Hudson discusses Marble Saga: Kororinpa
did you know you can create/share levels?
Platinum explains why MadWorld is Wii-only,
sees the title as a system-seller
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robio (10m)
I have no idea who the Watchmen are.
You know I still really want to pick up RE: UC so this new RE Wii will also be another one I wouldn't mind getting.
Awesome to hear about the Fable III news. Fable II is a fantastic game.
Didn't you own or rent Umbrella Chronicles before? You should forget about it and just get HOTD Overkill, its got great reviews and good user feedback.
The problem with this new UC and Dead Space Extraction even isn't the games themselves, which I dont really doubt will be high quality. It's just not what people asked for or expected. It is a very visible sign of copping out. And you can even see the reasons behind it. And again, the imbalance, which I know you are happy with, lets not go through this again. Damn long debates.
So true:
"Well that, and the fact that Wii owners are getting upset at the very idea of spinoffs. We've had two Resident Evil on-rails shooters, a Dead Space on-rails shooter, a Dragon Quest on-rails slasher, a Samurai Warriors on-rails slasher, a Final Fantasy dungeon crawler, a Castlevania fighting game, a Soul Calibur hack-and-slash, Rayman party games, and on-rail Sonic storybook games with RPG elements and swords. We get SSX Blur and Skate It instead of SSX5 and Skate, MySims instead of Sims. And while some of these games are fine, a lot of them are 3rd rate attempts at being different for the heck of it."
That paragraph summed up pretty much everything that is wrong with Wii's third-party support.
I love this post:
"Whoever is giving the green light to all of this just needs to quit. The epic misjudgment that publishers have with the Wii market has to be the most bumbled opportunity of gaming history.
I'm not even saying that a new RE in the vein of RE5 would sell truckloads, it probably wouldn't. But if your response for the Wii market is rail-shooter after rail-shooter, you probably really suck at your job, and need a strong dose of imagination."
Zero Punctuation: House of the Dead: Overkill
Miyamoto was "very sad" in the GC Era
Ravenprose is "very sad" in the Wii era.
GC > Wii
Mario Galaxy wins best game from BAFTA
"Resident Evil The Backside Chronicles. Bend over and get ready to take what Capcom is giving you."
"Wii = minimum effort + reused assets + c-team = rail shooter.
Nobody had problems making 3rd person shooters or 3rd person Resident Evil games on the N64, PS1 and PS2, but it's obviously really hard to do on the Wii for some reason. I'm going to bet that Resident Evil 6 will be a Over-the-Shoulder-Third-Person-Shooter on the 360/PS3/PC while the Wii gets Resident Evil 3: Reacharound Chronicles."
"dear capcom,
do not want.
please cancel and make a good game.
your friend,
"Man Up, Capcom. We all know you're capable of it"
"Capcom has no respect for us, and they expect us to give them our money? What a bunch of pompous a holes."
"No true RE fan would rather have a on rails game over a RE4 style game. It's insulting that Capcom has not made a new RE4 style game for us, but claims some PR BS that this will make us very happy. It's very frustrating. "
"hey capcom Port U"
"How do developers manage to be that out of touch? Do they just look at sales number alone? Just because it worked once doesn't mean we want it again."
"Crappcom bites the dust.
If they dont bring monster hunter 3 to the west, so are they dead as wii developers in my eyes
"I don't want your new resident evil game anymore capcom, unless you give it to me free with a real game you can suck my left one"
"Why can't I just control my own character? Is that really so much to ask? All they had to do was take the RE4 engine and make a new game with that. Why is that so hard for them to understand? Everyone loved the way that game controlled but Capcom just ignore it."
Do Capcom live in a bubble? Do they not hear these comments?
"Why do developers like to announce big licenses coming to the Wii then release something that's not characteristic of the license. I'll bet that none of these developers would ever consider releasing these spin-offs on the PS3 or the 360. Let's see them make Dead Space 2 a rail shooter, the new next-gen Castlevania a fighting game, or Soul Calibur 5 a hack-n-slash. They'd never do it. They expect Wii owners to love the games and be grateful that we got a name that only has the name in common with the big franchises."
"I still can't believe it... Lost Planet and Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition sold almost the same amount, and who gets the worth sequel? Lost Planet and the Xbox 360 owners, even thought the RE4 was a port and made more monies for Capcom. Japanese fellows bought the crappy RE 0 and 1 ports! Our reward?
Cobalt Flux’s ‘Dark Ops Wii Light Gun’ looks badass, uses ‘fresnel light-bending’ tech so you can aim the gun instead of WiimoteMarch 11th, 2009
Okay my turn!
Update time!
Live action Blood? And it's... filmed as an english language film?
Ugh that DMM article. Changing games so radically like euphoria and ragdoll and changing terrain. Yah. Right.
Finally! Real time engorged penises!
Digital Molecular matter:
"Throw a rock at a metal sheet and the metal bends like metal, leaving a mark on the metal and having the metal bounce with physics"
Great. Just make a good game idiots.
"Brush up against a wood panel and you will hear the rustling sound of fabric on pine as the dynamic pixels and coding calculate exactly how is sounds and should feel"
Oh and Euphoria is so much better.
"Knock an enemy down and he will never react in the same way. He may land on his elbow, next time his hand, next time on his back, then he will do a little spin, next time the water on the ground will make him slip by himself. It's all done procedurally."
Shut up idiots and make a good game.
I just made that shit up BTW.
Punky, I'm curious - are you at all with the way Alan Moore writes his characters?
Also - I was excited about Bioshock. THEN I saw that.
Punk about Watchmen, remember I never read the comic or know much about it, from what I heard a lot of what you are stating is because of shrinking a huge 12 comic story into one 3 hour film. Also remember that the Watchmen is NOT like american comics, the entire story was created to flip the comic scene upside down, to play on conventions we are all used to but do so in a completely different way. Thats why the movie was so amazing to me cause it was unlike anything I have seen that deals with "superheroes"
As for the comedian, yeah I think the answer is simply to show that the guy is a total asshole. I get what you are saying but I kind of like it, it adds flavor to the character, it makes you hate him in a good way.
As for all the plot jumping, again its because of all the plot they had to fit into one movie. I get that the movie was disjointed, I still found myself enthralled at the characters. And the ending, woah, the moral implications of it all, did they just save the world by killing millions of people, was it worth it? Again totally played on the usual comic conventions where the heroes "saved the world" but acted like villains to do so.
I thought it had a really cool story, the movie clearly was a victim of trying to fit too much in
It is horrible what SOME third party devs are doing with the wii. Yeah UC 2 will sell a million, the first one was really really good, in certain ways the best on rails gun game ever played cause it didn't play like one, it was slower paced, it was more about strategy using the guns than just shooting everything on the screen as soon as it pops up. In UC you actually had to conserve ammo, it was in some ways like playing a RE game. So its a great title but once was enough, plus it was freaking huge, really well done experimental game, no need for a sequel.
If they just took the time to make an RE4 like new RE title the sales would double maybe triple that of UC2. RE4 Wii edition, a port of a three year old game sold more than UC1, if that is not a sign then I dont know what is.
Whatever, its happend. At this point I just accept it and hope it turns out to be a worthy sequel. I look forward to more info on the game. But the level of hate right now is totally understandable.
Picked up Peggle today and I love it. Man Pop-Cap makes some really fun stuff that just totally hooks into you.