High Voltage to Announce More Wii Games
High Voltage to Announce more Wii games in the "near future"
Punk Rebel Ecks
Sony and Universal Pictures to release a "PoP Mach
Games, Movies and More - at a Vending Machine!
David Hasselhoff Red Alert 3 commercial
Because Archie is too lazy to post it himself
EA: Solution if your key is only has 19/20 chars
Brute force hack your activation key
Broken Pixels Episode 20
Episode 20: The gang takes Peter Perfect's phallus-mobile out for a ride, in a racing game made for your grandparents.
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SupremeAC (51s)
Hey guy that put up the Sonic Unleashed story, how about I kill you with fire huh.
Darth Homer with the epic Sega collection news! Very excited, I do have the Genesis collection but I want it in HD, plus I really want the SoR games.
Oh and Edge is at the ring of fire.
No one around? I guess I got to do the news then. Watchmen annouced.
Er...Vader, that's been known about for a good bit. The downloadable games right?
I've been playing around with the Banjo 3 demo, and despite some minor flaws (tiny text on SDTVs
), I'm having a lot of fun with it. The vehicle building takes some time getting used to, but is fairly intuitive. It's cool driving around the town looking for parts and Jiggies. The platforming isn't as great as Mario Galaxy, but it's still very solid. I built a basic cart at first that couldn't go in water. Later on, I needed to go in the water, so I quickly pressed "Start" which brought up the Garage, and added some boat floats to the bottom of the cart. Bam, instant boat! I love that you can modify any vehicle without leaving a level. It's cool building something for a specific purpose, then tweaking it just right to get the job done. This may not be for everyone, but I like it. 
Since when? It was supposed to be a secret EGM cover that they showed today.
It was revealed first to one of the blogs - not actual screens or anything, but the fact that A: it's coming and B: It's a downloadable game.
I'm stuck in Bleach: Dark Souls
I'm at the part where I am Orhime and I have to heal the 3 ninja guys. How do I heal people with her?
One of the site's forefathers.
Does anyone know if SOR3 is any good? I have the first two but I dont want to play a game which is broadly the same. What characters return and how does it stack up against the other two games? Oh and is Edge posting there exclusively or is he ever going to show up here ever again?
How do you get parts or modify them? Is there a point or cash system or do you just explore the world to pick up parts?
Is it not just easier to pre-order it online and wait for the mailman?
Actually Alien Storm aint that great, for the memories its fun, but its a SEGA not treasure game as far as I remember and its quite basic.
Shining Force is fun, but you really should pick up the gba version. Fire Emblem owns it though. I really dont like Shinobi 3 at all, I bought it because of Punk and because I confused it with Shadow Dancer. This is a pretty great collection, but yeah as I have downloaded a few on VC already I feel ripped. What I would really like is for these companies to do custom discs. So you pick your own collection online and they make up the disc for you and post it out.
I played the GBA version. It's the only Sega GBA remake that I actually approve of - the rest weren't that great.
If I were to have custom discs - I'd want EVERY game at my disposal. Or at least every first party game.
You can crawl? Cool. Have you had a situation where you were crawling towards someone and a grenade suddenly landed in your face?
I finally managed to put up a plug on NeoGaf for this place and did the Gamespot blog that people have been asking about. You know Archie you haven't checked out my Disaster thread yet, its a pretty entertaining game, I think might like it. Whether you buy or rent its definetely a game worth playing through.
Damn the subtitles aren't showing up for all the updates I did.
Okay. Well. This is interesting.
DSi tops Japanese hardware chartNintendo's DSi, has debuted at the top spot in the Japanese hardware chart for the week ended November 2, according to figures provided by media create.
The new iteration on Nintendo's handheld sold 171,952 units in its first week on sale, followed by the Sony's PlayStation Portable in second place with 50,358 units.
Following weeks of languishing at the bottom of the chart, Sony's PlayStation 3 has surged up to third place spurred on by sales of Grand Theft Auto IV and LittleBigPlanet with 39,587 unit sales.
Nintendo's Wii came in fourth with 23,123 units, with the DS Lite dropping to fifth with 16,360 units. The PlayStation 2 trailed behind at 6,714 units coming in sixth, followed closely by the Xbox 360 at seventh with 6,119 units.
"Your point about a gateway, an entry point to gaming - certainly I think the Wii needs to have more titles. We've got two at Sega, but we're backing to attract us to the slightly older thirty-somethings that might hit nostalgia, and they'll feel they want to play House of the Dead: Overkill, and we've also got MadWorld. So we believe that the market is there and needs to be served. It's risky because new markets don't exist unless somebody goes to make them, so that's what we're backing. " They are also doing the Conduit now too.
Lets see what else is there as I sit home sick as a dog?
"Sometimes we've gone 'ooh, we shouldn't really do that', but then we've gone 'no, hell yes we should'. There's no reason we shouldn't do this stuff, it's not exploiting anyone."
Advertising in console games (as well as PC and other games) has become increasingly common in the industry today. Even presidential candidates are advertising in games these days. We wondered, though, how consumers would feel if this trend grew and significantly more advertising was placed in console games but the price of the game was also cut in half or, was even free.
As it turns out, most gamers were quite receptive to this idea. Very few were negative about having major price reductions or even free games in return for considerable amounts of advertising in the games. In fact, less than 20 percent of gamers said they were less likely to purchase a game, at half the price, but with more advertising. The plurality, 31 percent, said it would make no difference. About 15 percent of the gamers said they were much more likely to purchase a game at half price with more advertising and 28 percent said they were somewhat more likely.
The unusual thing, I suppose, at Nintendo is that the execs [that are in place] now were originally developers, which is quite unique. So it's not so much that I miss the original people; I just miss the people and the personal contact. There were some happy times there.
1UP: What was it like when Rare's ownership changed hands from Nintendo to Microsoft, and what was the overall feeling within the company?
MB: I think it was very positive... The budgets that are spent now -- this is not an industry for the fainthearted or people that don't have the capacity to see a development process through. A creative process is always quite fragile, and a lot of companies have great ideas, but they don't have the finances to see them through.
1UP: When people saw the new Banjo game for the first time, there seemed to be a lot of backlash. Banjo fans, and the press as a whole, seemed to say, "Wait, this isn't Banjo the way we knew Banjo." Why not make Nuts & Bolts a traditional platformer? Is it because you think the genre is dead at this point?
MB: I wouldn't say it's dead, but it's a genre that's been done and done well. It's been taken to its limits in a lot of ways. When we were doing this Banjo, we wanted to add something new to it. A lot of it was about the fact that we do all this work for this type of game, and then it's mainly this single-player experience for a lot of people.
A console's software tie ratio is the ratio of the total number of software unit sales to the total number of hardware unit sales. This gives an average number of software titles per platform owner.
Recently Anita Frazier, analyst for the NPD Group, has commented that tie ratios "can be an indication of the health of a system", but can also be used in misleading ways.
Moreover, "as a system gets further along in its lifecycle and perhaps hardware sales start to diminish, the tie ratio tends to go up because software sales are the bigger draw. If a hardware system is doing gangbuster sales, then the tie ratio can go down even if there are lots of overall sales."
Ms. Frazier's comment that a tie ratio could go down is interesting because, while we didn't have direct evidence of it at the time, some industry-watchers suspected that the Wii's software tie ratio had been constant, or even going down, during the third quarter of 2008.
Using the graphs [in today's feature] and the known installed hardware bases for each system during the first 23 months on the market, we can estimate tie ratios relatively easily:
Have you heard that the new issue of EGM is hitting mailboxes now, complete with a snazzy Watchmen cover story? Well, it is! And as with every issue of the number one videogame magazine, that means we've got another round of rumors to bring to your ears straight from the mysterious Quartermann.
