High Voltage news explosion:The Conduit - no split-screen multiplayer, no lan multiplayer, final date set, Animales de la Muerte going full-discnintendoworldreport.com Iga_Bobovic
Something very cool that I just noticed in the GAF thread for the Capcom home stuff:
On the item side of things, Home Reward support will give players
special Home items as they work through both games. Capcom will also be
offering paid costumes that dress your avatar up to look like
characters from both titles. Additional items will be added regularly. http://www.andriasang.com/e/articles/2009/02/03/sfiv_re5_home_collaborations/
Worst snow in 18 years in London. Snowed in, schools closed, buses not running, airports down. 6 inchs of snow outside.
6 inches of snow brings u guys to a standstill? LOL
Over here we've been averaging a 10 inch plus storm every week. And my work gets upset if people call out because of it.
Pretty much, but it continued to snow all day. 8-10 inches or more. Country just isn't used to it, especially the south east so we dont have the infrastructure and machinery to deal with it. We don't even have snow tires or spikes and shit. It would be like if it suddenly came down a snowstorm in LA.
Dvader said:
After the orgy that was the Super Bowl and RE5 demo I am here. I got RE5 impressions all over the web, I will put them in the RE5 thread.
I love the first page of this week, hilarious.
GG I am sold on Disaster already, I just need the actual game to come out here.
I think out of the whole GAF thread there is only one guy who doesn't like it.
KVOA-TV in Tuscon said it was "dismayed and disappointed" after footage from an adult movie appeared late in the game coverage on the Comcast cable network.
"KVOA will investigate what happened and make sure our viewers get answers," company president Gary Nielsen said.
"When the NBC feed of the Super Bowl was transmitted from KVOA to local cable providers and through over-the-air antennas, there was no pornographic material," he added.
"I just figured it was another commercial until I looked up," viewer Cora King told the Arizona Daily Star.
"Then he did his little dance with everything hanging out."
The Arizona Cardinals had just taken the lead in the match when the disruption occurred. The Pittsburgh Steelers went on to win the title with a late touchdown.
GG and me updating at the same time, the streams have crossed!
Cool, and we didn't even duplicate stories.
Couple of Infamous pics
Yakuza 3 pics
Nintendo IGN Podcast summary
WiiWare -Snowboard Ride: Worst rubberband AI than any racing game. Craig threw controller at wall. Really bad. "Looks good from still screens... but you don't wanna play it" "I can't beat the first level"
Some Marble game? -Hate using tilt control to move pieces -Skip. Was japanese launch -No widescreen
Deadly Creatures -Good game.
Tenchu -Surprise game. Good fun stuff. -Looks really nice on Wii. -Fixed a lot of the bugs. -Anticlimatic ending -"One of those games I thought would be lackluster," but his (matt) "score will be better than you think" -Original team that worked on the first game. -Few flaws. -Cool cat gimmick. Cat can look through crevices and walkways and can pick up one item. -Diff enemy types. Grunt, ninjas. -You can take a rock and throw it a guys nuts and he'll die instantly
HotD: Overkill -Minor things mentioned, impressions will come later.
Rune Factory: -Really good. Harvest Moon sucks etc. -"I'm having a blast with it" -Like a painting
Pikmin - Wii controls feel good and more fun. Still looks pretty good after 8 years. "Almost makes me wish pikmin never went on GC" Pikmin made for the control scheme
Mario Power Tennis: Wii revamped controls not so awesome... can't talk about more
-Some killzone2 stuff. Backlash wtf? "Wii's like an all you can eat buffett" (compared to PS3)
Boomblox -Will get to play sequel to boomblox really soon. -WiiConnect 24 stuff. Upload and rate levels -Use any tools developers use -0 Gravity stuff and underwater environments. -DLC stuff seamlessly blended. -Coming out this spring. -Headtracking is back in... just kidding. No motionplus either.
Jungle Speed -Wiiware game of the month -Card game. -Presentation is really nice. -Ugly hands. Character designs aren't so great. Can play as a crocodile or monkey. -4 players. 8 players with nunchuck (works)
Sim Animals -Wii version not so hot -DS is good. -"Mostly for kids"
Big Bang Mini -"Dude, yes" -Pretty difficult. Insane in later levels. -Innovative, Wi-fi. -Pretty hardcore shooter. -Everything (Hud etc) changes each world.
What nintendo's using to entice gamers use online. -(someone is) Bored to tears playing animal crossing -Denise responds to listeners, tells them to spread the word
Wii Fit sales. Iwata talk -Wii and Wiifit sold very well. -300k sold in a week in Jan (US). -"Wii 2 is just a treadmill" -Wii sold better this Jan than last year Jan -Iwata wants to topple PS2 sales. -Teases E3 software stuff.
