The best soundtracks this generation
Mentions of Galaxy, Prime 3 and Brawl!!
Soul Bubbles forgotten in 2008
"Soul Bubbles is a beautifully constructed game"
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The new Pokemon Ranger game. Tis ok. Nothing too special. And I'll be getting back into WoW as early as this week..
Quick question for those who own GH: WT. Is it worth picking up the new Guitar? Or should I buy another Les Paul? I've heard that there's some problems with that guitar - like the strum not registering after a few hours...
Mushroom Wars keeps getting better, 3 hours in and it has some cool levels, good puzzles, good variety. Really quality game but I have the feeling that its going to be crazy short.
Prince of Persia is still awesome but holy crap it is an automated experience, if you really break it down, all you are doing is pressing the right button at the right moment, you dont even need the stick when you are in a major platforming section. Still I love it, I might have an IGN moment with this game.
Music..... Must hear more about the music!
Then try again, dammit. You will finish it and write a review! We are talking about Horsez right?
I still have games to finish but that is a big list. I'm starting to think that I will never finish Okami and Mass Effect.
Did you manage to fill in all the holes I dug in your town?
Can't believe you're just getting around to these Ghibli films. Have you seen Howl's Moving Castle and My Neighbours the Yamadas, or Pom Poko yet?
P.S Thank god for the Factor 5 update, I really want to see this Superman game or Kid Icarus. Or just their engine.
Sounds cool, I can't wait to see your final review. The Play mag review says that it's short though so I want to know if there is replay value or collectables and stuff.
Just read this RE5 preview
This is what I was talking about for a couple of weeks. Big games are bombing in the Christmas rush.
You'd be suprised at the games on that list. Mostly PS3 games, a couple of 360 and wii games. Big titles.
WTF? Taking the horror out of Resident Evil is seriously stupid. There's plenty of straight action games out there now, why turn RE into yet another one?
Well, at least someone thought it was funny. So far, everyone else has just ignored it.
Not true, I chuckled a bit!
And the original neutral one (that is meant to be neutral) looks feminine to me. XD
This is why I'm not particularly excited by RE5, the only familiarities are the main characters, there's nothing left to link it with RE.
Still, I'm sure it will be a blinding action game nevertheless.
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Not sure. Sorry there was an error so I couldn't respond to your PM. But the number of RROD problems has been ridiculous, most people I know, including my own brother has had the problem. I'm a light user so I haven't had the problem. But I do have red and green dots on my wii!
You should make a thread and ask or check out the NeoGAF thread on the subject. I know a good number of forumers at gamespot and a couple here that have had the RROD. SteelAttack for one and Edgecrusher a number of times.
Zack and Wiki get, biatches. Going to play it now!!!
Fuck you, I haven't found it yet. Some asshole like you must have bought all copies.
And only a soulless being like you is able to put Galaxy in his backlog. How can you not play? You must be evil incarnate, that's the only logical explanation!