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Soul Bubbles forgotten in 2008
"Soul Bubbles is a beautifully constructed game"
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travo (9m)
Microcosm much?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIgnore my thinking aloud -- I'm thinking in terms of infrastructure for many users (any user can add/edit, but not delete). I can add an intermediate level that's not a mod but has full news capabilities.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileFixing Animal Crossing? WTF? It doesn't need fixing. It's awesome just the way it is. However, I would like to see Nintendo expand upon the game a LOT more in the future. There are sooo many possibilities, and so many directions that they could take the series that it's near-endless.
Yes, it needs fixing.
Because Ninty Australia fucked up our copy.
What was Sonic O6 actually called? Maybe they are rating it on the basis that other games in general are better and not directly comparing it to the other Sonics?
I get what you mean, but the problem is that Wii has friend codes. It's not like you have one ID and that's it. So having everyones codes on one page you can just add a whole bunch at one time for Smash Bros for instance. Which is better than going to every person individually and saying: Hey Yodariquo, what's your code for this? Ok, here is mine, okay Punk what is your etc etc.
I can update a simple table like this:
Put it into a thread and then you can just shout out in the thread:
I added smash codes for:
And that's it. We can't just have a simple Smash night shout out and specify a time. We are from all over the world, so it has to be arranged like a podcast is, on world times. This is why I said before, all you guys need to do is look at:
and tell me your time in relation to GMT -7hrs for Colorado for instance. And then tell me in general what times you are availible to play, weekdays and weekends. It sounds complicated but I have it down, this is how I arranged the news posting schedule before we went free for all.
I can colour code a table to make it really simple to see when there is crossover. I could easily see my time and -7hrs Raven time and then tell him in his own local time, what time is good to play. So once I have all the info, literally all I have to do is shout out here on in an online code thread.
"Hey Raven, how about we play thursday at 8:00pm your time?"
It really takes minimal effort on everyone's part here (except for myself) and I can get a good system in place. But you need to give me the information I need to get it going and for the most part, you guys are lax. There must be 6 or 7 smash owners here that could be beating the hell out of each other on regular basis, but it's not going to happen till we get this thing going.
What makes it easier is that some of you guys are grouped into the same time zone.
Basically all I need are your codes and your time in relation to GMT and then when people are (generally) availible.
Where is Banjo? Damnit.
Animal Crossing sales are okay but if they follow the DS trend it could sit there for a year. Are you and Archangel going to get this so we can play together?
Hopefully one of them will get Mario Kart and lend it to you. Did they play your Wii before and is that why they decided to get it? Was it the marketing or what? You should ask them. Reccomend your sister Animal Crossing, who wouldn't want that game? Then she can hook up with me and Raven and tell us all your juicy secrets...... the bedwetting.
What happened to the Aussie versions? Oh yeah the DS transfer bug.
I think the game could have changed a lot more and has potential to be awesome. I read the IGN article, part of it and it was pretty crap, the criticisms I mean and the suggestions. The game could have made some massive leaps though, but it's still ridiculously addictive and the best version yet IMO.
That's what Yoda and I did when we had a Clubhouse Games DS union on Gamespot. The group had 60+ members and we held tournaments or games on a pretty much weekly basis. There were a few times we had 5 or 6 people playing at once together. The group is dead (no postings since April
) but you can go look through the forums and get a look at how we organized weekly matches for people in various time zones. So needless to say, both of us are pretty experienced at organizing this kind of thing (and also know the frustrations it can cause
.) We even kept detailed rankings and stats.

First thing I'd recommend is a sticky topic at the top of the forum for posting Friend Codes and when you are available, then you can make a table of who is available when, and colour-code it to what games they own. I would suggest having member names down the left side, and times (in one universal time zone) along the top. Colour the spaces for each time they are available with a selection of colours that reperesents the games they own. You can keep a separate list with everyone's username and a list of their names and friend codes underneath.
Come to think of it, I'm going to send out a massive spam telegram to all the old union members to come join VGPress
GG, Sonic 06 was simply titled Sonic the Hedgehog. What you say about increasing standards could be true, but I feel its that on top of backlash from that game. I enjoy good Sonic games more than the average person so average scores for a Sonic game never bothered me, its just scores that low indicate a broken game and Unleashed is not.
As for Smash, ok I have to get my code for smash correct? Or do you have it? As for the time zone thing, times to play games change, I cant just say I am available at these times cause I dont know if I would be. Maybe we should just put at what times we sleep or have work, times that for sure we cant play, that way we can see the potential windows where we can play. As for us asking to set up a game that doesn't work well. That requires us to come here, ask and then sit around hoping for a response. We need someone to take command, grab us by the balls and tell us WE ARE playing at so and so time and say it like a few days in advance. If not we are just going to sit around the computer wondering when we will play.
As for the wii question, yeah they all played the wii over at my place, they loved it. All it took was Wii Sports, put them bowling and they are ready to spend $250, its crazy. I could show them Mario but it wouldn't be the same, my sister played Mario growing up but now it doesn't interest her, she wont sit around and play a full game. She wants party games, music games, etc. But yeah Animal Crossing maybe something she would want, she would have to see me play it first though, thats basically her only source of gaming news and info, me. My brother and his son do want games so I am recommending the usual but for some reason he choose Tomb Raider Underworld (the kid loves TR apparently), Manhunt 2 (my brother always wanted to play it) and Mario and Sonic (I have no idea, I guess they needed one minigame collection game). He said he is saving the good Nintendo games for later times.
Looking at Wireds list of disappointing games. The first few are all ok. Mirror's Edge no, I think that game is great, it sets out to do something and it does it extremely well. He seemed to be frustrated with dying, thats part of the challenge, suck it up.
Dead Space, hell no! That is a fantastic game. I have no idea where he is getting that the combat was boring, or boss fights repetitive, what the hell.
Prince of Persia, I can see it really disappointing people. It didn't disappoint me, but to be honest I dont understand why, I have no idea why I like it. It is so automatic, its so simple, I should be angry at the game, but I am not.
Star Wars, come on, who has expectations for these games. FU was really good for a SW game, I wasn't disappointed in the slightest.
Mario Kart never played. Spore from what I read is probably deserving of the top spot.
Somewhere in Mexico a little perverted Higgins of a man, sitting behind his little computer, has just jizzed in his pants!
Manhunt 2? What the? Strange game to want. I set up a thread to arrange things. I have your Smash code on the list, but is that the only one you have? What about a system code? And Leo's too. I'm not touching your balls though. When I say general times, I mean that, it doesn't mean that you can do that time. Just that someone can check the chart and give a shout out in the thread. But I added an events section which we can organise.
A few of you are all in the same time zone so it will be easy for a few of you. Harder for the Aussies and Euros.
That Wired list? What, those games all disappoint? Come on. Okay, a few did but most are decent games. Force Unleashed though
I guess I just wanted it to be OMG amazing and instead I feel like its a rental.
Damn, Suikoden Tierkries sounds good:
"Suikoden: Tierkreis is hands-down one of the most ambitious titles on DS, and as far as RPGs go, it already stands with some of the greats on the platform. I'm talking The World Ends With You, Final Fantasy IV re-make caliber; it's impressive. "
Oh man. Who posted the Killzone 2 preview in FRENCH?
That Fragile commercial, what did that girl have to do with the game at all?
Aw what the hell? DK Jungle beat uses shake controls and no Classic controller support?
Did you guys see the COD5 Wii review? Told you it was good.
"All told, Call of Duty: World at War is a great first-person shooter and undoubtedly among the best that the Wii has to offer. The controls are smooth, responsive, and immersive, despite a few sundry hang-ups. The lengthy campaign is dramatic and exciting, and it's fun to replay levels with a friend along for the ride. The icing on the cake, the online multiplayer, is a great success despite its somewhat limited scope. So if you're looking for a reason to try a first-person shooter on the Wii, or you're a veteran remote-wielder looking for a new battlefield, look no further than Call of Duty: World at War. "
Watched the FFXIII videos, as a CG movie its orgasmic. But where the fuck is the game!!!!!! Its been like 4 years i have no idea how it plays or what it looks like. Go to hell Square, stop hiding behind CG.
It was called Sonic The Hedgehog.