How to Get Your Girlfriend Into Video Games
Yes, but what about step 1? How to get a girlfriend!
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat - ‘new’ stage
Not really new, but added new stuff in old level
House of the Dead: Overkill 1up interview
rewards you for shooting ‘gangsta style’
Microsoft knew that 360 damaged discs
Even before its release, court documents show
Wii Video Games Blamed
For Rise In Effeminate Violence. BEST.ARTICLE.EVER!!!!
Gamers still buy most of the games from retailers
only 2% partake in digital distribution
MGS Intergal Podcast Returns in January!
About time. Here's hoping it becomes regular...
Keiji Inafune interview
Mega Man 10 could happen, Mega Man Legends 3 still possible, Strider may return, no interest in Viewtiful Joe
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robio (9m)
That's marketing speak for "Teh cool game! Buy it!"
I don't mind linear games. In fact, I usually prefer them. It's that frenetic action that's selling me on the game now. This visuals are quite good, but as you said, the art is generic. Why do alien's have to be bugs in most games/movies? I really don't mind, though. I just want something that I can shoot that moves quickly, and will give me a nice challenge. It appears The Conduit will give me that. Also, there's the 16 player deathmatch, MotionPlus, and Wii Speak support. As long as the game isn't total crap when it comes out, I'll most likely buy it.
I'm still waiting for somebody to make a game where Aliens look like the typical "Greys" of pop culture. But have them a bit twisted and truly frightening, a la the movie Signs.
I would have preferred that in Conduit, over the gamey aliens that look like something out of Turok.
There, I posted. You happy now assholes, eh? Eh? EH?!
Yeah screw insects I want dinosaurs. Bring back Turok (the real one, not the fake on they released recently)
Edge you just gave another reason why PD64 was (is) awesome!
The first two were excellent, then it went downhill!
Club Nintendo . . . is pretty cool!
Well, I just logged into the Club Nintendo site, and I now can do surveys for a bunch of my previously registered games. Woot! I'm going to be loaded with coins soon! Unfortuantely, the site is very, very slow right now, so I'm going to wait until later tonight. Hopefully, it'll be faster after all the kiddies go to bed.
Nintendo, hurry up and release a SNES Classic Controller!
EDIT: Okay, here's the breakdown for the coins:
And the Club Nintendo - updated games list
Wii Games
Animal Crossing: City Folk
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree
Endless Ocean
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Link’s Crossbow Training
Mario Kart Wii
Mario Party 8
Mario Strikers Charged
Mario Super Sluggers
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Pokemon Battle Revolution
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Paper Mario
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Wario Land: Shake It!
WarioWare: Smooth Moves
Wii Fit
Wii Music
Wii Play
Wii Shop Channel games and Wii Channels
Alien Crush Returns
Art Style: Cubello
Art Style: Rotohex
Big Kahuna Party
Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure
Brain Challenge
Bruiser and Scratch
Digital Champ Battle Boxing
Earthworm Jim
Enduro Racer
Forgotten Worlds
Gradius II Gofer No Yabou
Hockey Allstar Shootout
Home Sweet Home
Mega Man 3
Metal Slug 2
Pit Crew Panic!
Secret of Mana
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (probably for Master System but it doesn’t say)
Space Harrier
Space Invaders Get Even
Space Invaders: The Original Game
Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition
Strong Bad Episode 3: Baddest of the Bands
Strong Bad Episode 4: Dangeresque 3
Strong Bad Episode 5: 8-bit is Enough
Sudoku Challenge!
Target Toss Pro: Bags
Tetris Party
The Incredible Maze
World of Goo
Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam
Nintendo DS Games
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
Animal Crossing: Wild World
Big Brain Academy
Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day
Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day
Clubhouse Games
Crosswords DS
Diddy Kong Racing
Elite Beat Agents
Flash Focus: Vision Training in Minutes a Day
Hotel Dusk: Room 215
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Mario Kart DS
Mario Party DS
Master of Illusion
Mystery Case Files: MillionHeir
New Super Mario Bros.
