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You are the.... rolling marque bitch?
Did you see Transformers how it originally was? You can see the influence on the new movie from the old series :
Transformers Episode 1
No I am the Juggernaut, bitch!
More info about that crazy picture, see here
People will criticize anything. Just like the immense backlash of him using CG in the first place. I personally highly respect him for making such a budgeted titled by using only hands. Can't wait until the Blu-Ray US release.
As a highend PC gamer I both agree and disagree with what you are saying. I disagree that you will hold out until the next generation transition. While there is strong obvious evidence that tech for gameplay is quickly reaching its end, games that push the spec level will always be present. The reason why I upgraded my PC despite it being able to play most games released for it is because many of the newer games I couldn't run efficently (hence they'd look WORSE then the console versions) as well as a select few that it wouldn't be able to run on recomended settings. Trust me you'll come to realize that the high end tech is a big part of PC gaming. Though when you upgrade and how much you spent when you do all depends on how you built your PC.
In terms with games I highly agree with this. I spent $600-700 (I built it badly) upgrading my PC. However I also saved $60-$70 when buying my 3 games. That definately adds up overtime.
One of the site's forefathers.
The only things I dislike right now are DRM and console-exclusive content for games that are also on the PC. I'll be getting Dead Space for the PC eventually, but I don't like the limited number of installations. I should also get a 360 controller to use with that particular game.
Oh I know what you're saying dude. I'm just saying that's all I'll have to do is upgrade a few things here and there, and I'll be able to continue playing new games without needing new consoles (except for exclusives.)
This PC is going to be a beast too. I think it'll play most games pretty well at the start of the next-gen cycle, except for the one or 2 like Crysis that push things insanely far. Even then, I'll just have to get new vid cards.
Its a pretty expensive machine. But I'm excited.
Dead Space must be sweet. I'm going to get the Xbox controller too, just because I'm used to it, and I like the analog stick layout more than the PS design. Plus like Punk said, all the games show Xbox-branded buttons.
If I were to get into PC gaming at all, I'd go the route of creating an entirely separate installation of Windows, partially because of the DRM.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileHmm... would you be able to elaborate on that? Specifically, other reasons for creating a separate installation and whether or not to do so on the same physical drives (is it even possible to dual-boot the exact same OS?).
Ah, the naiveté of youth
In unrelated news, has anyone ever used Google Sketchup before? I just downloaded it (the free version, not the $475 one) and I must say it seems quite badass. You can render anything in 3D, from a chair to a house to a city (or a penis, I guess.) I just have no idea what I want to create yet.
Two main reasons:
1 - Registry bloat. Installing (and uninstalling) lots of games isn't easy on the registry
2 - For DRM programs to work, they have to embed themselves deep in the OS. While they're installed they can cause performance hits, and frankly I don't trust them to go away when uninstalled or avoid conflicts with other games. If I install games with different versions of SecuROM and StarForce, I think it best to assume that at least one of those is going to have a hissy-fit. Admittedly this is only speculative, but I still prefer the cautionary approach.
It is possible to dual-boot the same OS. Say you install XP to partition A then B. The system will automatically boot to partition B because the Windows bootloader is stupid like that. Both partitions are still flagged as bootable, though, so you just need a separate loader to specify which partition to load.
Even easier is off separate drives, as you can just switch which to load in the BIOS.
If you meant by "other reasons" in terms of unrelated to gaming, one would be to have a test environment without having to use virtualization. This can be beneficial if you're running resource-intensive programs or have an older PC. The best reason I can think of would be if you were sharing the computer with someone. Sure Windows allows separate users, but that doesn't prevent the other users from opening "coldplay.mp3.exe" and screwing you as a consequence.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYeah I got my gaming PC at the tip of the twilight last generation (Summer of 2006) and I was still able to play Bioshock on high settings.
As for the 360 controller displays well I'e only seen those in Capcom games because those are the only multiplats I've played, but I ASSUME it's the same for other games as well. Also get a DVI to VGA cable so you can play your games on your HDTV.
One of the site's forefathers.
Me peering off the edge of a baseball diamond's backstop at some unsuspecting victim.
It's a shooter, you would do much better with a mouse. Isn't there a way to combine a mouse while using a pad in the left hand for its stick and shoulder buttons?
I thought it would have normal controls, then I heard that it uses shaking of the wii mote and nunchuk to control, to simulate the banging of the bongos? If so I pass.
No what's that? The only non-Ghibli Hisashi film I have seen is this good Korean film, the name escapes me at the moment.
Hmm, Dead Rising hands on:
"I was underwhelmed watching him play the game, but once I got my hands on the controller myself I warmed up to things. You can swing your melee weapons by shaking the Wiimote or by hitting a button, and aiming your ranged weapons by pointing the Wii controller was a great time. I practiced shooting the zombie's legs, their arms, or just blowing their heads off. Before I knew it, I was having a good time. "
lol @ Sonic cycle, I wonder how long it will last?
As for the DR impressions, I think we always knew it was going to be fun to play as it's the RE4 engine, but the lack of zombies and absolutely appauling graphics aren't going to entice me at all.
I'll get the 360 version for a quarter of the price thanks.
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Beware, it's a really frustrating game. You can get it really cheap now though if you are interested. Where the hell have you been? You're missing the epic classic cartoon thread. We have an online thread, want to meet up with Raven and me for a Mario kart match sometime?
That reminds me, Bugs needs to get his ACrossing code up.
I've moved over to the dark-side, my Wii is staring at me as if to say 'What have I done wrong?' as I'm playing gears of war and GTA4, I have to give it a cuddle occasionally with the comforting words of 'Don't worry pal - Shiggy will come through for us, don't you worry...'.
Err yeah, anyway been a bit busy catching up on the 360, the problem is these days I never know when I'm going to get any game time in, that's what happens when you have a family, just the way it goes
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