The D-Pad's Last Stand
A button-less handheld from Nintendo is in our near future. editorial
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Okay so I have returned from a mini-weekend family vacation. . . ick. Still I have made it back in one piece, so you can all relax.
In other news I did get the new Harvest Moon game, Animal Parade. Only 3 days into the game, but so far they've done some neat things to the series. They're making it a little more task/quest oriented. Everyone has something they need accomplished and to progress further into the storyline you have to bring certain things. Like this one jack-ass carpenter who was starving and too tired to continue working, but wouldn't accept any food other than a strawberry and milk.
Graphics got touched up a bit and at times I do catch myself going. . . "wow not bad" particularly in the twilight and night time. However some of the technical problems that the first one had are back, including the worst offender - the horrible 10 second load times. This is something that should have been corrected or least improved a little. Lazy programming I tell you.
Are you sure you're not Dark Robio?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileThe game mechanics are different (throwing is a lot more effective, as are aerial strikes), but no, it was overrated at the time, and would be downright unplayable now. I'm not sure you could pick an N64 game that would age worse.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSmash Bros. has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, regardless of the iteration. Now, Ninja Gaiden. That's a game for MEN.
You just 21?!?!? GG get me a cane, we are old men. Poor Steel is in a coffin already.
Oh and Zelda is excellent, going to do a right up now.
What the fuck are you talking about?
As expe....No too easy!
Hey I don't have to slip into Dark Robio mode to be nasty. Dark Robio would have said something worse and a little more creative like, "Jesus Christ... you're the one person on earth who could actually get anti-aging advice from Lindsey Lohan and Amy Winehouse." But I'm a much nicer guy and wouldn't say something like that.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileOf course it's real! Everything on teh internetz is real!
Oh wow, I want one
oh wow
Is that Pikachu hamster avatar thingy real too!?
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
That first one is awesome!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile