Eurogamer's Virtual Console Roundup
Majora's Mask Mutherfucking 10/10 and some other games
Ubisoft: Rabbids Go Home for the hardcore
Influenced by Mario Galaxy/kart
Marvel vs Capcom 2 XBLA Achievements Leaked
Finally confirmed. Time to go for a ride.
Gamers Should Be Blamed
For The Pathetic Sales Of 'Chinatown Wars' And 'MadWorld'
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robio (2m)
It was last place, it was a waste of time to port many of those titles and as usual demographics kick in. Its a totally different case if the Wii was equal to the 360/PS3.
Read the GAF yahoo thread. Gamers have more sense than analysts confirmed
Would the Wii sell as much if it was $600,-?
Great games but not blockbuster, testosterone games. How can people cry foul when niche games dont sell? There are notable examples of big HD flops, but you dont see 10 tonnes of dedicated news stories pointing them out and blaming a system or its audience.
Sin and Punishment 2 is THE blockbuster, testosterone game to the nth degree.The reason it will not sell is because the world is filled with bunch of wussy, girly men that can't handle the amount of testosterone S&P 2 releases. Yes Sin & Punishment 2 is a game for real men.
I need to start tracking Little King's Story more.
Sin and Punishment is so overrated. Only men who are desparately overcompensating for something hold that supposed "testosterone" fest in high regard.
I might. Let me find your code.
Yep Hamster hates it, we all know that Hamster hates all that is good and awesome in the world. So any games he hates or calls overrated is actually awesome and manly.
Just type in Little King's Story in our search window!
One of the site's forefathers.
I just love the atmosphere and exploring the wasteland. I love mystery games like this, venturing into the unknown, not knowing what will happen at every corner. And sometimes its refreshing to travel alone and not have annoying cat characters, spiky haired dudes with make-up, or racy looking half-naked little perverted girls in your party (obvious reference to cliche JRPG characters). Just me and my's a great feeling being alone in this game.
In the past, I guess I preferred JRPGs because of its more scripted storytelling, but after playing Fallout 3, I realize that there's a place for western RPG storytelling and it's really effective. I love the choices you can make, the good and the bad morals, every decision you make effecting who you are and how you play the game...really makes you feel engrossed inside the world. Awesome!
Now I got to play Oblivion after this! Damn you Bethesda! You're making me cheat on my beloved JRPG to play your amazing games, LOL!
Also, I finally got Left 4 Dead today. But I'm wondering if I should've waited for the GOTY Edition coming out in a few weeks? It's odd because the GOTY Edition is at $60 while I bought the game for $50. I don't think Valve announced anything exclusive to the GOTY Edition so why is it listed at a higher price?
Anyway, have a nice weekend, y'all!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Yes and RE5 would not have sold anywhere close to 1.5 million in a month on the Wii. But the Wii could have had RE5 if it were like the other consoles. The issue is not that they dont want the game to be on the wii, its that Nintendo forced devs to make a choice, make your game for them or make your game for us. I know some games have a wii port but most of the time the end up as totally different games.
That's a little funny to me because Nintendo has not put out anything major lately while third parties have been bringing out some of the best games on the Wii like House of the Dead, Deadly Creatures, Boom Blox, MadWorld, etc.
Yet it's still Wii-Fit, Wii-Play, and Mario Kart Wii still on the NPDs top 10 every month! Over 600,000 people bought a Wii in March, which is more than the 360 and PS3 combined but they only bought Wii-Fit and Wii-Play, LOL!
It's obvious gamers aren't picking up Wii's. And Nintendo's like a cash cow chewing on the same wad of grass in their mouth for over a year! A big fat cash cow!
And once Wii-Sports Resort comes out, there's another Wii-______ game that will be on the NPDs top 10 from now on. So every month we'll be seeing Wii-Fit, Wii-Play, Wii-Sports Resort, and Mario Kart Wii on the NPDs! YIKES! I think the NPD group needs to bring out a separate list for Wii stuff, seriously.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Fallout 3 is amazing, I liked it more than Oblivion. Bethesda games are awesome, they make WRPGs that I really enjoy.
Agreed, or they can just remove Wii Play which does not belong in the first place.
And Blast Processing.