Icarian: Kindred Spirits to feature....
Original Soundtrack by Steven Gutheinz
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robio (9m)
Err...I might have actually messed up that story.
If you want to believe Kotaku, It turns out that Sora LTD isn't purchased by Nintendo, but they created a new company known as Project Sora - a subsidiary of Nintendo.
I picked that up based on the translation that I read. The dude from Kotaku whom wrote the story lives in Japan, so I'd assume he'd have some iota of knowledge regarding the language without using Google Translator.
Yeah the company is owned by Nintendo and Sora, and Sakurai is going to work there. That's all I need to know!
According to Kotaku
Nintendo is the principal investor, owning up to 72 percent of the company.
About this project the new company is working on, Satoru Iwata assured that it's not another Smash Bros. game, saying, "It's not Smash Bros. I asked for." Sakurai added, "i can promise an experience that's different from anything [you've played] up until now."
Project Sora currently has 30 employees and is currently looking for "talented individuals."
All the people that are going to get fired because the studios are shutting down are going to end up working for Nintendo.
We are Nintendo, prepare to be hired. Resistance is futile
'Toddler Weds Dog To Avoid Indian Tiger Doom'
A toddler has reportedly been married off to a dog in eastern India in a bid to prevent his predicted death by a tiger.
The ceremony, at a Hindu temple in Orissa state's Jajpur district,was conducted with all the rituals observed at traditional weddings.
It included a dowry for the bride - the village bitch.
The dog sported two silver rings and a silver chain, the UNI news agency reported.
Parents of the groom, 18-month-old Sangula, were advised to arrange the marriage when they noticed a tooth growing from their infant son's upper gum.
The growth was considered to be a bad omen in the boy's tribal community.
Village elders believed it would lead to him being killed in a tiger attack - a fate preventable, according to tribal tradition, by marrying a dog.
Sanrumula Munda, Sangula's father, said the ceremony would not stop him from marrying properly when he comes of age.
Superstition is still a potent force in tribal and remote communities of India
EDIT: Wow just read, now Rare is on the skids?
And I cant work out what is going on in this GOW3 picture.
I looks like someone planted a bomb in the middle of an orgy.
GG, "I looks like someone planted a bomb in the middle of an orgy."
It does. Or something a bogan would have airbrushed on the front of his panel van in the 70's.
Thanks to whomever posted that article on the big board. It restored my hope for the arts.
LOL Aspro that musical looks er....... well. Quoting still not working for you?
Just doing the updates now:
Famitsu Scores
Yakuza 3 (Ryu ga Gotoku 3) (PS3, Sega): 9 / 10 / 9 / 10 - (38/40)
Halo Wars (Xbox 360, Microsoft): 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 - (32/40)
Shin Sangoku Musou: Multi Raid (PSP, Koei): 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 - (32/40)
One Piece Unlimited Cruise: Episode 2 (Wii, Bandai Namco): 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 - (28/40)
Kamen no Maid Guy: Boyoyon Battle Royale (PSP, Gadget Soft): 4 / 6 / 5 / 7 - (22/40)
Mimana Iyar Chronicle (PSP, Gungho): 6 / 6 / 5 / 4 - (21/40)
High School Musical 3: Senior Year Dance (Wii, Disney): 6 / 7 / 7 / 7 - (27/40)
Uchida Yasuou Mystery: Meitantei Senken Mitsuhiko Series: Fukutoshin Renzoku Satsujin Jiken (NDS, D3): 8 / 6 / 7 / 7 - (28/40)
Net Ghost Pipopa: Pipopa DS Daibouken (NDS, Dimple): 4 / 4 / 4 / 6 - (18/40)
Game Center CX: Arino no Chousenjou (NDS, Bandai Namco): 9 / 8 / 8 / 8 - (31/40)
Kemeko Deluxe! DS: Yome to Meka to Otoko to Onna (NDS, 5pb): 6 / 5 / 6 / 5 - (22/40)
Dragon Dance (NDS, Success): 5 / 7 / 6 / 6 - (24/40)
I looked too.....then my balls got itchy and remain so because nobody afford to scratch them.
Afford? LOL, its offered, idiot.
Yeah no quoting for me. Except... when it does.
MS buying motion tech company: LOL
Rare on the skids: I was expecting this. How many disappointing game sales can a company go through before this happens...cmon. As I've said before, they need to leave MS before the company is ruined.
Nintendo buys Sora: Great, more SSB.
Xbox mag reviews RE5: LMAO....much respect to Xbox mag on that one, calling it like it is.
Headstrong wanting to do more SEGA Wii games: Great news.