-Kid Icarus -"Factor 5 not responding" -Faith in that happening not good.
DSiWare -Released in batches -8 new titles. -Picopict: "Don't make me explain how this game works"... Art game with tiles color... -Somnium (?): More basic; slide puzzle. Slide colors underneath marbles. Cool but not creative. -Photostand: Use system as an alarm clock while photos being cycled. -Pocket version of Panel de Pon. 2 other puzzlers, one clubhouse games (pretty weak). Another dominos like. 5 bucks
price point good. -One showcases transit system (of japan?). Take pictures of locations. -Warioware for DSi really cool. Uses the camera. Really cool things. Maybe use DSi as an eyetoy of sorts? -Overall impression: "enough to get people excited" -Compare DSware to Wiiware, expectations for DSiWare are lower.
My World, My Way -Pretty cool, not mindblowing but quirky RPG. -Egotistical game. -Can spend points to get out of battles if you're in a jam. -Random battles, but you can get out of it. One of 10 battles will be random
CORE -It's very generic. straight forward -Has multiplayer -Very uncreative. -"Very rarely are there more than 2 monsters per room" -30 frames per second... sometimes slowdown
Listener questions -Email questions (look at first post) -No set Conduit release date. -Next press event after GDC (for nin) -Tales of Symphonia 2 sales... no info, just over 95k according to NPD. -Talk of which of three games would sell more: Conduit, Madworld, NMH 2 -Talk of Pikmin... Will be disappointed if 3 is just like 1 and 2. Controls reaffirm that 3 will be good control-
wise. -Sword of Legendia: No idea what's going on with this game. -Quantum of Solace on Wii: multiplayer alright? Single player... lol -New fire emblem is pretty good. -Dawn of Heroes. DS turned base tactical. -"Buy Lit on monday"
Let's make up for this with Street Fighter 4 and RE5 in Home:
Wow! Life sized Street Fighter action figures in Home?!
Wait!? Those are people?! They just look so dead and lifeless... They're like standing corpses...
Home is creepy!
Yeah that's weird, who walks with their arms down like that? It's like that episode of Seinfeld with the woman who walked with her arms down. Shouldn't they be doing SF poses?
EDIT: NPD top selling PC games of 2008
1. Sims 2 Double Deluxe 2. World Of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Expansion Pack 3. Spore 4. Sims 2 Apartment Life Expansion Pack 5. Fallout 3 6. World Of Warcraft: Battle Chest 7. World Of Warcraft 8. Left 4 Dead 9. Civilization IV 10. Call Of Duty: World At War
The bad thing about the Euro Nintendo channel? Crappy interviews with C-list celebs on why DS and Wii are now relevant to them (Hint: Nintendo are paying them)
The good thing? Hot female presenter doing the interviews.
Cats are cool, look, new Indiana Jones pics, looks like it was developed for PSP. But the bonus is that you can fucking unlock Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis as a bonus in the game!
LucasArts has lifted the lid on Wii, DS, PS2 and PSP game Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, which was partially revealed yesterday.
Sadly we're still without a date, but there are some rather rough screenshots to be had, plus word of campaign co-op featuring a familiar character who has never been playable before.
Staff of Kings is set in 1939 as World War II breaks out across Europe, and locations vary from Chinatown in San Francisco to the dense jungles of Panama. The prize - as the title suggests - is a powerful relic: the Staff of Moses. And Indy will have to move fast to beat nemesis Magnus Voller to the punch.
Punching, incidentally, will be handled on Wii by gesture combat. Matching on-screen gestures will also be Indy's ticket to escaping crumbling ruins or overwhelming odds - not to mention the Wiimote-flicking control of the whip.
Staff of Kings won't just be combat, though, but feature plenty of puzzles and "Hot Set" environments that can be pushed and pulled and manipulated to outwit enemies or de-trigger ancient traps.
There are "burst sequences", too: periods of intense action where, for instance, the Wiimote is used as a gun to shoot on-screen targets.
Multiplayer also features, and will let up to four people fight each other in biplane or tank free-for-alls. Presumably there are more normal brawls available as well.
Incidentally, vehicles will be available throughout the campaign; there are ridable elephants and rafts as well as aforementioned tanks and biplanes.
And that's the Wii version. The DS game replaces gesture controls with stylus input, while the PSP and PS2 offerings provide an array of combat, chases and physics puzzles to keep people entertained.
