MTV interviews Miyamoto: continued
Thinks Galaxy and Twilight Princess could have been even less conservative. Praises Portal
Burnout Paradise To Recieve Offline Multiplayer
8-Player Party Mode, to be specific.
Deadly Creatures Exclusive hands on
"Snap a lizard neck like King Kong"
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robio (2m)
Yeah, yeah. Now everyone's a fan of Iga's otherwordly jumps.
Oh shit, I forgot. Is the new site going live tomorrow?
I don't think you and I should ever bang are titanic balls together. It could cause ripples in the space-time continuem.
What in the fuck...
Edit: Are you hitting on me, slut? Want us to bang balls together?
He wants you to rub your balls together.
BTW I just checked on Photobucket, and it seems that your sig got deleted. I have a copy at home, and I'll try to reupload it later today. I'll PM you teh link then.
I think I actually may have to pick up a few of these games eventually. Fable 2, even though it pains me to say, has got some great reviews, but I read a 9/10 review that said tha the combat was oversimplified and the story was pretty crap and that most of the games interaction was like the first game where you walked up to someone and hit a d-pad direction to give them an emotion. Yuck.
I read a Fallout 3 review which said it was Oblivion in the future so I will have to get hat eventually. And I am intrigued by Far Cry 2, I think what helped was reading a review that said that it had little to do with past games. At the moment though i still want to finish the games I have sitting on the shelf and I even want time to replay some of them, I mean Metroid Prime 3 and Bully have to replayed, they are so good that they almost demand it. But with game releases these days I feel like a worker on a factory line shunting across product without having time to stop and appreciate them. Disaster sounds like one of those mixed bags of sweets, there will be some crap horrible bits and some really great sweets and you will never know what it will be like. I keep hearing impressions from people who like it. On Gamecentral today there were a couple of people really into it.
I think I will have to buy it and then if it's crap just ebay it. I don't have a rental service.
Thanks Darth and Dvader for the Mirrors edge impressions. Sound sort of weird to me.
I need to know the balance between vehicle making and the rest of the game because TBH the vehicle making idea completely puts me off.
Yeah I'm back and just going through the replies and scrolled through the pics again. What the hell happened? It looks about 20% better than the last set of screens I have seen. That scorpian just spiked a rat in the back of the neck and it looks badass. What the hell?
Steel, what time zone are you in? And do you have a Mexican or american accent? I wonder if Bugs has a Greek accent?
The only game I know Rainbow for is ATV and Cars and when the concept for DC was announced everyone thought it was joke. Since then it's been like a process:
joke>looks interesting>interesting joke?>Hmm.... just interesting>WTF? That looks good?>It does look good.>WTF??
Now it has Dennis Hopper in it, they could make it GOTF. If and only IF, you are walking around as a scorpian by a giant empty boot and suddenly Dennis Hopper's giant head pops up from the boot and starts talking to you, at which point you can stab his eyes out.
Can't believe you guys don't know Bill Trinen. It's like not knowing who Robbie Bach is.
Steel check out Fedor's dancing skills!
You can see it around the 3 min mark
Fedor dances with Fujita
That topic on the new enemies for Gears of War 2 was very cool. Only 1 week left, I'm so pumped for that game.
Picked up Fable 2 today. Man was it ever tough trying to decide which one to get between Fable 2, Fallout 3, and Farcry 2. It seemed like forever trying to pick one. I almost grabbed Fallout 3 along with Fable 2 but I'm definately getting Gears 2 next week and money starts to get a little tight around the holidays so I'll hold off a little on the other two games. I think the dog was the deciding factor to get Fable 2 first. I'm a dog person and the stuff I've heard about it really has me interested in checking that aspect of the game out.
I'm -6 hours GMT. So now it's 14:35 for me.
And yeah, I have the worst latin accent you can hear. GodMode says it's my Don Juan accent.
Damn. El Sexio.
More NeoGAF Disaster Impressions
But one thing I totally agree on - Disaster succeeds where Alone in the Dark utterly failed - the many different gameplay elements work together rather well to create some much-needed diversity, because the plot doesn't hold up to anything else than being a tongue-in-cheek version of the typical 90's action/disaster movies.
It has such scope for a sequel, and that's definitely one of the questions I'll be asking when I get an interview sorted with Monolith Soft...
Just watched the HOTD trailer, it looks like a Timesplitters game in atmosphere. I loved the pony at the begginning.
Damn, Japanese sales:
PSP hardware sales have more than halved in Japan, just a week after the launch of the new PSP-3000 model. With no major new titles in the software charts to support it further, unit sales dropped by 99,000 to 60,467.
In what has proven another poor week for sales across the board, the Nintendo DS has slumped by almost 7,000 units to 22,965. This is in large part due to the imminent release of the new DSi model though and sales are expected to spike following its release on November 1st.
With DS sales artificially depressed, the Wii was the second best selling format of the week, although its own sales fell by over 1,500 units to 24,292.
As other formats record some of their worst ever results in Japan, the Xbox 360 continues to enjoy its best run of sales since launch. As such weekly figures again remained almost unchanged at 7,844 units.
With a large number of titles in the top 50, the PlayStation 2 also continues to sell relatively strongly, down only a few hundred units to 6,962.
However, the PlayStation 3 has recorded its worst week of sales ever in Japan, down around 800 units to 3,931. Although it continues to suffer from a paucity of software releases in the top 50, sales this week are also being affected by the imminent release of a new hardware bundle in Japan.
Overall in the top 50, there were 21 titles for the Nintendo DS, 11 for the PlayStation 2, 10 for the Wii, seven for the PSP, one for the PlayStation 3 and none for the Xbox 360.
So DS, PS2 and Wii rule the software charts? PSP rules the hardware charts, well, whenever they release a new version/colour it boosts them higher. 360 is gaining a tiny foothold, PS3 is on hard times with the world recession. This is weird.
Wait, did I read that correctly? In the top 50 games, there was one PS3 title and zero 360 titles?! WUT!
Holy shit. I thought he was going down with that first blow. The man's a machine.
Hey Iga, you got a mic yet?
Besides my penis?
Silence Steel, I only suck Fedors dick! Homer, yes I have. I brought it last week.
That is nothing, check out this one. Any other man would have died here, but Fedor is not any other man. Heck Fedor is not a human period. And I have proof
Holy fuck. That suplex (was that a suplex?) was devastating. And Fedor just shrugs it off like someone farted on his face.