MTV interviews Miyamoto: continued
Thinks Galaxy and Twilight Princess could have been even less conservative. Praises Portal
Burnout Paradise To Recieve Offline Multiplayer
8-Player Party Mode, to be specific.
Deadly Creatures Exclusive hands on
"Snap a lizard neck like King Kong"
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I know, the review was still an 8/10. I'm just talking about general next gen game design. Walking or driving for ages to from location to location isn't fun.
Disaster NeoGAF impressions continued:
I've just played the spoiler section WOW, the game DELIVERS.
So fun, great.
Really, i'm definitely impressed at the amazing variety of (cheesy and umpredictable) situations they put you through: the game knows no backtracking at all, and it's totally rad that you (kinda) know where you start but you don't have any idea on what you're gonna be doing like 10 minutes later.
This way the whole experience is far more intense and enjoyble, with a trashy 'wow factor' always there to amaze you.
And Ray definitely kick ass (i LOVE his design, save for the lame tattoo), even if i don't really like the occasional emo moments he has.
However, i honestly feel that this is a significant wasted opportunity for Nintendo: with some more care and attention to this project they could have created a kickass franchise, something that could extend its portfolio beyond the usual Marios, Zeldas and Metroids.
Too bad they did not believe in Disaster, and the game eventually came out poorly executed but genuinely fun to play.
First you get to Mayor Evans that has Lisa, and he tells to shout Ray that he has to get out of there, however Lisa grows up and says "Save me and kick this idiots their ass!"
So Evan gets with Lisa into a ferry and you go behind him, you find him in the deck, and its raining cats and dogs, he says he has a secret weapon and he shows you a METAL GEAR???? You fight a very tough thing that resembles a lot a Metal Gear, while Evans has the role of Liquid in Metal Gear Solid 1.
You destroy the "Metal Gear" and you fight in a cinematic, awesome and epic fight (the graphics here are outstanding) with punches and knifes (all is quick events), if he touches you once, you are killed (even if you have all the life). And the rest is the ending, just like a movie, with a little twist.
And then you see the alternate ending and...
is fucking Armageddon, a letter arrives to the president telling a huge asteroid is going to collide with earth destroying all civilization, oh shit, Ray is going to be Bruce Willis in fucking space
So please, please, buy this game, we need a second part. I need to see that. If this doesnt get release in america im going to go personally and kick Reggie's ass.
And when you beat it there are TONS of extras (new modes, new challenges, new costumes, images, videos...)
The game is certainly enjoyable, even if i was expecting it to be a lot faster as far as the rhythm is concerned.
It's got a pretty unique pacing, and even the shooting phases à la Time Crisis need to be played with attention and not too straightforwardly.
So it's like a total carnage, but with a brain.
The production values are clearly terribily poor, and the graphics are pretty nasty (even if there are actually AMAZING details such as the character faces or the tsunami wave): it's hard to believe that this is a product coming straight from Nintendo, and in a way i can understand Reggie's ideas about it.
But it's actually fun to play, so who cares!
the good: cinematic feel. Game really feels like a big budget hollywood movie, with the main hero trying to prevent a crazy ex-marine corp to destroy the world. Car chases, buildings collapsing, fire, gunfights, tragedies etc
the music is awesome, a true movie soundtrack
the controls are intuitive
large amount of variety between missions. One moment you're driving a car, two minutes later you're saving people inside a building while everything's aflame, one minute later you're killing soldiers in a on-rails shooting section
pacing is incredible: you don't find a dull moment here, there's always something INTERESTING to do
the bads:
graphics: ok, some effects look cool and all but those models, animations and some other effects (fire) look bad. Not insanely bad, but bad nonethless, so don't expect a visual masterpiece here. In fact i'd say expect an average looking game at best. And the cars, woah...blocky low poly stuff you certainly won't appreciate.