Crytek rehiring Free Rad guys: That's cool.
Eidos support Square deal: Very cool.
Bethesda Wii game: Not at all cool.
Yakuza 3 38/40: This needs to come out worldwide on PS3 this year.
My balls tickle: Hehehehehe
"As the entire industry struggles to address the increasing scale and cost of development, we too have felt a need to restructure our current approach so we can speed development and better manage the scale required to create high quality games," said studio head Mark Betteridge, "With four projects recently underway, now is the right time to make this change."
This is what I was going on about the other day with whether or not today's development is sustainable and where all this madness is going to lead.
There's no hope for Rare to turn things around where they are now. That's the problem. Now many Banjo's and Viva Pinata's need to bomb in sales before the company is dead? Hell even Perfect Dark bombed and that was THE launch game and Rare's most Xbox friendly franchise by a long fucking shot.
The only way they can turn things around with MS is to start making nothing but realistic/adult oriented games. But then, they won't be Rare anymore anyway.
I half suspect that the only reason MS had them come up with that whole avatar thing was to try and feel somewhat justified in buying the company, since their game sales certainly aren't justifying anything.
“I’m worried the Wii is getting stuck with quick-buck games aimed at children who don’t know any better. As an industry, we have to make sure the world knows that gaming is for everyone, and not just kids or thirty-somethings who never grew up.” - Bethesda’s Todd Howard
Now remember, Bethesda is involved in a game for Wii called ‘Medieval Games’, which is a mini-game based title.
What? Now I had no problem with Bethesda doing all the great games they want on 360/PS3, but now they join the list of guys pissing in the Wii pool.
Take Two was bemoaning the shovelware on Wii a couple of months back and those guys made and are making Carnival Games sequels.
Just posted the Dead Space Wii trailer.
Give EA a ******* hand. Hang on... FPS? No!
Oh no! Another lightgun game? Oh no! Please no!
Oh shit, depsite being primarily developed by the same EA Redwood team, it's looking like this is another rail shooter.
Oversaturation. EA fails. So close, but fail. Thank you Umbrella Chronicles. The jokes on GAF have already begun.
IGN: Dead Space for 360 is a third-person action game. This is not true of the Wii version. The title shares more in common with Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, right? Please explain how gameplay works.
Steve: Our gameplay takes advantage of a guided and cinematic camera which allows us to frame the action on screen and deliver fantastic and gripping action sequences packed with loads of scares. We plan to evolve the game by focusing on a frenetic first-person perspective that we believe will enhance the tension and horror the player experiences as they play the game. The unique gameplay and first-person perspective allows us to combine a high action horror movie experience within an interactive environment.
Dead Space Extraction also retains the core gameplay mechanics from Dead Space, like strategic dismemberment, weapon upgrades, stasis, telekinesis, alternate-fire modes, and more. But, we are added a lot more on top that like I previously mentioned with the addition of co-op play, for example.
For those wondering why I get hacked off with PR, this interview is a great indication why. IGN ask them a couple of times why or IF it's an on rails shooter and EA guy goes out of his way to avoid the term and say things like "Our gameplay takes advantage of a guided and cinematic camera "
Or "Creating an intimate horror experience is a central tenet for Extraction and moving to a first person perspective felt like a great fit for the Wii allowing us the ability to create the most intense experience possible on this platform. " Because RE4 fails right? It's just silly decisions like these. This game should be an original RE4..... Dead Space type game, not shunting it off into on rails shooter territory because its easier. Thanks to Umbrella Chronicles this is what we get.
I was suprised at that. Will that mag be forever framed as the one true voice in forums though?
There are always a couple of low reviews for hyped games. We shall see.
It's a sad state of affairs.
That's a great quote, they want to speed development and manage scale. So make games faster and cheaper. Hullo? Some of use have been saying this for years. I'm rubbing my balls with pride right now.
Dead Space Wii a Rail Shooter?
WTF? FU, EA! F . . . U! *raises middle finger to EA*
Fucking Dead Space Wii is a light gun game? WHAT THE FUUUUCK?!!!!
OK, this is seriously bullshit at this point. So the Wii can do light gun games, great. Doesn't mean EVERY single game needs to be one, or that people even want them from something like this.
How many times does it take for people to say they want more RE4 style adventure games on the Wii? And this would have been perfect...so EA make a light gun game.
The graphics look incredible for Wii...but that just pisses me off more. Imagine if this had RE4 gameplay like it should....guaranteed one of the best Wii game, hands down. Instead its just another light gun game where I can't go where I want or do what I want. Fuck man.....EA dropped the fucking ball here.