Icarian: Kindred Spirits to feature....
Original Soundtrack by Steven Gutheinz
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Oh wow, that is awesome.
That's a fantastic image.
Yeah it did use the HDD. That's one area where the Wii lacks for games like that.
Anyway, yeah you do ALMOST never see games like NG, but Steel is trying to say NO games look like that which I don't know, he didn't play Metroid I guess.
Xbox did have a larger amount of great looking games, but again its because that's where the EFFORT went to MAKE great looking games, while Gamecube ports were usually afterthoughts. Taking the entire library and comparing it is pointless as it doesn't prove anything about how capable they are, only that the developers give one the shaft and not the other.
Still, you go back and play the truly great system pushing games on the Gamecube, and it can be surprising how great many still look. Star Fox Adventures is still AMAZING....its such a shame Rare didn't get a chance to make anymore Cube games because they obviously mastered the tech just like they did on N64. Those fur effects are still untouched.
Then you have the Pikmin games, Mario Sunshine, the Metroid stuff, the Zelda stuff, the rogue squadron stuff, F-zero....Resident Evil, RE Zero, RE4 ....all these games were made to push the machine and they all looked brilliant.
We've rarely had this on Wii.
IMO, the best looking Xbox games were:
The Halo series
The Splinter Cell series
Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay
Ninja Gaiden
No GG my stance on all types of gamers should be catered to hasn't changed at all, I think all types should be catered to. However that's in respect to each of the console's userbases and is up to the system's manufacturer and not on 3rd party developer. It's not up to a 3rd party developer to make sure both hardcore and casual games get made equally across all available platforms, which you would have to include the PC and handhelds. That's just not possible nor should it be expected.
I know how well the Wii is selling but the thing is, and I mean no disrespect to anyone, I just don't care. If Capcom or any other developer wants to put their focus on the 360/PS3 then kudos to them I say because that's exactly where I prefer their focus to be.
I still think Ninja Gaiden Black is the best looking game from last gen and I have yet to see any game on the Wii match it.
I remember back when Resident Evil remake came out, I had a friend who was an Xbox fanboy and was convinced that it blew the Gamecube away since it had nothing at the time that could compete with Halo.
So I told him 'wait nutil RE comes out man, I'm telling you the Cube can do just as much as the Xbox'. He remained unconvinced.
He came over, had a few beers.....I shut the lights and turned on REmake....look over, and he is slack-jawed, hahaha. Completely blown away. Went and bought a Cube the next day.
That was a very satisfying moment last gen.
You're nuts.
I still think that Zelda Wind Waker is the best looking game last gen, and so far this gen.
No, you are.
When I was visiting Sherdog, I found this
They are actually promoting MadWorld, it will sell millions. RE5 has no chance
Anyway Ninja Gaiden should be on the Wii. Imagine slicing and dicing with Wii motion plus.
Wait there's an ad for Madworld? They're actually advertising it? To a non-gamer centric site no less?
One of the site's forefathers.
I just read the epic GG post earlier on. Good points, yes game companies can choose to bring their big franchise to the wii, put actual effort into them and make great games. Do I want that, NO!
I DO NOT want my big time franchises stuck in hardware from a generation ago. I dont want Metal Gear 5 to be a wii game. I dont want RE5 to be a wii game. I dont want DMC5 to be a wii game. I most definetly do not want Final Fantasy XIII to be a wii game. If I had my wish the next Zelda would not be on the Wii (come on Wii 2)
But that doesn't mean I dont want those franchises on the wii, I want them to make games to talyor specifically to the wiimote controls. Make Metal Gear Raiden, a side game where you use a sword, perfect for the wii. Umbrella Chronicles was a great idea, wiimote makes for a good light guns. Of course I perfer a non linear game, make RE2make with RE4 graphics, perfect use of the wii. I like that Sonic has side games designed around the wiimote while I get the main series on the HD consoles. FF Crystal, looks AMAZING, awesome side game built around the wiimote. Thats what I want out of my Wii, to get games that other wise would not be made. Games like Boom Blox, Elebits, Nights 2, Zack and Wiki, Umbrella Chornicles, HoTD Overkill, would have never been made without the wii existing.
Why dont I want the main franchises, I dont know I just like to see them evolve with the times. I like to see how far we have come using graphics as the example. I know that something like MGS4 could not be done last gen. You might come back at me with what did it do that do gameplay wise, it goes beyond that, there are stuff you witness, setpieces that occur that are impossible on anything last gen. Yes I know RE5 is basically RE4, at least it has nice shiny graphics and its goint to set up some epic scenes with it. The last thing I need is RE5 to be exactly like RE4 and look exactly like RE4 as well. I dont get this physics talk, RE is about shooting things, the wiimote aiming would be better but RE4 was still the most amazing game ever before it came out on the wii so its not that big of a deal. FF series has always been about cutting edge graphics, incredible cinematics and such, to see the series truely move forward it has to be done on the HD consoles. The gameplay would not really change from regardless of the system, I am sure whatever batte system they came up for FFXIII would not be changed if it came to the wii, the difference is you would not have he same epic flare that the series is known for.
