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Pokemon Snap is awesome. You have to capture pics of the animals in perfect poses you could call it the predecessor for games like Afrika, Endless Ocean and Aquanaughts holiday in that regard. Its like the grand father of camera games.
LOL at this GAF post regarding Pachters interview.
"i have to agree with pachter
the only way a critically acclaimed masterpiece like the conduit could sell so low is wii owners aversion to hardcore games
high voltage games are one of the finest developers of all time and their name is synonymous with the fps genre
no doubt the game would have sold 10 million copies on other systems"
SEGA also regard it as a success.
Pokemon snap rocks btw, Hamster.
I will second this. Pokemon Snap is an excellent game. Still holds up today. I had a friend visit last week and she brought her 20 year old son, and he was completely into that game for the whole weekend.
And frankly whenever anyone calls it an on-rails game I have to do kind of a double-take. There's a feeling of a lot of freedom in that game. And every time you get a new item (apple, stun ball, flute) so much of the game changes. Would love to see another Pokemon Snap though hopefully the sequel will be a little longer.
I think this is a fair statement, but at the same time I think many big developers missed the boat. The Wii really could have been the ultimate retro console. Still could really.
Like you said people bought it play the core Nintendo games and then the VC was also a huge selling point. Why a lot of old developers haven't taken advantage of that group by dusting off their old 8 and 16 bit franchises and then bringing them back for the Wii just confuses me. In fact I think that was one of Capcom's biggest mistakes was putting Bionic Commando on the HD systems instead of the Wii. So far the only 3rd party franchsies we've seen try to make a comeback were NiGHTs and Rygar which were both pretty weak efforts.
We've all seen them and yes they are still hairy.
Oh when I replied WTH I meant as to never playing a Pokemon game. Snap was actually suprisingly good. You travelled about on rails and had to lure the pokemon into the perfect pose and angle for a good photo.
I've never played a Pokemon game either. My daughter has the Wii one. Battle mumble mumble something. Sometimes I stare at the case from afar.
I only played a couple. I was into the cartoon in the 90s. That theme tune was rocking.
So SEGA has said that would like to bring some Dreamcast games to modern day gamers. What games would you like to see ported or on PSN and what not?
I haz no idea. I hear people splooging over games such as Panzer Dragoon Saga, Jet Set whatever and Seaman, but not having owned a DC (hell, I've never even seen one outside internets pics) I have no idea.
I finished Broken Sword about a couple of hours ago. Nice game, good memories. Shame they couldn't have bundled the trilogy together on one disc. You can get that on PC for a pittance.
Next I have to find a cheap copy of Indy.
Has anyone ever bought a download album off amazon?
I want to get this rare CD but its discontinued and expensive in physical form.
It says that it requires amazon mp3 downloader. Can you then burn it to disc?
Sega's finally bringing DC games to modern consoles? Woot! I loved a lot of DC games, but that controller sucked; it hurt my wrists . . . a lot.
DC games I'd like to see re-released:
Clearly not since Panzer Dragoon Saga is a Saturn game.
BTW you suck for not having a DC.
I had and still have most DC games I wanted. I think the only ones I want are powerstone, this weirdo platformer that launched really late in the lifecycle, I think it was on PS2 eventually.
And maybe a few fighting games.
I actually owned Panzer Dragoon Saga. I reserved it, and the store only recieved that one copy. I paid $50 for it, and sold it 5 years ago for $140 on ebay.
The game is cool if you like RPGs. I never played more than three hours of it, though.
Oh, lol.
Hell, yes! Please do!