How to Get Your Girlfriend Into Video Games
Yes, but what about step 1? How to get a girlfriend!
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat - ‘new’ stage
Not really new, but added new stuff in old level
House of the Dead: Overkill 1up interview
rewards you for shooting ‘gangsta style’
Microsoft knew that 360 damaged discs
Even before its release, court documents show
Wii Video Games Blamed
For Rise In Effeminate Violence. BEST.ARTICLE.EVER!!!!
Gamers still buy most of the games from retailers
only 2% partake in digital distribution
MGS Intergal Podcast Returns in January!
About time. Here's hoping it becomes regular...
Keiji Inafune interview
Mega Man 10 could happen, Mega Man Legends 3 still possible, Strider may return, no interest in Viewtiful Joe
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What do you mean by "regenerating balloons," GG? I've played MK Battle mode for two hours tonight, and I don't think I've seen this happen. The only thing I've seen, is that once all three of your balloons have been popped, then you respawn in another part of the arena with another 3 balloons. Is this what you mean? The score seems to be measured by how many hits you're team has dished out. I'm new to the whole MK Battle mode. I never played any of them before, so I don't know all of the ins and outs yet, but it is a lot of fun.
I really like the Funky Stadium Coin Collecting Battle. That arena is just awesome to play on, especially when using the bikes.
Is it just me or is there a huge difference in the graphics of games for the current tech generation. I mean you have games like Sonic Unleashed, Halo 3, Merchanries 2, and DC vs Marvel which look lik ea small step above high end Wii games only in HD, then you have shit like Metal Gear Solid 4, Mass Effect, and Final Fantasy XIII which are good enough to be qualified for CG. Am I the only one who notices this?
Factor 5 troubles - So Factor 5 along with a fair share of big third party publishers (including EA) are facing or close to bankrupcy. About a year and a half ago on the GGD people laughed and even flamed me for stating that THIS would be the generation where games cost too much to develop. I even had mods accuse me of annoying users or even trolling because I kept stating this in discussions. "it happens every generation." "You are clearly overexagerrating with cost!" "Developers don't have to spend $20 million on games it all depends on the budget." I've stated countless times that the market was NOT big enough for games with this big of budget and this high of presentational expectations. I hope that this FINALLY proves my point.
One of the site's forefathers.
Cool that there are several games you are interested in coming out in the same period though. Madworld looked hilarious, I read the NOM preview (Thanks Iga for the updates) I see the same sentiment echoed: "Great in small bursts but we wonder if we will get bored of extended play?" That Wii list has all these games bunched up between now and march. Missing Christmas by a couple of months, what bad.... or good timing. They can avoid the rush. There are several games on that list I would look into trying:
Oh RE5 spoiler, Chris Refields dad turns out to be behind Umbrealla. He confronts his son, rips off his shirt to show his mutataed pectorals. Then shoots penises out of the nipple slots.
In the old games I remember when you lost your 3 balloons aka lives you were out. Instead on the Wii version they drop you back in, which makes it a slugfest. You dont get that sense of picking off opponents one by one till you are the last man standing like the running man. It ruined the mode for me.
No I've noticed that too. Some games are almost letting shaders and high definition do the work for them, others are awesomesauce. Mass Effect is crazy, apart from the slight screen tearing.
Well F5, they made Rebel Strike, then went quiet for a couple of years, then one big game since the GC and they are on the edge of closing? Pachter made a good point, in that it was a winner take all market on HD systems and given the cost of these games, you are seeing people getting in trouble. EA went out of their way to make a couple of big original games and compared to the usual licenced crap they haven't been huge succeses and now they are losing money. It's almost like you have one flop and you're out if you are an independent. Publishers have a broader range and can make up for losses on some products with gains in others. But what was it? I posted a story in a thread that said something like only 10% of games make a profit.
Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy confirmed for Arkham Asylum?
I am not that worried about Madworld, we have different minigames (like man-darts, press game, etc.), different weapons (knives, chainsaws) and environmental kills (so by changing the level, you can change the kind of kills you can do). And in between mission you have the motorcycle parts. I think it is enough variety.
About RE5 spoilers, it something about a carrier, King Neptune and a dancing dude.
About the cost thing, that's basically one of the reasons the Wii is build
Check this out Marvelous forcasts
Harvest Moon WakuWaku Animal March 50k
Hitman Reborn 19k
Rune Factory Frontier 45k
Oboro Muramasa Youtouden 56k
Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility 220k
Little King’s Story 125k
Rune Factory Frontier 100k
Little King’s Story 150k
There is no way in hell these projects would even be started on the HD consoles, but on the Wii even selling below 300k can make you a profit. Without the Wii, Marvelous would not be making console games.
That's true Iga. But on the other hand I don't want to see big developers going the Majesco/Ubisoft route and only making casual stuff like Petz or Cooking mama. Marvelous is making proper games still.
Yeah, but Ubi is on my ignore list. I just ignore them and all of their shovelware! I am glad the small developers can make a living. I ignore the rest!
WTF is this Riddick true sequel talk? The orginal came out in 2004, it's almost 5 years later, why isn't Dark Athena the true sequel?
I just read this on the RE5 preview:
"she was intelligent enough to track down bullets from fallen enemies and collect them, tossing over spare clips if I seemed to get low. But every now and then, she might be a bit overzealous and grab something like shotgun shells or a green herb that I was looking at. In that case, I simply pulled up my inventory and expanded hers as well, and made requests from her for specific items. This way, I could manage the equipment of both characters and have the best load out for a situation. However, I had to be quick, because the game wouldn't pause if I tried to access the inventory, leaving me open to attack."