Something very cool that I just noticed in the GAF thread for the Capcom home stuff:
On the item side of things, Home Reward support will give players special Home items as they work through both games. Capcom will also be offering paid costumes that dress your avatar up to look like characters from both titles. Additional items will be added regularly.
Pretty much, but it continued to snow all day. 8-10 inches or more. Country just isn't used to it, especially the south east so we dont have the infrastructure and machinery to deal with it. We don't even have snow tires or spikes and shit. It would be like if it suddenly came down a snowstorm in LA.
I think out of the whole GAF thread there is only one guy who doesn't like it.
Funny you should mention super bowl orgy:
KVOA-TV in Tuscon said it was "dismayed and disappointed" after footage from an adult movie appeared late in the game coverage on the Comcast cable network.
"KVOA will investigate what happened and make sure our viewers get answers," company president Gary Nielsen said.
"When the NBC feed of the Super Bowl was transmitted from KVOA to local cable providers and through over-the-air antennas, there was no pornographic material," he added.
"I just figured it was another commercial until I looked up," viewer Cora King told the Arizona Daily Star.
"Then he did his little dance with everything hanging out."
The Arizona Cardinals had just taken the lead in the match when the disruption occurred. The Pittsburgh Steelers went on to win the title with a late touchdown.
Cool, and we didn't even duplicate stories.
Couple of Infamous pics
Yakuza 3 pics
Nintendo IGN Podcast summary
-Snowboard Ride: Worst rubberband AI than any racing game. Craig threw controller at wall. Really bad.
"Looks good from still screens... but you don't wanna play it"
"I can't beat the first level"
Some Marble game?
-Hate using tilt control to move pieces
-Skip. Was japanese launch
-No widescreen
Deadly Creatures
-Good game.
-Surprise game. Good fun stuff.
-Looks really nice on Wii.
-Fixed a lot of the bugs.
-Anticlimatic ending
-"One of those games I thought would be lackluster," but his (matt) "score will be better than you think"
-Original team that worked on the first game.
-Few flaws.
-Cool cat gimmick. Cat can look through crevices and walkways and can pick up one item.
-Diff enemy types. Grunt, ninjas.
-You can take a rock and throw it a guys nuts and he'll die instantly
HotD: Overkill
-Minor things mentioned, impressions will come later.
Rune Factory:
-Really good. Harvest Moon sucks etc.
-"I'm having a blast with it"
-Like a painting
Pikmin - Wii controls feel good and more fun. Still looks pretty good after 8 years.
"Almost makes me wish pikmin never went on GC" Pikmin made for the control scheme
Mario Power Tennis: Wii revamped controls not so awesome... can't talk about more
-Some killzone2 stuff. Backlash wtf? "Wii's like an all you can eat buffett"
(compared to PS3)
-Will get to play sequel to boomblox really soon.
-WiiConnect 24 stuff. Upload and rate levels
-Use any tools developers use
-0 Gravity stuff and underwater environments.
-DLC stuff seamlessly blended.
-Coming out this spring.
-Headtracking is back in... just kidding. No motionplus either.
Jungle Speed
-Wiiware game of the month
-Card game.
-Presentation is really nice.
-Ugly hands. Character designs aren't so great. Can play as a crocodile or monkey.
-4 players. 8 players with nunchuck (works)
Sim Animals
-Wii version not so hot
-DS is good.
-"Mostly for kids"
Big Bang Mini
-"Dude, yes"
-Pretty difficult. Insane in later levels.
-Innovative, Wi-fi.
-Pretty hardcore shooter.
-Everything (Hud etc) changes each world.
What nintendo's using to entice gamers use online.
-(someone is) Bored to tears playing animal crossing
-Denise responds to listeners, tells them to spread the word
Wii Fit sales. Iwata talk
-Wii and Wiifit sold very well.
-300k sold in a week in Jan (US).
-"Wii 2 is just a treadmill"
-Wii sold better this Jan than last year Jan
-Iwata wants to topple PS2 sales.
-Teases E3 software stuff.
-Kid Icarus
-"Factor 5 not responding"
-Faith in that happening not good.
-Released in batches
-8 new titles.
-Picopict: "Don't make me explain how this game works"... Art game with tiles color...
-Somnium (?): More basic; slide puzzle. Slide colors underneath marbles. Cool but not creative.
-Photostand: Use system as an alarm clock while photos being cycled.
-Pocket version of Panel de Pon. 2 other puzzlers, one clubhouse games (pretty weak). Another dominos like. 5 bucks
price point good.
-One showcases transit system (of japan?). Take pictures of locations.