But luckly, game's funny enough you won't care much after five minutes
AI: those enemies are dumbasses, really. Just hide, shoot, reload, hide, shoot, reload and you'll be out in no time. But it's funny, so who cares
difficulty: one minute game's a walk in the park, one minute later you're catapulted into a hellish fight against two armored jeeps. It coulda been more balanced, but its not a big deal
story: don't expect oscar-worthy (thanks, hilary, you ass) stuff here. It's cheesy as hell, but this might not be a bad thing. It's not for me, but for those expecting something of HL2 your jets
and that's all about it. I'm enjoying what i've been playing. Game's certainly solid, with lots of variety between missions, the dozens of different actions you can do are well-implemented into the Wiimote+nunchuck combo, cinematic feeling is awesome (you REALLY feel like a hero against an evil army of bastards, and you really want to save those people), music is great, and most importantly, game's FUN
graphics is the weakest point here: couldve been much better, expecially after seeing what the Wii is capable of. But still, Disaster is a real treat to play
Pretty solid, actually. Anyone who is really disappointed by this game is probably looking for reasons to be.
Never ever gets the game boring, if you have to visit or go back an area you have been:
1. The game does an intro with more awesome and epic moments
2. They give a twist to that zone (this is the most common), they make a disaster come, or they convert a exploring zone to a shooting zone, etc...
And the music, wow, the music. Its so good I cant stop hearing it in my head. Those chorus are really epic.
Go, buy it, NOW! Or Ray will kill all the bears around the world, safe the bears, buy this game!
Got tons of bonuses after finishing, but it seems like there are many, many more. Have anyone cleared the shooting ranges, by the way? They're very, very hard. And one of them is very, very cool
Awesome. First Tomb Raider Underworld demo hits Live Marketplace and now Banjo Nuts & Bolts demo hits today. Freakin' sweet. I heard TRU is excellent and from what I've seen on Banjo it's absolutely gorgeous. Banjo is already sold for me considering it's price and getting the original on XBLA free with a preorder makes it extra sweet. The impressions on TRU really leave me wanting that game as well. Damn, these next few months are going to leave a hole in my wallet but I love it.
I love when he releases the hounds on Magnum. Mr Burns nicked his trick for the Simpsons.
I am back mortals
Buy a Wii then, I understand you never had a N64 and a Gamecube either? The VC is a good way to catch up with those two. Plus you have de Blob another cool platformer and Mushroom Men looks and sounds awesome too. Or alternatively move in with Foolz, and play with his Wii.
Anyone else perplexed by the NeoGAF disaster impressions? This reminds me of Endless Ocean which in general got middling review scores yet is well loved by many. Game looks like the definition of the term mixed bag yet now I'm really curious. I think it might just be hilarious enough to try, I mean has anyone else seen the video where you are fighting a bear with a shotgun?
And read this:
"Disaster follows the deeply clichéd story of Raymond Bryce, a crisis specialist/professional rescuer left troubled by the death of a colleague, Steve, in a rescue mission. Just before plummeting face first into a river of lava, the soon-to-be-toast Steve makes Ray promise he'll watch over Lisa, Steve's sister. The game kicks off a year later, by which time a remorseful Ray has given up the rescuing, and has been unable to face Lisa through guilt. You can watch pretty much all of this here, incidentally, and marvel at the cheese for yourself.
The setting for all of this is Blue Ridge City, which is experiencing a rotten run of luck. Things start badly with a devastating earthquake, which in turn triggers a tsunami, a volcanic eruption, and a flood. Nukes and a rogue special forces unit who kidnap -- surprise! -- Lisa are also woven into the plot. Motivated by his desire to keep his promise to Steve, Ray grows up and sets about rescuing the distressed damsel."
"Disaster can serve as a guilty pleasure. It's got a Seagal-esque hero who must be one of the most resistant, hardened one-man armies of all time, tons of implausible "escaping death" scenarios, and a script that's cheesier than an explosion in a Roquefort factory"
What the fuck?
I happen to think that Travis Touchdown has some of the best voice acting in a game I have heard outside Bully. So I wiki the actor and it's this guy!
The english actor from Babylon 5. Byron. Not only that he has done tons of game voice acting.
