is okay --

What are you talking about? Wrong person.

Edited: Sun, 14 Mar 2010 01:02:22
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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 01:03:38

Dvader said:

aspro said:

1up review.  Now, besides the fact that the reviewer is talking to Dvader, who said he will skip 3 because it is missing out some content -- and that is okay --

What are you talking about? Wrong person.

 Sorry man, thought you said that on a podcast.

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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 01:07:55

aspro said:

Dvader said:

aspro said:

1up review.  Now, besides the fact that the reviewer is talking to Dvader, who said he will skip 3 because it is missing out some content -- and that is okay --

What are you talking about? Wrong person.

Sorry man, thought you said that on a podcast.

It's ok, I love Yakuza and I don't care at all if some random piece of the game I will not really use is gone. This is the only way I can play it so I will play it.

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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 01:15:07
Dvader said:  

I don't understand how you think that if the Wii were like PS3/360 that it would NOT be getting all the major third party games.   

Because GameCube didn't, Wii is still different, it says nothing of the online service, and it would be selling a whole lot worse than even that.  Some?  Yes.  All or near all?  Not a chance.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 01:19:52

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:  

I don't understand how you think that if the Wii were like PS3/360 that it would NOT be getting all the major third party games.

Because GameCube didn't, Wii is still different, it says nothing of the online service, and it would be selling a whole lot worse than even that.  Some?  Yes.  All or near all?  Not a chance.

GC got most, it was nothing like what is going on with the Wii now. It would be getting the grand majority of them.

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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 01:37:11

Dvader said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:  

I don't understand how you think that if the Wii were like PS3/360 that it would NOT be getting all the major third party games.

Because GameCube didn't, Wii is still different, it says nothing of the online service, and it would be selling a whole lot worse than even that.  Some?  Yes.  All or near all?  Not a chance.

GC got most, it was nothing like what is going on with the Wii now. It would be getting the grand majority of them.

I agree.

I think even if they made a console with 60% of the 360's power, that was able to do 720p high-def, with a bare-bones online service similar to Sony's that didn't require the foolish friend-codes, they would have done fine and gotten a ton more support in the multi-platform and "hardcore" areas.

Unfortunately they went for the Gamecube with extra sugar, with a mommy-protect-me online plan. It pisses me off.


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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 01:50:58
Dvader said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:  

I don't understand how you think that if the Wii were like PS3/360 that it would NOT be getting all the major third party games.  

Because GameCube didn't, Wii is still different, it says nothing of the online service, and it would be selling a whole lot worse than even that.  Some?  Yes.  All or near all?  Not a chance.

GC got most, it was nothing like what is going on with the Wii now. It would be getting the grand majority of them.

GameCube stopped getting support later in its life because its sales stagnated.  Wii would have been dead in the water, and support dried up just as quickly.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 02:05:57

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:  

I don't understand how you think that if the Wii were like PS3/360 that it would NOT be getting all the major third party games.  

Because GameCube didn't, Wii is still different, it says nothing of the online service, and it would be selling a whole lot worse than even that.  Some?  Yes.  All or near all?  Not a chance.

GC got most, it was nothing like what is going on with the Wii now. It would be getting the grand majority of them.

GameCube stopped getting support later in its life because its sales stagnated.  Wii would have been dead in the water, and support dried up just as quickly.

Yeah, especially since so many companies were predicting nintendo to be third place and were not working on supporting it very much at all. Nintendo needed other another strategy to survive, since comparable tech last generation didn't bring in the gamers or the companies. They are all comitted to sony and xbox.

Hell, look at the ds. Would that be getting better support in the west if it had psp specs. I don't know why it would, and I don't know why more haven't put out games for it.

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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 03:15:12

angrymonkey said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:  

I don't understand how you think that if the Wii were like PS3/360 that it would NOT be getting all the major third party games.  

