Tatsunoko vs. Campcom licencing issues
Sven says that he is working on it
Read the Majora's Mask Manga right now
Do not pay attention to the news below
Final Fantasy IV Sequel Coming to Western Shores..
They love the wii so much they're releasing mobile games on it!
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My quick impressions of the Wii version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed:
I've played about three hours of the game so far.
I'm enjoying the game quite a bit. It's not as good as it could've been, but it's definately a fun rental. I may write a full review once I've finished playing the game later this weekend.
EDIT: I just discovered that cutscenes can be skipped by pressing the minus button on the Wii remote. My rental copy didn't come with a manual, and I never thought to try that button. *slaps forehead*
Like I said before, true 1:1 motion will not give you the Star Wars like fighting experience. A real sword fight last an average of 2 seconds. Compromises have to be made.
Secondly: you mean that are people who actually care about the story in Star Wars
Done with the updates for now
You can steal all our women folk.
Ehhhhhhh. Maybe. I hear that only one new character over the arcade version is being added and that licencing issues will preven the game even being released in the west.
I don't think I put it in those terms gloater
I said something like: it will probably be for low level stuff like last year, when they had stuff like battalion wars and wii fit. Though given their ass bad E3, maybe they will pull out the stops.
Raven and Dvader, thanks for the updates. I'm thinking if these games come down a cheap price in the future I may try them out.
Just beat the DS version of Force Unleashed.
Storyline? Good.
Gameplay? Average.
Overall, it's what Lucasarts would have done if they made a PS1 game.
I didn't mean true sword fighting when I mentioned 1:1 motion. I simply meant that there is a slight hesitation from when you make a motion to when that motion is acted out on-screen.
However, HMVs Hayes believes that both machines are distinctive enough to appeal to different consumers without eating into each other's sales.
"The truth is that they are essentially two different products, with their own particular special features, such as Blu-ray in the case of the PS3," offered Hayes.
Is this guy serious? Probably the 2 most similar consoles ever. I thought last-gen consoles were really similar compared to Genesis vs SNES or N64 vs Playstation. But PS3 vs 360 takes the cake.
UBISOFT BOSS INTERVIEW (see thursdays updates)
Bitz and piecez
GameDaily BIZ: Considering the latest developments from Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony, what's excited you from the big three?
Yves Guillemot: We think using the Balance Board and this new [MotionPlus] controller they are creating, the motion will give a lot more sensations to consumers and it's really a way to get more and more immersed in the games we play. That, for me, is revolutionary.
For Microsoft, the fact that they are now not only considering one customer, the hardcore gamer, but making sure they can have smaller games and that they have avatars, it's something that is interesting. Because I believe we want to have a life on the Internet, and so being able to push your avatar to become somebody well known is all very interesting.
Regarding Sony, PlayStation Home for us just being able to go into an open world with your avatar and meet other people... It's a dream for me, I think. It's so important to travel all over and meet different people, creators or gamers, that will understand who you are and what you've done, so you can select the people you want to speak with more. The idea of Home is great.
BIZ: Getting back to the Microsoft Avatars for a minute, do you really think this will help the company better reach that casual audience?
YG: Nintendo had a great idea, Microsoft is taking it to another level. It's exciting for us because it will give gamers the ability to be important in this interactive world. The fact that you can add your face and be a person that is close to you and it will take all your data (what you've been playing, achievements), for me it's very interesting. The industry has always been like this. We always watch what other people are doing and take the best of it. That's what I love about this industry... what's good is to take it and do something better with it.
BIZ: So will Ubisoft be incorporating the Avatars into its games for Xbox 360?
YG: We'll see what will happen there. What we need to make sure is that it's not just a Microsoft world, but also a Ubisoft world where we are around. We just need to make sure that it's going to be possible.
BIZ: Regarding Wii MotionPlus, how long did Ubisoft know about it and when will we see games from Ubisoft that make use of it?