Nintendogs: Chihuahua and Friends
Nintendogs: Dalmatian and Friends
Nintendogs: Labrador Retriever and Friends
Nintendogs: Miniature Dachshund and Friends
Personal Trainer: Cooking
Planet Puzzle League
Pokemon Diamond
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness
Pokemon Pearl
Pokemon Ranger
Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia
Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Super Mario 64 DS
Tetris DS
Yoshi’s Island DS
...They're still making EverQuest 2 expansions?
Seriously. It's impossible to keep a flowing logical conversation:
Poster: "I'd kill for a 2D Tales of Wii to look like this" *posts picture*
Me: "Why have such low expectations, those sprites look as good or as worse as some DS or Saturn games. Why not expect sprite quality of Hotaku No Ken and Odin Sphere?"
Different Poster: "Those games don't really look significantly better then the Tales games. They look similar but I guess it's up to art style tastes" (WHICH IS EXACTLY MY POINT THE GAME WOULD LOOK DATED) "Also Hotaku No Ken and Odin Sphere have terrible animation."
Me: "I was talking about sprite quality not animation. Besides why can't we expect more of production from the game?"
Poster: "It's 2D so it would be far more expensive and harder to do."
Me: "3D now is a whole different ball game then what it once was. Developers now have to animate hair, clothing, muscles, facial expressions, mustaches, etc. I'm just saying at this point in time where 3D has become so detailed on consoles that making a 640p 2D game really isn't that much of a feat anymore."
Mod Reply: "What!? Are you honestly saying that it would be cheaper and faster to do a extremely high resolution 2D game then a standard 3D game like Tales of Vesperia or Tales of Synphonia 2!? Do you even play Tales games or are just here to argue?"
Me: "That's not what I said at all. I said that if Namco can afford to make high quality 3D games then why can't they make a 2D game in standard resolution for such a big series? Especially with all of the different ways of doing 2D now? Nintendo uped the anty with Wario Land Shake It! by using hand-drawn sprites and that game didn't even have that big of a budget, why not expect Namco to do so on one of the if not their biggest series?"
Poster: "I have not seen a 3D game that has even scratched the surface of what you are talking about." (Yes I mean 3D games with facial expressions, moving muscles, animating hair or clothing? Wow talk about years into the future.) "Hell Tales of Vesperia didn't even have mocaping."
Me: "I have seen some 3D games do this and mocap has been used before in which I'm sure you know." (He apparently lacks common sense I had to retract). "But anyway I'm just saying that the cost of making a 3D game and a 2D one is bridging due to 3D getting more complex and new forms of 2D emerging. Just curious what type of 2D do you have in mind for a Tales Wii? Pixel art like the previous ones? Computerized like Street Fighter II HD Remix and Aquaria? Hand-Drawn like Wario Land Shake It!?"
Poster: "I know what motion capturing is. And I don't consider Stret Fighter II HD REmix or Aquaria feats because they have horridble animation."
I mean seriously what the fuck? All I've been trying to say is that a 2D Tales game for the Wii should have higher quality sprites then those that look like they've been created 1o years ago. Yet people keep assuming that I'm saying things I'm not. Seriously between this and the topics I"ve created I'm qucikly realizing why so few who have accounts actually post in NeoGaf. Yes it's cool that you don't have stupid trolls like Carnageheart or annoyances like MechaKirby, but it's irrtating as hell when you try to make a point (not even just a simple comment) without everybody analyzing it trying to find the least thing wrong that they could view in their eyes and responding to anything that doesn't seem to be "correct or good" for the right of the industry. I mean what the fuck so far NOBODY has actually gave a response to my question. A mod asked if I'm just there to argue? Of course not I'm replying to somebody response. It's things like this that remind me why I went here.
One of the site's forefathers.
I mean, it's not like it's a fucking Petz game....
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileHey I bought it for my Gears loving brother. It's only right that I try it. Prepare for the New Year bitching!