Because GameCube didn't, Wii is still different, it says nothing of the online service, and it would be selling a whole lot worse than even that.  Some?  Yes.  All or near all?  Not a chance.

GC got most, it was nothing like what is going on with the Wii now. It would be getting the grand majority of them.

GameCube stopped getting support later in its life because its sales stagnated.  Wii would have been dead in the water, and support dried up just as quickly.

Yeah, especially since so many companies were predicting nintendo to be third place and were not working on supporting it very much at all. Nintendo needed other another strategy to survive, since comparable tech last generation didn't bring in the gamers or the companies. They are all comitted to sony and xbox.

Hell, look at the ds. Would that be getting better support in the west if it had psp specs. I don't know why it would, and I don't know why more haven't put out games for it.

Right Nintendo did the right move for them, so its hard to argue against it. But that move came at a cost. The story is I don't completely blame the devs for the lack of support, at least in the form of their best games, Nintendo made a console that put them in a different tier.

I'm with Edge make some halfway graphical system that can sort of handle ports and sell it for $300 (probably at a loss but whatever) they would have been fine.

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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 03:57:16
Dvader said:

Right Nintendo did the right move for them, so its hard to argue against it. But that move came at a cost. The story is I don't completely blame the devs for the lack of support, at least in the form of their best games, Nintendo made a console that put them in a different tier.

I'm with Edge make some halfway graphical system that can sort of handle ports and sell it for $300 (probably at a loss but whatever) they would have been fine.

It's not a matter of blame for anyone.  It's business, which then means it's whether or not the publishers are being stupid.  That's a yes and a no.

And that's a no on a $300 Wii that's going to get what you want.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 05:31:20

Hey I just saw a TV ad for the Xbox 360 Arcade on sale for $129. I think it was a regular 360 ad so the sale should be everywhere. It's only good until the 19th though.


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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 05:36:01
That's a pretty good sale.
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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 05:39:47

SteelAttack said:
That's a pretty good sale.


Yeah that's what I thought too.


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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 05:41:25

Archangel3371 said:

Hey I just saw a TV ad for the Xbox 360 Arcade on sale for $129. I think it was a regular 360 ad so the sale should be everywhere. It's only good until the 19th though.

Since you can move your hard-drive from 360 to 360 if I were still in the states I'd get 2 at that price.  

I'm serious, that way I could ensure I'd be able to play my 360 games in the future.  I did the same thing when the Dreamcast and PS1 hit their low price points.  $129... I wonder if they are refurbs? 

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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 05:48:15

aspro said:

Archangel3371 said:

Hey I just saw a TV ad for the Xbox 360 Arcade on sale for $129. I think it was a regular 360 ad so the sale should be everywhere. It's only good until the 19th though.

Since you can move your hard-drive from 360 to 360 if I were still in the states I'd get 2 at that price.  

I'm serious, that way I could ensure I'd be able to play my 360 games in the future.  I did the same thing when the Dreamcast and PS1 hit their low price points.  $129... I wonder if they are refurbs?

They most likely are. But you're right. If I had that kind of sales around here, I'd certainly pick up a spare one.

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Sun, 14 Mar 2010 05:54:22

SteelAttack said:

aspro said:

Archangel3371 said:

Hey I just saw a TV ad for the Xbox 360 Arcade on sale for $129. I think it was a regular 360 ad so the sale should be everywhere. It's only good until the 19th though.

Since you can move your hard-drive from 360 to 360 if I were still in the states I'd get 2 at that price.  

I'm serious, that way I could ensure I'd be able to play my 360 games in the future.  I did the same thing when the Dreamcast and PS1 hit their low price points.  $129... I wonder if they are refurbs?

They most likely are. But you're right. If I had that kind of sales around here, I'd certainly pick up a spare one.


Yeah that's a good point that they could be refurbs. I assume they still give 3 year warranties for them and it is a good price for those who might be interested in having a back-up. I'd probably consider one myself if I wasn't intent on getting a PS3 next month.


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