Sounds kinda annoying.
Interesting, well not really interesting why COD bombed on Wii:
The Xbox 360 version of Call of Duty: World at War led the way with 1.41 million units sold. The PS3 version performed admirably, with nearly 600,000 sold. The PS2, PC, DS and Wii versions of Call of Duty: World at War, however, sold only about 200,000 units combined, something that is surely disappointing to Activision considering the advertising specifically targeting the Wii version of the game and Call of Duty’s origin as a PC title.
There was no advertising over here for the Wii version. But even worse was the total lack of reviews, that highlight the other versions and pretend that there is no Wii version. Why is is that IGN were the only site that had a review up for weeks? And they underrated the version too. But more so there was no extensive previews of the version, all the concentration for a year has been on high def versions. Why are developers still taking the kitchen sink approach to games? The type of gamer that buys COD wants the best graphics, you can see even from the people here that that is the version gamers will go for. They should make specific games and not versions of games people would prefer to play on other systems in the first place.
They did a great job with the Wii version, it's the best shooter on the system and even has a decent graphics engine. If it was an original exclusive game with a couple of years of preview hype behind it, it would no doubt be doing better.
Oh shit.
SteelAttack in Animal Crossing? See the thread for details
I just came here to post it. Dammit beaten!
Apparantly the office are closed and the employee's can't get in! Fuck this shit, I want Timesplitter and especially Second Sight on the Wii dammit!
IF this is true, this is getting ridiculous. Everyday you are getting news of games companies in trouble. I don't know if I believe this rumor. Didn't Ubisoft publish Haze? Did anyone try it out?
Wow, make a crappy game, and the whole company goes belly up? First Factor 5 with Lair, and now Free Radical with Haze. I really hope this rumor isn't true because it would suck to have all those employees laid off right before Christmas, not to mention losing a usually very good developer.
Ah, I see. They changed it from a last man standing to a deathmatch game. I can understand your point on that. Nintendo probably changed it to deathmatch to make it more palatable for online play; it would kinda suck to get knocked out of the game early, and then have to wait 3 or 4 minutes for a new match to begin. They should've kept both gameplay options, though.
Smash Event
I'm trying to organise a Smash Bros Brawl match.
So far in the online games thread I have codes for:
If there is anyone else with the game get me your code, add everyone elses codes ASAP people.
Once that's done we can do a weekend event probably not this weekend but next. Or maybe this Sunday. Maybe.
Oh shoot, Free Radical rumour nearly confirmed?
Actually Timesplitters 3 and Second Sight bombed too. A real shame!
UPDATE: The Nottingham Post has seemingly confirmed that the developer has gone into administration:
"A Computer games company which employs 185 people has gone in to administration.
Staff at Free Radical Design, which is based in Bostocks Lane, Sandiacre, turned up to work this morning to find the locks had been changed.
A note stuck on the door told them to attend a meeting at the nearby Novotel at midday.
Cameron Gunn, of Resolve Partners, the administrators that have been called in to deal with the firm, said: "The company was placed in to administration yesterday afternoon.
"We will be spending the next three or four days assessing the financial position of the company but it's business as usual, although we have asked that almost all of the employees apart from a skeleton crew remain at home."
"All employees have been paid up until the end of December and we hope to make another announcement before Christmas or very soon thereafter, but we must stress at this stage that it's business as usual."
Free Radical being a crappy developer though. If these were truly some of the top guys at Rareware, they never showed it after leaving. And who was the other ex-Rareware company? Zoonami? Yeah what have they done?
Timesplitter's has to be the most overrated shooter series, ever. Tried to get into it a million times, thinking I must be nuts that I don't like it when it seems everyone else does, and I just couldn't. They bored me to tears. Absolutely HORRIBLE single-player campaigns, and multi-player speaking, they were MP focused yet didn't have online play until game 3.
Not to mention, there were plenty of better MP shooters anyway. As a package, none of these games ever came close to offering what even Goldeneye, and especially Perfect Dark, did......on the fucking N64.
Speaking of, why in the hell did Timesplitters 1 average an 8.4 rating? Just, WHY?! That game was nothing more than a tech demo for a FPS on the PS2. No single-player. No online. And even as a PS2 tech demo it fails, because it looks like a game that was developed on the N64 very quickly and thrown on the PS2 to make launch. That SAME YEAR, Perfect Dark hit the N64 and OBLITERATED this game, even multi-player wise. And the best part is, this was supposed to be the big PS2 launch game. Quake 3 Arena hit Dreamcast at the same time with incredible visuals, incredible online play, and ultra fast exciting gameplay that crapped all over Timesplitters.
Other than that, they made Second Sight, which didn't do anything for me. Pretty average action/adventure game. And we all know how great Haze turned out to be. They have done nothing in the past 8 years to make me think they're a top class developer. Can't say I'll miss them.
Another small developer who put their eggs in the PS3 basket.
Punk, dude Halo 3 looks way better than a Wii game. Especially when it comes to special effects, and a big clear draw distance. I have seen nothing on Wii that comes close to Halo 3.
But then again, I think Halo's 1 and 2 also look better than most of Wii's games.
TMNT Wii details:
In the interview in the magazine, they said that the story/characters are not based on any specific movie/show/comic, but they took characters from the TMNT universe in general...which means who knows what characters we'll ultimately see since they are given access to every character ever made.
They did say that fans of the characters will be happy with their selection of characters, and that they are not finished choosing yet.
As far as the art direction, they did take that from the new movie, since they said that it was their favorite art style for the characters and would translate well to a game. The art direction is the only connection the game has to the newest movie.
More pics at the link.