YG: Nintendo has been working on that for a long time, trying to see how they could improve the precision. We knew for a long time they were working on that, so it's not a big surprise for us. We'll start seeing something in September/October. We already have games that can take advantage of it.
BIZ: The strategy's worked for Nintendo, but do you think they're losing touch with the hardcore base?
YG: I don't think that because the quality of the games on their machine is still very high. The gamers can have great fun with what's coming on the machine. It's just a question of games. When the games are great to play, they play them. You'll always have some people who are unhappy, but I don't think they'll lose those [hardcore] guys.
BIZ: Even from a third-party perspective, Ubisoft isn't exactly bringing hardcore games to the Wii. Tom Clancy titles, for example, are nowhere to be found on Wii.
YG: Tom Clancy will appear at one point. We need to make sure they [look good]. We have engines that were created for the next-generation consoles. We had to re-engineer a certain number of engines to be sure we could use the quality of the machine. Even without the [high-end] graphics, the experience can still be very interesting. ... To make sure we can create good enough products [on Wii] or products better than Nintendo's takes time. That's why you don't see many products, but you will see more and more in the future.
From that snippet I thought he was talking about 360 and Wii because of the price drop.
Hope you didn't buy it.
The Ubisoft guy sounds like he puts way too much importance on Avatars.
I've yet to see anyone buy a games console based on whether it had avatars or not. In fact some of my friends who have 360 were none too pleased when they saw what's coming. Interestingly, most people don't mind Home on PS3 because it has a more natural look I guess....but many people seem to think the 360 stuff looks, well, ghey.
I have heard that some 360 owners dont like it, but from what I hear it's optional. Seeing as how I have no hard drive and no xbox live -damn wired internet- it doesn't affect me at all. I do find it, well I can't really find the word so I'll say hinky, that Yves Guillemot seems to be estactically overjoyed with the thought of an industry that rips everyone else. That's not a celebratory point in my book.
Supposedly you can get 20 gigs dirt cheap now. I heard a rumor about $25 hdd's. You should look around. Maybe you can import one for cheaper.
$120 over here. Same for a wireless dongle. I'm just a cheapass. The only reason I use wii online is because it's free and easy.
Can't wait for that Mirror's Edge demo next friday! W00000T
By the way, Live has demo's up for Fracture and Mercs 2 right now.....downloading as we speak.
The PS3 is beating the Wii and 360 in that Timesplitter's 4 poll. Didn't see that one coming. But then again Timesplitter's did start on PS2 so I guess it makes sense.
Wii is just behind.
I think it's a sign of how starved PS3 and Wii gamers are for exclusive shooters. Or games for that matter.
I did a few more updates.
Microsoft's Phil Spencer has told GamesIndustry.biz that Rare is a studio central to the vision and future of the Xbox 360 business.
The executive's statement comes in response to former Xbox boss Peter Moore's comments to The Guardian where he said the studio's skillsets "were from a different time and a different place and were not applicable in today's market."
"Rare is a great studio that continuously delivers high-quality, award-winning titles for the Xbox platform and will continue to do so in the future," stated the newly appointed head of Microsoft Game Studios.
"Rare plays a strategic role in delivering games and platform experiences that will help the Xbox achieve our long-term strategy of expanding the customer base to a mainstream audience."
Spencer praised the studio's recent work on games and the forthcoming avatar system for Xbox Live as proof the UK developer is relevant to the business and the industry as a whole.
"The studio’s current work that includes the recent release of another critically acclaimed installment in the Viva Piñata series, the reinvention of a genre and a franchise with the November release of Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts as well as the avatar system they’re delivering as part of the new Xbox experience not only is indicative of the value they deliver to our business but proof positive to our partners and the industry at large of our commitment to this strategy and the platform’s continued success," said Spencer.
Lol, we have impressions from the Wii, PS3 (which is also 360) and DS versions of TFU. Now that is great reporting Insert Coin.
I bought a new guitar. Raaarr.
PS3 36%
Wii 33%
360 25%
So that means a cross platform 360/PS3 game with a combined 61%.
Yes cause Elebits is an action game...