Now I am not saying all these HD games are automatically better than the wii games, it could very well happen that the side games could end up better than the main games cause of the wiimote. You might ask yourself then why not want the main game on the wii if the games might be better. Well cause I dont want them to change the series to fit the wii. I rather have side projects test out how the wii could be used before taking your crown jewel and subjecting it to a control scheme that may or may not work. And say the side game is so incredible that its clearly is way way better than what a basic pad can do then fine, next time put the main franchise on the wii (hopefully Wii 2 by then
). Plus I dont think its as simple as which console will make us the most money, some teams want to make the game they want and they pick the consoles that best fit their vision and usually that is the HD systems. I bet most designers want to use every new tool available, all the new power to pull off state of the art games. Some designers see the wiimote and want to see what they can do with that. Its when the designers get to make the game they really want, on the system they want, that we get the truly great games. So no, companies should not be choosing to put the big franchises on the wii just cause it has the biggest userbase, make the games that should be made.
I have no problem with the way thrid parties are on the wii, well the good ones at least. I see the issue with Ubisoft and some of the horrible games that get put on there but I like that the wii gets the side games, or the different games. I have a PS3, I have a Wii, I dont need them to be getting the same exact games. I like that I get RE5 on the PS3 and get Umbrella Chronicles on the wii (hopefully something new in the future). My main issue about the wii will always be Nintendo cause I expect greatness from them and they are giving me Wii fit and wii music. Again it was expected to have a down time with all the big franchises having games already I just expected them to fill in the gaps with more interesting games. But outside of them, generally, I like the types of games I am seeing coming to the wii, I dont feel like I need to see RE6 or MGS5 or FFXIV on the wii for it to be successful.
See look at this,
RE5 producer says he wants to make a new RE game on the wii. Now I still get RE5 and another new RE game, 2 games instead of one. Each made to fit with that system. The way it should be.
Cant wait to see what they make.
You probably weren't seriously suggesting a game here, but still, the problem that the Wii has had are these half-assed concepts. We do not need every game to be using a sword, which every time inevitably just becomes waggle.
There is a place for Wiimote use, and no, we don't necessarily need the official next iterations on Wii, but we also don't need to say NO MGS ON WII either. What's so wrong about that? You just played through all the RE games in a hyper for RE5 and seemed to enjoy it well enough. Somehow the Wii shouldn't have actual typical game experiences? We got Umbrella Chronicles, which I don't doubt was done well enough, but how about a game built on the RE4 engine?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileBut wouldn't you still rather have RE2make on PS3 then Vader?
That doesn't make any sense to me. You don't want some games to be on Wii, yet others are ok. I mean, don't you really want ALL games to not be on the Wii? One RE4-ripoff yes, the other no.
Also, you say you don't want games to be changed to be on the Wii. In what way other than control-wise would they HAVE to be changed?
"Its when the designers get to make the game they really want, on the system they want, that we get the truly great games. "
Tell that to all the guys that were FORCED by publishers to work on PS2 last gen, when they didn't want to. There was more Mikami's than just Mikami, unhappy with that machine.
Developers can make the game they truly want on any machine at this point. Its all about the effort.
As for me, well now that I have a PC to tell you the truth there's not even much I want on the PS3 since looking at the release list, its all PC games on 360 and PS3. That's why I'm not all that hyped about Killzone....why get that when I can get a bunch of PC shooters that smoke it. Even RE5 I'm not planning on getting until its a greatest Hits game (Hey, maybe by then they'll have announced the Wii 2 version) which is insane for me...I've bought every RE game on day 1 but I'm one of those people pretty put off by the demo.
I'm literally excited for God of War 3, FF13, and Uncharted 2 on PS3. That's about it. So its not doing too much better than the Wii at this point. Actually I'll probably end up with more Wii games this year depending on what Nintendo does.
So its funny how depending on what hardware you have, you can end up liking one system quite a bit more or less. If I just had a PS3 and a Wii I'd probably think the PS3 was the best thing ever. Add a PC in the mix (I have it set up to my TV just like a console) and suddenly the PS3 seems useless and I don't even have a 360 anymore. In a weird way the Wii is the only one immune to this, since its not reliant on PC games and developers like the others are. And now I find myself wanting more on the Wii, because its not just a wannabe PC.
Personally, I wish RE5 and a bunch of other HD-only big franchises were on Wii. Why? So that I can finally get rid of my 360, and go back to having only one console again. In my opinion, owning multiple current gen consoles is a pain in the ass; an expensive pain in the ass.
MS Paint? Seriously? C'mon now, I already linked you up with Paint.NET
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileOh, wow! That is a very nice program. Thanks for posting that link, Yoda!