Natal could have trouble with black people?
Crapped out with N'Gai, of all people.
1Up Itagaki dev interview.
It seems that Itagaki only gives interviews to Mielke.
Prince of Persia producer explains Wii choices
Why was there no Wii version?
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 (Wii) 1up Review
The new MotionPlus add-on adds a whole new level of realism to golf videogames. A-
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robio (6m)
Now I wish I was a sloth.
But I'd be too lazy to erect my penis.
It went up in the Nintendo conference.
It was one of my first posts in the topic; I said something like: "So much blood. So much carnage. So much fun!"
...and he replied: "So little credibility."
There you go, he attacked ME and not my statement! Zap! Ban Suspend-Hammer time!
WTH is this?
I think this is ridiculous. LOL
Awhile back, we showed you a picture from a Mistwalker dev blog that showed a Wii dev kit in the background. That picture is below.
Now, take a look at the new picture that Mistwalker have added to their dev blog. This one replaces the picture above.
I'd say that a photoshop like that pretty much confirms a Wii game. Why bother removing the evidence if nothing is going on?!
...or is that just my eyes seeing what I want to see...?
Blur is "Underwhelming," NFS: Shift Better Than Forza, Says EA Boss EA vice president Patrick Soderlund doesn't think too highly of the competition
Forza was spared a direct attack by Soderlund, but he did say it's "clear" that Forza is inferior to Need for Speed: Shift. He added, "Forza, I'm very confident we have a better game than them to be honest. Talking to the press, looking at the nominations, that's clear. So, I'm glad that they're confident but I'm as confident as they are." Shift may have been nominated, but Forza came out the winner in the "Best Racing Game" category in 1UP's Best of E3 2009 awards -- and we weren't the only ones who thought it was the best racing game of the show.
All this mud-slinging comes just days after Forza director Dan Greenawalt was quoted as saying that Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi "hasn't done anything for me in years." With yesterday's news that Burnout developer Criterion is now working on a new Need for Speed game, things are become quite interesting in the racing game genre.
Blur looks stupid to me.
"NFS: Shift better than Forza"
What a load of complete BS! 
Because of Cammie?
Sure, why not. MILFs are hot.
I'm catching up on my E3 videos. Ugh, Alan Wake after so long looks so conventional. Shattered Memories is the game Alan Wake was suppossed to be IMO.
Some construction hat guy just sunk an axe into Alan and he turned and shotgunned him in the face.
No I think you're right. The man on that cover is sporting a tremendous boner, though it does look rather off center. Almost like it's coming out of his thigh.
Watching Halo ODST now, Bungie are not good at human character models or animation. Well I only got through the first video, I'm not watching parts 2 through 6.
Watching LPlanet 2, there is a roadie run now? Oh damn its that same boss Salamander we already saw.
Ass creed 2 looks good. Flying looks useless though. I should really put a boot in my bros chest, to give me the first game already.
ODST doesn't appeal to me much. I don't see why Bungie is wasting time with this game when they could be making Halo 4 instead. As I said at E3, Halo without Master Chief isn't Halo.
Lords of Shadow, doesn't look anything like Castlevania to me. CV has always been a Metroidvania platformer. This is just a DMC/GOW/Bayonetta/Dante's Inferno hack and slasher with the CV name.
Made by the Jericho team? Doesn't do anything for me.
ooooooh Saboteur, driving around a black and white paris.
Whoa that is some funky animation when he climbs up the building. Looks very intriguing. Am I just being drawn in because of the visual gimmick though?
Damnit, no time to watch more.
The Metroidvania-styled Castlevania games all suck, IMO. Give me the classic hack'n slash Castlevania's of the 8-Bit/16-Bit era anyday (minus the craptastic Simon's Quest, of course).
As far a Lords of Shadow, it's the first 3D Castlevania game that actually looks good to me.
When the competition is the N64 game thats not saying much. It looks okay, but that's because its an approximation of several other similar games. Lords of Shadow existed as its own game before Konami decided to slap the CV licence on it.
Jericho has a 60% metacritic averge on PS3 and 63% on 360. Yikes that this is the same dev.
There were other 3D Castlevania games on PS2/Xbox too.