How does the progression in Ass Creed work? You do intel gathering bits before going for the actual kill? Is Dead Space frugal with the ammo or what? And the Aliens arcade game is still the greatest. The 3rd person 2-D side scrolling shooter.
It was X-Plays intro, Sessler voice over: "The Conduit is a revolutionary new shooter for Nintendo's Wii"
Cracked me up. Anyway if you get the controls right in a FPS on the system the battle is halfway won already when it comes to me as I like the instinctual controls. I will most likely at least try it. I tend to try most FPS on the system even if they are dog turds. Plus another excuse to use WiiSpeak is good.
Never happy. We want nude pics of you in front of the Christmas tree, holding a candy cane in front of your bits. Of course, it would have to be a really small cane
Do you remember Elvis in Perfect Dark? The freaking greatest/most annoying little Grey alien. I wouldn't mind a decent X-Files game. I've been re-watching the series from series 3, on series 4 now, Mulder just went to Tunguska. I used to love this series and it's still better than most shit on these days. They are showing 5 episodes a week. Shame I missed the re-runs of series 1 and 2
If I remember correctly, Scully shags Spooky and they have a baby?
Seriously? The guy have never seen facial animation? Hair or cloth physics or animation? What world is he living in? In response to the question of super high production 2-D tales game, it comes down to what will sell. And 2-D isn't a guaranteed sale on home consoles.
What? Where? I have to see this. Oh it could be the game of the movie and when they say 3, they mean the same game on like DS/Wii and 360/PS3?
Oh God, is anyone ready for a virtual Jake Gyllenhaal modelled Prince? Oh God, horrible.
I just watched the Madworld trailer
How cool is that. My one worry is that it will be hard to see stuff if it's all black and white.
Ugh, just read the Prince of Persia news. The 360/PS3 versions are the only ones which stand some reasonable expectation of quality. Although looking at Shaun White that may not be a given. Aren't they spreading themselves a bit thin? They probably outsourced the game of the movie, A-Teamed the 360/PS3 version and put the C-Team on Wii/DS. Where the hell is Splinter Cell though?
Er, if you are using IE, STOP using it today! There is a huge exploit that is being used today, a security risk that MS are desperately trying to patch. I'm using Opera today. Best wait till you can get the IE patch. See yahoo for the news.
Anyhow, Famitsu scores:
Shirokishi Monogatari (White Knight Chronicles) (PS3, Sony): 7 / 7 / 8 / 7 - (29/40)
Phantasy Star Zero (NDS, Sega): 8 / 8 / 9 / 8 - (33/40)
Did the updates, Metal Gear iPhone based on characters and scenarios from MGS4?
Silent Hill iPhone? You would think that Konami would bring touch games to DS with the huge install base or have them on both platforms. Metal Gear iPhone? Anyone own an iPhone here?
Do you think Factor 5's problems could get any worse than having "Independent Rogue Squadron developer" replaced with "Independent LAIR developer" for the whole generation?
Wow, it seems like these guys are on the way out. 38 people, and some had to take pay cuts? WOW. Doesn't sound too good for their future or the future of their Wii projects.
Oh God. You can leave angry messages about Gears in my AC town, lol.
Yeah, pretty much. You receive information in Acre about your next target, and then you travel to the city, where you'll do a series of missions for gathering intel. The missions are ALWAYS of the same three types, so you want to pick a couple different ones for each assassination, to avoid repetition as much as possible. Also, you want to do as little intel missions as possible, because doing all of them is a chore.
When playing Dead Space, I thought at times "shit, this game is hard with the ammo, or what?" until I realized that I could break crates to get ammunition, lol. Ammo for big weapons is scarce, but your first weapon (plasma cutter) has plenty of ammo lying around and the enemies drop ammo on a regular basis. The bad thing is that the basic weapon takes a lot to kill bad guys.
I remember the Genesis version of that Alien game.
Wow, this is just sad.
Nintendo should buy them.