FFXIII scenario almost complete.
PS3 version will not be effected by 360 version.
Arc Rise Fantasia website upens
Dragons, airship and a main character that does not look like a tranny
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robio (1m)
Maybe cause someone did
Your ass will rust.
Hmm this new Halo project from bungie could be and expansion pack to Halo 3 from a different perspective like Crysis Warhead. Either way Halo 3 is a huge favourite of mine so this news is freakin' awesome. I need more vids, pics, and info asap.
Punisher screens from PSN
Screw this. I would rather just have a straight up version of this to download:
They should just do Halo 4 or something non-halo. Didn't they break away from MS so that they could move away from Halo?
Oh and Family Ski 2 is announced for Wii. So it's like end of September now and it launches on like mid-november. This is crazy.
Well Halo 3 has only been out for a year so if this is an expansion the timing seems appropriate. This could have been planned content since before the seperation from MS. They could be indeed working on Halo 4 and/or other stuff as well but it's probably a bit too early to show off anything on Halo 4 yet if they are indeed working on it. They most likely want to stagger things out. Halo Wars is upcoming so that will be front and center and Peter Jackson's Halo will most likely be next in line. Perhaps maybe next year. I don't think Bungie leaving MS was so much wanting to leave the Halo universe as it was just to be more independant and have less pressure on them.
Is the Halo movie still being made?
I've been saying all along that they should release some extra single-player levels for HALO 3 instead of just multi-player maps all the time. That would be grrreat.
No, it's canned. Probably for a long while.
So, I went down to one of my usual stores to pickup FE
oR, and maybe that OoT GC disc, but unfortunately it was closed. Grr. So I went down to my other usual store, where they didn't have Vesperia yet (fuckers) and ended up getting Baten Kaitos and P.N.03.
I have no idea how they play, but I've seen quite an amount of praise for both of them, so I grabbed them.
Sony sold over 100 million PS1 and PS2's without a family image. The perception of a family image selling consoles is a misconception. As is the size of a fucking harddrive.
What sells consoles are mass-market prices and variety in software. Not avatars, harddrives, and commercials with grandma holding a controller. Where are these companies coming up with this shit?
Most of the times they all seem so disconnected fro the real world. However, the market that Nintendo opened is a brave new world altogether, and they are stumbling their way through trial and error. Lots of errors.
Uh oh, you mentioned Baten Kaitos, Yodariquo uber post coming in 4.... 3...... 2..... 1......
From MSs perspective, as the Peter Moore interviews said, they see themselves as being caught in the hardcore box and want to break out by getting more family friendly mass market fare on the system. Re-branding can be a step towards making the 360 more friendly, as well as those all important price reductions.
Your new avatar freaks the shit out of me.
Hold me!
I still think the only reason they "opened" up this so called market, is because the Wii was way fucking cheaper than the other systems at the time. Then it just grew in interest because of media support and the controller being different. Nintendo's always had a "family" image, only now the media chose to support them instead of bash them. While the opposite happened to Sony.
What happens when your current customers don't like the change?
Its all silly bullshit. The idea that hardware needs an image. Let the games and friendly pricing do the talking. No other form of entertainment needs its hardware to have some retarded image. Be it CD players, DVD players, even the PC (also a games machine). If fact I think if they're not careful, they could push people to the PC.....but maybe that's M$'s intention all along?
That's true. I don't remember media buzz so strong around a Nintendo console since the days of the NES, when practically everyone owned one. Strong media exposure must have played a huge role in the massive hardware sales this thing has been getting.
It's just Oh Daesu popping his head under the door in Oldboy.
Well I think Sony lost a lot of good will with the high PS3 price and then Wii was cheap and had this new way to play, making the other consoles, well, look tired in a way, or least they didn't have that USP.
The current customers already own the console. I think that image is important when it comes to consumers, the cube had this image of being a purple lunchbox and that's despite it launching in black as well as purple.
Is this 2D or 3D can't tell. And the console version is probably going to be a Wii game.
The gaming industry seems to be half-retarded as of now. I STILL can't believe that Nintendo and Capcom are the only Japanese publishers that have stepped up from 2001.
One of the site's forefathers.
Yes and this guy will play masterchief
Punk the characters look 2D
P.S. Check this out from Neogaf abiut Dizastuuh
Badass (but often not) human protagonist?
Ridiculous plot and cutscenes?
Great, epic music?
Meh gameplay that isn't all too frequent?
This sounds EXACTLY like Metal Gear Solid. I don't know why all of GAF isn't on this.
I really think the Disaster updates should be spelt correctly. Otherwise the search function of this site wont work unless we type in ten different derivatives of Dizastuuuh.
That's quite funny actually.
You are right stop spelling it wrong GG, it is Dizastuuh, oh and Mario Galaxy =Sūpā Mario Gyarakushī.