BioShock 2 job listing includes request for
developer knowledge of PS3/360/Wii
Retailers getting more strict about which DS/Wii
Natural selection at work people
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Archangel3371 (5m)
Vader should GOLD all RE stories. That would be
I posted the God of War news in the comments before you got to it. That's what juggerbitch gets for incessently searching up naked Fedor pics!
We should make a pic and host it on instead of linking to google or whatever on a changed story. Make a Fedor one. Who posted the GI Killzone 2 review today? Damn, I posted that in the updates and the comments. Have you noticed a recent news sex-plosion Iga? It seems to have gotten busier recentely. I think we must have beat our own records recentely. I read that Wiki thing. Still dont get it.
He's just inspecting the crotch armour. Shame about your pad.
Oh I see. That would suck in Zelda. I would probably give up playing it. I had a situation like that last night in the darkness with asshole AI hiding and skitting behind tombstones like bugs. Just come out so I can kill you!
Thanks for the info. I can't really tell how badarse they look, they look the same to me. Do you ever get to use other weapons other than pistols? It hasn't really explained how and why I have these darkness powers yet. I read the extra content comic issue 1 last night, I assume that's the WW2 bit. I'm liking it a lot more, I prefer it to Riddick, but I always felt that Riddick was overated in the first place. Last night I was sitting on the couch next to the girlfriend (in game) and I suppose it was meant to be immersive and cinmatic and I just wanted to get off the f-ing couch. And I unlocked a romantic achievement apparently. There is no decent map on this game and I've been circling around similar looking environments alot. There better more weapons then these pistols!
Iwata sits in his Duck Tales cavern of money and orders the pikmin about as slave labour.
Shame about the controls. Have you actually replayed levels to see if you can do things differently? I hear there are several paths through a level? I never personally felt that Splinter cell offered freedom but I see what you mean about Hitman 2. Have you witnessed the "I piss on your apologies" cutscene yet?
Did you find pics of ancient roman dildos?
So that's what he's doing? The rumour was that he was either with Nintendo, Monolith or the Little Kings Story team.
I was an episode about a ghost on a cruise. They mentioned the ritual when you first cross the equator!
There is so much Wii and DS Shovelware that the shops can't contain it all!
Does not matter, you should have posted it on the GG weekly also. Big news should always be on GG weekly.
You mean like this?
Or how about this?
o_0 *doink!*
What in the holy hell...?!
... ? 0_o ? ...
I could not, you were updating at the time. And........ WHAT?!
*DISCLAIMER the following bitching is in no way meant to infer that this game wont be great. Just commenting on the visual 'look'*
I watched the trailer last night and could this game look (visually) anymore like a next gen cliche? I mean, blinding bloom, tons of shine, putting great swathes of enemies on screen at once and a grey or brown colour scheme? But then the old games had the same art I guess. Still the bloom is overpowering in those shots, everything is golden.
*confused and bewilder Leo*
"Focus on the GamePad, Try not to look..."
"Focus on the GamePad, Try not to look..."
"Focus on the GamePad, Try not to look..."
Tab is at it again with his screenshots.
Third parties there is no excuse!
Yeah I saw that scene. No, so far there's really no meaningful 2nd ways to get through levels that I've noticed. There's a few "go through this hall, or go through that room and out the other side of the hall" areas, that's about it. Its in no way as freeform as Chaos Theory or Hitman 2. And it doesn't have that really immersive vibe that any of the SC games had.
Just beat level 5. By far the best looking level so far....nice reflections on the hardwood floors and nice lighting.
Look at the top right one....its still got some chick's ancient dung stuck to it.
That's vile. Were there no banana's or cucumbers in ancient days?
So how is the movement really like in tenchu? IGN said that Leon in Re4 moved faster. I mean, I've seen videos with the characters running at speed. How would you compare the moment to something like MGS 1 and 2?
Is the movement a sure thing though? I mean if you are walking behind a character is it a sure thing that he wont hear you and suddenly turn around like the annoying f*** wits in Pandora Tommorrow?
Cubed HOTD Overkill review
Madworld IGN footage
Wow, I had thought that black and white would make it difficult to differentiate between stuff. The pics are all blurry but in motion this is sharp and clear. Looks great too. Good footage.
Since we've been having the eternal Wii debate (I know I haven't replied from page 9 - sorry)
Two articles here on the crap that spawned my annoyance.
Capcom isn't doing anything to help itself or the state of the Wii with its Dead Rising port. The game looks atrocious and probably won't sell well, and it shouldn't, because for all of the development hours that Capcom has put into the game, it hasn't done anything to improve it. You can't take pictures anymore, you can't jump, there's practically no zombies in the place, and the only thing you have to show us is Frank dressed up in a bikini, or dressed as the hero of a game we'll never get? Thanks, Capcom.
Why is the budget for the port so small when sales of 500,000 have been projected?EA boss John Riccitiello recently stated that Wii games could typically be made for as little as a quarter of the budget of PS3 and 360 games. Reggie Fils-Aime also used 400,000 as a threshold for 3rd party games that had sold well at E3 ‘08, which when looked at in the context of Riccitiello’s estimate would be the equivalent of over a million sales on the HD consoles . In light of their healthy sales projections, Capcom’s minuscule budget for Chop Till You Drop can be seen as a naked attempt at making as much money from Wii gamers with as little effort as possible.
This site became a whole lot better, Edge and me would be so banned if we tried to pull this shit on Gamespot!
We need to change name to TheDildoPress. Stat.
Nice Tenchu impressions.
Dildo talk. Nude Fedor pics. Normal day here.
So been playing the Genesis collection, Streets of Rage 2 is still a classic.