-Warioware for DSi really cool. Uses the camera. Really cool things. Maybe use DSi as an eyetoy of sorts?
-Overall impression: "enough to get people excited"
-Compare DSware to Wiiware, expectations for DSiWare are lower.
My World, My Way
-Pretty cool, not mindblowing but quirky RPG.
-Egotistical game.
-Can spend points to get out of battles if you're in a jam.
-Random battles, but you can get out of it. One of 10 battles will be random
-It's very generic. straight forward
-Has multiplayer
-Very uncreative.
-"Very rarely are there more than 2 monsters per room"
-30 frames per second... sometimes slowdown
Listener questions
-Email questions (look at first post)
-No set Conduit release date.
-Next press event after GDC (for nin)
-Tales of Symphonia 2 sales... no info, just over 95k according to NPD.
-Talk of which of three games would sell more: Conduit, Madworld, NMH 2
-Talk of Pikmin... Will be disappointed if 3 is just like 1 and 2. Controls reaffirm that 3 will be good control-
-Sword of Legendia: No idea what's going on with this game.
-Quantum of Solace on Wii: multiplayer alright? Single player... lol
-New fire emblem is pretty good.
-Dawn of Heroes. DS turned base tactical.
-"Buy Lit on monday"
Wow! Life sized Street Fighter action figures in Home?!
Wait!? Those are people?! They just look so dead and lifeless...
They're like standing corpses...
Home is creepy!
Leave my Street Fighter out of that creepy deadzone!
Yeah that's weird, who walks with their arms down like that? It's like that episode of Seinfeld with the woman who walked with her arms down. Shouldn't they be doing SF poses?
EDIT: NPD top selling PC games of 2008
1. Sims 2 Double Deluxe
2. World Of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Expansion Pack
3. Spore
4. Sims 2 Apartment Life Expansion Pack
5. Fallout 3
6. World Of Warcraft: Battle Chest
7. World Of Warcraft
8. Left 4 Dead
9. Civilization IV
10. Call Of Duty: World At War
The bad thing about the Euro Nintendo channel? Crappy interviews with C-list celebs on why DS and Wii are now relevant to them (Hint: Nintendo are paying them)
The good thing? Hot female presenter doing the interviews.
Updates done!
This is how Ryu looks like in real life
With normal clothing
Diving Shoryuuken!
He should dragon punch that womans fake boob.
Tenchu: Shadow Assassins video
Anyone checked this out? Looks okay.
Cats are cool, look, new Indiana Jones pics, looks like it was developed for PSP. But the bonus is that you can fucking unlock Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis as a bonus in the game!
LucasArts has lifted the lid on Wii, DS, PS2 and PSP game Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, which was partially revealed yesterday.
Sadly we're still without a date, but there are some rather rough screenshots to be had, plus word of campaign co-op featuring a familiar character who has never been playable before.
Staff of Kings is set in 1939 as World War II breaks out across Europe, and locations vary from Chinatown in San Francisco to the dense jungles of Panama. The prize - as the title suggests - is a powerful relic: the Staff of Moses. And Indy will have to move fast to beat nemesis Magnus Voller to the punch.
Punching, incidentally, will be handled on Wii by gesture combat. Matching on-screen gestures will also be Indy's ticket to escaping crumbling ruins or overwhelming odds - not to mention the Wiimote-flicking control of the whip.
Staff of Kings won't just be combat, though, but feature plenty of puzzles and "Hot Set" environments that can be pushed and pulled and manipulated to outwit enemies or de-trigger ancient traps.
There are "burst sequences", too: periods of intense action where, for instance, the Wiimote is used as a gun to shoot on-screen targets.
Multiplayer also features, and will let up to four people fight each other in biplane or tank free-for-alls. Presumably there are more normal brawls available as well.
Incidentally, vehicles will be available throughout the campaign; there are ridable elephants and rafts as well as aforementioned tanks and biplanes.
And that's the Wii version. The DS game replaces gesture controls with stylus input, while the PSP and PS2 offerings provide an array of combat, chases and physics puzzles to keep people entertained.
No idea. Look those ugly Indy shots and then see this:
Damn Lucasfarts.
But yeah. Come the fuck on, those screens are ugly as shit and fuck and dick all rolled into one. The jaggies look like white shark bites.
Everyone thinks that its the PSP version. There is some random GAF guys who says:
Just to let you know......
The game is seriouslly much better looking then these screenshots...
Id say one of the best Wii games visually!
60fps triple buffering
anisotropic x4
soft shadows
full depth of field
indirect texturing