Wow. Download the Tenchu IV opening cm video at gametrailers (link in wednesdays updates). Just to listen to the music. Wow.
Banjo 3 Demo
FU, Microsuck! Thanks for screwing over Silver users!
Yeah, I can't download the demo because Microsoft wants me to pay them $50 a year for a service I don't want and won't ever use. What sense does this make? Demos are a marketing tool used to help companies SELL more games. How effective is this tool when you block a large amount of your users from being able to download it? Seriously, WTF?
Maybe it's time limited and will eventually come to silver users? I'm still screwed that it doesn't have wireless internet.
And I have no hard drive. I'm listening to the vgpress podcast now. How many people have checked it out on Yoda's blog?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's timed, but that's still stupid, IMO.
Check out the Shigeru interview I posted:
I liken it almost to cooking. There are certain elements of cooking where if you’re able to find a very delicious ingredient, all you have to do is put a little bit of salt on it. Then you cook it and it tastes amazing. Whereas, when you have something that doesn’t taste very good, typically then you have to season it and put sauces on it, and find ways to take something that at its core isn’t very delicious and make it taste delicious. Somebody who is a very good chef, if you say, “I want you to create a fantastic French meal,” obviously if they’re a very good chef, they can do that. But often times the chefs are more interested in finding the most delicious ingredients they can find and cooking those in a way that really highlights the inherent deliciousness of the ingredient. And that, I feel, is our job in game design.
So Nintendo want the core design to be good before you start adding things
And while, personally, I feel like “Super Mario Galaxy” was able to do some things that were very new and were very unique, at the same time, from another perspective, certain elements of it do feel somewhat conservative in terms of how far we branched out with design. And so this is something I’ve been talking to both of those teams about.
Like I said before Super Mario World like map with alternative routes and secrets . Get rid of the stars, replace them by end exits and keys for opening secret pathways (again like Super Mario World). The powerup structure should also change and be more like the 2D games. To power you up and not to act like keys to get certain stars
Mario Galaxy was conservative? Wow, I would like to see them do an over the top crazy design then. But my brain might explode.
He said some things not the whole game. The hub structure and the power-up structure was the same as Mario 64. The rest like the gravity and stuff were not.
So much to talk about in that Miyamato interview. I am with you GG I cannot understand how Galaxy was conservative, that was the most imaginative 3D platformer I have ever played.
Zelda he is right, while it is a masterpiece, it's a masterpiece cause its the best of all previous 3D zelda's rolled up into one game, not cause it was fresh. Zelda:TP is the perfect game to end that type of Zelda, one more game just like it and its overkill (much like RE:0 ). Though I worry what they want out a more unique Zelda cause if its like PH I will be pissed.
I am glad to hear that Punch-Out is a Miyamoto produced game, instant classic headed our way.
SONY Nothing is Exclusive - Bullshit. The only reason they say this is because the PS3 lacks any good exclusives outside of MGS4, LBP, Disgaea 3, and Warhawk.
Atlus's "Devil Survivor" for the Nintendo DS - Please be an awesome RPG.
How the Wii has Failed - The Wii hasn't failed (outside of online) the only failure are the developers and publishers. That saying I am happy to see that next year the Wii (finally) has a respectable line-up.
SEGA Publishing "The Conduit" - All I was thinking was "Please don't be Ubisoft". Anyway SEGA is really putting it all out on the Wii. Not surprising due to their game sales have been fair and have been really bad on the PS3/360.
I recomended it a while ago but nobody listened.
One of the site's forefathers.
I do get what Myamoto is saying. I'm a huge Mario and Zelda fan. I think Galaxy is pretty much a perfect Mario game. I think Zelda TP could have been and should have been better. While it's still an excellent game I did find that it had too much of a "been there, done that" feeling and since I played the Wii version I think I was expecting it to have better graphics and sound then it did. The game was quite huge and epic though.
Freakin' sweet! SSIIHDRemix is finally going to get released. I have really been waiting for this one.
One of the site's forefathers.