Tatsunoko vs. Campcom licencing issues
Sven says that he is working on it
Read the Majora's Mask Manga right now
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Final Fantasy IV Sequel Coming to Western Shores..
They love the wii so much they're releasing mobile games on it!
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Mirror's Edge demo + Wipeout HD = week of awesome
So PS3 owners, you not buying Afrika?
Bad news, I'm afraid. No, you cannot run over a lion in Afrika. Nor can you break its legs off. Nor can you tie an elephant's trunk in a knot, cut off a giraffe's head or inflate a hippo till it goes pop. You can't even make a monkey wear an embarrassing hat.
So Afrika is probably not the game for you. In fact, Sony has decided it's not the game for anyone outside of Japan - at least not enough people to make a release commercially viable. If you want a copy, you'll have to import one. And unless you can understand Japanese, you'll spend the first hour or so turning to websites like GameFaqs as you try to work out what's going on.
I got the new GI issue, the cover story is Star Trek Online an MMO for PC and unannouced consoles (meaning PS3/360).
There is a good article on LBP stating the single player will be about 10 hours. The game also has mindblowing boss fights, which of course you are free to create as well.
Previews of Dead Space, Overlord 2, Skate 2, Godfather 2, Ghostbusters, Mushroom Men, Dead Rising Wii, Sonic Dark Brotherhood.
Anything you guys want me to read and report more in depth about?
Ghostbusters, Mushroom Men, Dead Rising Wii please
Ghostbusters - Even though there is no publisher they are still hard at work on the game and its shaping up nicely. GI played a demo where the GBs go into the Library, they say when you arrive a crowd of people are outside cheering you on. All the voices are in now, the whole cast is back, they say it sounds great. In the library the game is filled with great scripted events like the books and shelves move by themselves to form a sort of endless maze, ghosts will pop out of walls to scare you. In one large room a ghost uses the objects in the room to make a big monster. You shoot it with the proton pack, which causes incredible damage to the environment. To take out the monster you have to hook it with the beam and then slam it on walls until its ready to be trapped. Character models look great.
Mushroom Men - Story about some war between mushroom men over a meteor piece, you must cross enemy lines to retrieve the meteor. The sense of scale makes interesting, something like a lawn shed is like a huge cavern for Pax (the main character). A stack of dominoes becomes a block puzzle, a sticky toy hand becomes a grappling hook for Pax. Throughout the game Pax gathers every day items and uses them to make new weapons like razorblades, matchsticks, gum, jacks, etc. Pax also has the ablity to use telekinesis to move objects and manipulate plants. Many goals requires a combo of exploration and exploitation of his abilities. The stages are open ended so you can complete the goals in any order. The game has some weird sound effect system where they are all tied to a single rhythm, they you will be tapping your feet to the beat. A DS game is hitting as well, its a prequel to this game.
Dead Rising Wii - They say the Wii will be able to pump out 100 zombies on screen at a time. New save system but Capcom is still not talking. It uses the RE4 engine so aiming is the same. Certain weapons have certain wii actions like with a bat you can shake the wiimote to build up extra power for your swing which will knock a zombie head out of the park. D-pad changes weapons on the fly. They say there will be new enemies.
Oh there is a preview of Lego Batman showing ALL the characters you can play as, impressive.
That score for de Blob is kind of depressing. I am hoping most placed rate it higher. And Viva Pinata 2 a 7.5? Game Informer suck balls.
I just got done making my way through the Fracture demo. Here's my thoughts:
That's basically it. Seems like a good rental or a $20 game. Typical Lucasarts. They try to come out with these supposed groundbreaking games every gen, and they always end up just okay.
Damn. Seeing all those review scores made me realise how behind I am already for games I want to get. I want to pick up NHL '09, Rock Band 2, Tales of Vesperia, Infinite Undiscovery, and Viva Pinata 2.
How do the previews for Dead Space and Overlord 2 sound? Those are two games I'm really looking forward to.
Check GS for Dead Space, I wrote a thing up on it in Hires's thread, they say its a GOTY contender.
Overlord 2, you now need to strike against an empire by taking over camps and assassinating officials, etc. Environments are far more varied this time. There are new battlefield scenarios some huge battles that involve seige weapons and naval skirmishes. Your gremlins can now ride creatures as mounts, each creature has certain skills. You can promote some minions to commanders. Some minions you can even control yourself. They say the idea is to avoid the feeling that you can solve every situtation by throwing a ton of minions at it, now you must evalute and use strategy.
No but it is still applicable. There are tons of objects than can be manipulated and there are physics. Second Sight however is an action game, with telekenisis, gunplay and a cover mechanism. With all due respect you still haven't explained what makes it unique.
Unique definition is:
1) Being the only one of its kind: the unique existing example of Donne's handwriting.
2) Without an equal or equivalent; unparalleled.
Well it is definitely not either of those.
And besides in your original argument you talked about unique gameplay mechanic and not about an action games. So Elebits is even more applicable.
I clearly stated I was talking about action games. I dont mean it as unique as in its never been seen before I mean its not like 95% of the games out there. I have never seen an action game that gives you such manipulation of objects and the game world. You can quickly pick up three exploding crates, hurl it at enemies and watch the explotions rock everything with physics, enemies will fly about, if there is glass or wood it would shatter. It is like some other games, in a way its basically a more powerful gravity gun from HL but its never been mixed with a game like GoW in such dramatic fashion. I can't say I have played a game with a mix of elements quite like this, it doesn't all work well but it still makes it fun and interesting.
This is the most awesome thing ever:
No you did not, you first talked about an unique gameplay mechanic and than you changed your argument. I changed it back. You changed it again just now by comparing it with GoW. The gameplay mechanic is not unique, the game itself sound like an unique blend though.
If only there were places here for me to rent the game.
I would buy that!
People I posted the IGN Review of the Blob. Read it please! Screw Game "money hatting" Informer. IGN has also a newer crappier look! Excuse me while I read the Review.
That wasn't the event you are thinking of. This was the event.
Anyway Marvolous is showing ALOT of Wii support. Does anyone think that they'll have a shot of raising to higher levels because of this?
One of the site's forefathers.
Dead Space a possible GotY contender? Woah. I've really liked what I've seen on the game so far but I wasn't expecting it to possibly be GotY material. I'm still keeping my expectations tempered but I am starting to get really pumped for this game.
Overlord 2 is sounding pretty cool. I did play some of the first game and really enjoyed it. Never got around to picking it up like I wanted to. Definately got my eye on this one.
That Mega Man 9 set is freakin' awesome. I so want me one of those.
To be a GoTY contender the game has to be released in 2008. So there
What about Overlord Wii version Arch? Overlord + Pointer Controls = Hawtness
Does the review have a picture of your buttocks?
Impossible, my Rafa Nadal-like huge behind would automatically make the picture poster sized