Japanese mag scan collection
Darkside, DQVI, Tower of Shadow and more
true-gaming.net media
Men Dressed as Mario and Luigi Assault Taxi Driver
"First they jumped on my head" the taxi driver said, "then ate my mushroom lunch that I vomited up from the shock and pain."
gamepro.com news
Pre-Order Lost Planet 2 and get a Wesker Costume
Vader is putting his money down as we speak
blastmagazine.com news
Gamepro review Rabbids Go Home 4/5
"Rabbids Go Home is a very special game, and when I say special, I mean special like that kid in your second grade class"
gamepro.com impressions
1up review Darkside Chronicles B+
"this will probably be the closest thing to a complete RE2 remake in our lifetime"
1up.com impressions
1up review Call of Duty Modern Warfare Wii
A- wow, a review that doesn't half ass it?
1up.com impressions
Class-Action lawsuit being investigated on MS
Relating to Xbox 360 bannings
abingtonlaw.com news
Phantasy Star Sucks Up To Gaming Mag
Famitsu logo appears everytime you block.
andriasang.com news
Wii no Ma details: paid shows coming
Service will come to US eventually
andriasang.com news
Capcom Releasing RE5 Bluetooth Headset
Of course. Makes perfect sense. To Vader.
andriasang.com news
Brad Pitt Gets Film Rights to Dark Void
Capcom sci-fi game comes out Q1 2010.
newkerala.com news
Ubisoft Not Publishing No More Heroes HD
But they are still publishing NMH2
g4tv.com news
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Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileFine, you big pussy. I will post them all here
エストポリス [DS] (no idea what this is)
Dynasty Warriors Multi Raid 2
100万トンのバラバラ [PSP] (Again no idea what this is)
More scans
旋光の輪舞 DUO [360]
Gundam vs. Gundam Next Plus [PSP]
ときめきメモリアル4 [PSP]
アルトネリコ3 世界終焉の引鉄は少女の詩が弾く [PS3]
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileCould have, should have
*proceeds to use Yoda's rehosted pics!
Edit: I can't access the scans!
I haven't seen it but Lark is a bad reviewer.
We appreciate it good sirs.
This is not a good thing. I paid full retail price for these DS games.
Not only that you are taking a 3 inch screen and what, trying to plaster it on a big screen? It's going to be like the gba player. Or worse.
And no Apollo Justice BTW.
It's good that they are re-making it and not just doing a striaght port because that game is technically SHODDY as hell and would not fly on high end systems. It barely flies on Wii. Not many people here should care though, its been hobo price for ages and a two year old game. But it might make people hold off on Desperate Struggle because they might think that's being ported too at some point.
Where are these pics Iga? The juggerbitch is failing me!
You're still using that sig I made you years ago.
No VGPress tag thingy there?
Yoda rehosted the pics, but I can't reach them.
Yeah, c'mon bitch REPRESENT!
Second pic:
Looks like Travis is the only thing that's improved? The rest looks the same.
No kidding? Finding out a game exists a few seconds before it launches hasn't done much for me.
Updating now.
Yeah no shit. Poor Disaster and Excitebots.
Yeah the same message I was getting. Yoda, fix it!
I'm afraid after playing a little more of A Boy and His Blob, that my first instincts were probably right about the game. Probably not a game I'd say to people to go out and buy. It's certainly not a bad game by any means, but not quite my thing.
There's a lot to like. Graphics are beautiful. Puzzles are really good and get tough quickly. I read another review somewhere and the reviewer described the game as very Miyazaki-like, and that's dead on. The look and the relationship of the boy and the blob almost make you feel like this could be one of his movies. The game just gives you a warm feeling.
Unfortunately there's two big things that hold it back from being really good. The controls are a little wacked. They could mapped it so much better. Even after more than an hour with the game I still can't get used to where everything should be. Plus, it would have been nice to have the IR controls for jelly bean placement.
More importantly the game really could have used a narrative. Even a bad one. You just never quite know what you're doing and why you're doing it. That alone I think would have made this a lot better. Really given the player a little extra motivation.
It's still fun in 20 minute increments though. I actually could have seen this game doing better as WiiWare with monthly installments. And it certainly is cute and does make you feel kind of good just playing it. Put it on your hobo gamer radar, and as soon as it hits the sub-$30 mark it'll be a good buy.
Nice advice. It doesn't turn me on like Muramasa which is so low key here I dont even know if and when its being released or if I should bother with it.
I liked Muramasa. Need to go back to it one of these days. My only issue with it is how the story is told. Very tough to keep track of who is who. Characters are thrown at you with no introduction like you're expected to know who they are. But the action is good and the graphics are amazing.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile