The best soundtracks this generation
Mentions of Galaxy, Prime 3 and Brawl!!
Soul Bubbles forgotten in 2008
"Soul Bubbles is a beautifully constructed game"
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SupremeAC (7m)
Phantasy Star 0's hand-written/drawn chat system looks really cool.
Pikmin Wiimake more screens = 404 error.
They are GG.
Unless it's some stupid shit like in Animal Crossing where we've gotten the US version instead of the European version.
I fucking hated Trend. Go with AVG. Compeltely free, AND IT WORKS.
Fixed the Pikmin page
Okay, TrendMicro just called my bluff out of nowhere and now it's subtly threatening to make my computer "slower and more erratic" (at least that's how I interpret this message.)
Needless to say this motherfucker is getting uninstalled immediately. The only reason I have it to begin with is because my university gives you a free download of it and their policy includes the following:
For viruses, it is necessary that you run TrendMicro at all times. It is important that you run Spyware and Virus scans regularly to keep your PC clean. If our Wireless Administrators suspect your PC is a threat to the network, your connection will be restricted until your PC has been properly cleaned.
Frankly, I'm going to try my luck because I highly doubt they can detect if you are running an anti-virus program or not anyway.
The only thing Trend ever removed was ordinary browser cookies as "spyware."
Oh wow.
How weird we talking?
Weird in general? Or Weird as in the same way the SMT games have always been?
Ahh, Trend is GONE and I'm back to AVG. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside... big letters across the top of the program "You are protected." What a big difference compared to Trend's constant fear-mongering and threats. The option for a slow, auto, or fast scan... good times, good times.
Also what the heck is SMT Online... I can't find reference to it anywhere. What's SMT stand for would probably be a better question.
Edit: Shin Megami Tensei apparently.
You may know the Persona games.
That's an SMT game.
7 years and counting, no antivirus, no infections. I figure a software and hardware firewall and virtualized environment is good enough.

Oh, and NOD32 > AVG
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI need to try port forwarding my router (I can do that in settings) but I can't find the password! If only this were Animal Crossing!
Do you have a reset button on your router? You should be able to press that to reset the router settings including the password.
And if you haven't added a password to the router, you should be able to log in by just using the username "admin" and not entering a password
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileDunno, really. I only played Persona 2 ages ago and didn't get far. This game is...weird. Not in a good way.
Yep I can reinstall it but let's just say when we installed it there were problems... if worst comes to worst though that's what'll have to happen.
Whoops, I usually control F stuff like that but didn't with Brutal_Legend for some reason.
BTW, the delete story icon is your friend if you see duplicates (I've deleted the Brutal Legends story that was posted for today).
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI can't delete stories, I can only change them! The MadWorld video used to be Brutal Legends and I was posting a Animal Crossing over the other Brutal Legend story, but that is the one you deleted!
...ah right, forgot, only I and Punk can
I should add a report abuse and duplicates option as well
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileAbout reporting abuse: Steel touched my naughty parts!
P.S. would it not be easier to give the people that update frequently (GG, Hamster, Foolz, Homer, Vader and me) the news delete option?
Going over NPD numbers, with the wii sales being so insane I was wondering who is buying this. Well now I have two examples right in my family.
Over the last week my brother bought a Wii for his son for christmas. Today I get a call from my sister who just finished her finals, she said she went out and bought a wii. So my brother and sister each got a wii practically out of nowhere, I am a tiny sample, I am sure this is happening all over. My brother plays games, so does his son, he had a 360 but it broke so they said screw that and now he got a wii. PS3 is out of the question cause of money.
My sister doesn't game much, she bought a PS2 once to play GH, thats like her extent of gaming. She got the wii cause she liked Wii Sports, she also got Wii Play. She asked me what she should get and I recommened Mario Kart, watch her end up with Wii Fit as well. Oh wow look at that she is a perfect NPD sample. I wonder if she even knew the 360 was cheaper, she probably did but she wouldn't want anything on it, she wanted Wii Sports, she wanted the wiimote.
So this is whats going on out there, everyone has to have one.