With Gears of War 2 just about to officially hit stores tomorrow, most gamers are preparing to tackle this latest action hit from star Epic designer Cliff Bleszinski. Not the Q-Mann, though; he lives in the future, and in the future he's already gathered word of Bleszinski's next project: a survival-horror game. Though we don't have a name or any solid details yet, Quartermann reports that the new title will mix the bloody visceral elements of Gears of War with psychological terror. And even more interesting, this one may be multi-platform.
Meanwhile, Q-Mann's also been checking up on Little Big Planet creator Media Molecule as well. Sounds like these guys and gals have a lot of plans for expanding their cutesy PlayStation 3 platformer. First things in the works? Lots of content add-on packs, including Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy packs that will expand on the inclusion of Solid Snake and Sephiroth Sackboys. Also in the works for 2009 is a Disney content pack, which could include a playable version of the Mickey Mouse classic Steamboat Willie. And beyond Little Big Planet? Well, nothing's set in stone yet, but Q-Mann has heard tell of a possible online role-playing game implementing some of the lessons the team has learned from LBP.
Of course, LBP and Gears 2 are brand-new titles, so it might be a while until we see these rumors coming to fruition. We'll keep our ears to the ground and keep you updated as soon as more info hits. In the mean time, be sure to check out the December issue of EGM for even more rumors, the Watchmen cover story, and a whole lot more.
Nintendo Wii = 13.00%
Microsoft Xbox 360 = 11.00%
Sony PlayStation 2 = 9.00%
Sony PlayStation 3 = 9.00%
You guessed right, it was the Wii. However, PS3 kept pace with PS2, while the Xbox 360 got within 2% of the Nintendo revenues.
In terms of the handhelds:
Nintendo Dual Screen = 10.00%
Sony PlayStation Portable = 2.00%
Ninty's DS basically wiped the floor of retail with the PSP.
It's a shame that the games industry is so new so some of these games are legally buried in time.
Finally had the chance to check out the Conduit preview:
Some really bad screencaps here
So I just read that Sonic Unleashed has been delayed to Spring 09 for 360/PS3 because of quality issues, but the Wii version is coming out this year.
It was developed separately by DIMPS, SFIV and Sonic DS makers. Will you guy(s) wait?
Has anyone looked closely at the Konami revenue breakdown? PS3 is nowhere to be seen on the pie chart, then BAM, MGS4 hits and suddenly it dominates the next chart
A source close to Canadian developer Blue Castle Games has told Eurogamer that the studio is making a sequel to Dead Rising.
Rumours that the Vancouver-based outfit was working on the zombie project first emerged last year, but neither the developer nor publisher Capcom has confirmed anything on the record. But while Eurogamer was on a secret mission in Vancouver last week, we were told by a source familiar with the project that Capcom has indeed farmed out development to the Western team.
The source said: "Everyone's really excited; the team has obviously seen the rumours and it's been hard to keep quiet, but they can't wait to show off the game."
Unfortunately, they wouldn't give us any details on the title or when we're likely to see it. Boo.
Blue Castle has so far released two baseball titles with 2K Games, including The Bigs, and announced MLB Front Office Manager earlier this month.
The company describes itself on its website as "a full-service, multi-project and multi-platform 3rd party developer located in Vancouver, Canada", where: "We are well underway on three new projects - an unannounced Action title and two Sports titles one of which was just announced."
Our source confirmed that the action title is a sequel to the deliciously enjoyable zombie romp, which released on 360 in 2006. The studio is currently hiring for its action project, with one job listing stating: "It's getting around - there is something amazing being built here at Blue Castle behind locked doors."
A spokesperson for Capcom Europe refused to comment on the matter.
What? I don't remember talking about Shinobi.
Homer? Beaver? Anyone please?
One of the site's forefathers.
You find little pink boxes in Showdown Town (some platforming required) which contain new parts, and take them to the Garage to enable them. There's no money in the game, only Jiggies and parts; at least from what I can tell in the demo, anyway.
Actually, I believe it was me that recommended Shinobi 3 to you, GG. Sorry.