Red Steel 2 has power assesment mode
Also, Yuji Naka was too stupid to work at Namco
Red Steel 2 building a destructible gameworld
"We’re also building a gameplay mechanic around destructible objects…..but I can’t say more than that at the moment.”
Gamepro Punchout review
"Little Mac has stepped out of retirement and is ready to rumble in this fantastic reboot of the beloved boxing series!"
Extensive Madden NFL10 Wii preview
What is better about this version than the rest?
Punch Out Gamespy review
"I’m calling it right here: Punch-Out!! is destined to become one of this generation’s top classics, right up there with Super Mario Galaxy."
independent studios will always be more creative
So says Johan Kristiansson of Starbreeze
Boom Blox Bash Party 1up review
A: "Even if you already own the original, you should buy this game "
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robio (13s)
Yeah. Apparently we'll be talking about Tatsunoko vs Capcom, whatever the hell that thing is.
COD has been the multiplayer staple for my little group of friends for almost 2 years now, so I always feel guilted into buying the new installments. Fortunately this year I am moving into my best friend's apartment building, and I suspect I won't have to buy MW2 in order to play it regularly.
The graphics while I'm sure were pretty good for their time are pretty subpar by todays standards. There are some positives such as some nice in-game animations and some really nice and detailed texture work on the creatures, and some nice snow fog, nice scaling in certain areas, but outside of that everything seems a bit subpar. Many textures are stretched out and very clean like many Japanese PS2 games but instead upscaled to HD, and the animations in the cutscenes are surpassed by many last generation games.
But the games weakest point by far is how poorly optimized it is for my PC. I can't max it out even when I'm in 720p and DX9 mode. Hell I only average 45fps with big dips in certain areas. It's good Capcom has wise up with Devil May Cry 4 a game I can play in max settings (only the 2nd highest setting for anti-aliaising) in DX9 mode at a solid and steady 60fps. Luckily it doesn't matter too much as the games animations, while fluid, have a low frame count. I just wish Capcom would have taken more time with this port. Oh and the mouse controls suck as well.
So in short it's a pretty good game so far, but I can't see what the fuss was all about.
Tonight? Of course if you guys will tell me what I have to install and how to do it all. Tomorrow? Absolutely not because I have work 11am to 7:30pm then I have to immediatly go to my friend's birthday celebration.
But yeah tonight I can make. Just tell me what time US Central time zone.
This seems to be the calling card for many Western publishers as of recent (I.E. Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and I'm sure that I can think of more). It seems that Western publishers prefer to churn out sequels as soon as possible while the Japanese publishers prefer to keep the sequels far apart to keep the mainline series errosion while dump a shitload of franchise spinoffs.
One of the site's forefathers.
For a title that pretty much embodies what's wrong with sequels without improvements in this industry, I find it extremely odd that GG is interested in it. Even more so considering how important is the multiplayer aspect of the game.
I guess even niche nerds have a little mainstream whore inside them.
Spot on impressions on LP, Punk. It felt as an average game to me, nice and shiny but not engaging enough to justify grinding through waves of generic enemies and shitty boss decisions (like the worm which kills you in one hit).
See what happens when you give your huge AAA games to non-internal teams without close supervision Capcom?
One of the site's forefathers.
Done the updates.
Guys check out the Charles Martinet interview, the voice of Mario.
He does funny voices!
First, holy crap at you guys only having played the first Prime.
On COD MW2, the multiplayer doesn't interest me at all. With shooters though, even short ones, if they are good I play each level through at least twice, usually 4-5 times and they are always good for a quick blast. I hope there is a wii version of CODMW2 with IR, I think amazon has listed the version there.
Otherwise its mainly my curiosity about COD4 that makes me curious about MW2. Modern warfare, which I still have yet to play was suppossed to be some reboot for the COD series and Infinity ward say that they want MW2 to be the biggest selling game ever. The game was until recentely shrouded in secrecy so my curiousity gets the better of me. Mostly though I was wondering why the people I know here who did like COD4, weren't watching or reading the MW2 stuff I was posting.
Price wise, it's not dropping and it fits with other Nintendo games like Pikmin 2, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn or DK Junglebeat which never come down in price and which I can not bring myself to buy. Now its just principle! The price cannot stay that high. I refuse to believe it.
I actually have a psychological barrier when it comes to buying games, even a small amount of cash like $10 means the world psychologically when it comes on laying down cash on games.
I've only ever played one game in the series so I'm nowhere near approaching Madden like apathy. I'm not hugely anticipating it, but I am keeping a beady eye on it.
This sounds like every Lost planet review I've seen. I think that Lost Planet and Dead Rising got kudos because they released early this generation and people were looking for something to justify next gen gaming, whilst waiting for PS3s.
5 on the scale is perfect and I'm a 4.
But yeah when it comes to shooting games, multiplayer, not my thing. It helps that I don't gorge on COD games and haven't played the reboot COD4.
So do you think Dead Rising 2 will be okay?
Inafune is suppossed to be supervising and Cavia are working with Kawata for Darkside Chronicles. Punk, you've played all the metroid prime games right?
So I thought I'd try and polish off Boom Blox today. I saw that I was 80% complete and I tried playing more. I am stuck on a few impossible levels, so I think that I am essentially done with it now, seeing how I haven't been able to pass them in 8 months or something.
Guess I dont have to worry about it being in the backlog anymore. Still too soon to get Bash Party. Maybe at the end of this year.
Oh the Conduit review. Eh, not totally unexpected but I was hoping it would get some 8.5s at least. If its the best shooter as the mag says, it should be better than World at War which means it should be scoring higher.
Some gramps stole Captain Olimars outfit.
Score : 8.0
Summary :
- Great adventure, but doesn't measure up to "big guns" of the genre.
- Predictable story.
- Unimpressive AI.
- Little innovation aside from the controls...
-...yet their quality, which owes a lot to their customizability, mostly overshadow these issues.
- Locales look great for the most part though the level of details can be inconsistent.
- Finely tuned level design based more around covering yourself and surviving than "run 'n gun".
- Lack of destructible environments is a disappointment.
- Great, satisfying to use weapons selection.
- ASE is cool, but under-utilized.
- Impressively smooth online experience.
- Cliffhanger ending hinting at a sequel
- Closing comment :
"Would The Conduit make as big an impact on a competing console ? Probably not. But it's a worthwhile endeavour nonetheless, especially if you're willing to go online. Hopefully, the game enjoys enough success to see that sequel green-lit. Now that the groundwork is in place, I'd love to see if High Voltage can take the next step and forge something truly special. In the meantime, they can at least lay claim to the best pure first-person shooter on Wii."
-stormbringer gaf summary
I found the full review scan, will put in thread.
I watched it. Charles Martinet is awesome!
It looks like they are wearing Wiimote condoms on their heads.
The guy has way too much fun, especially if he is doing Wario.