Braid creator hates Nintendo
Braid might be released on PSN, but not on Wii, due to not enough space in the fridge.
Castle Crashers for XBL price revealed
It will cost you $15. Comes out next week.
Disaster: Day of Crisis coming soon?
Australia's OFLC gives the game a Mature rating
Super Mario Land 2 Retro Review
Leo this one is right up your alley
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Man WTF is up with the NPD? The PS3 outsells the 360 AGAIN even when the 360 has a price-drop that puts its main SKU into mainstream pricing. I mean what is it? Can't be MGS4 since that's off the top 10 (sadly, though unless its #11).
One of the site's forefathers.
Well MGS4 PS3 pack-in does not count toward the MGS4 sales numbers. So it could be that there are still some of those around.
Now why haven't you guys read my article I just made? *wink* wink* *hint* hint*
Also Edge people aren't really going to care about how many more quality games the PS3/360 have. Remember these people aren't serious gamers like us. Most people just play a few games here and there unlikes us who play games ever hour or two (or even three) a day.
One of the site's forefathers.
They'll probably strap him to another MGS game instead. T_T
I am done for now! I'll be back in 3 hours. But before I go
It annoyed me, because it was sort of accepted that Xbox multiplats were the best, mainly because of online. I was never on live like 90% of the xbox userbase at the time. I also preffered the Cube controller, the faster load times with those GC discs and even though people cussed down the look of the GC and its handle it actually made it easy for me to transfer it between houses, whilst I could never do that with the xbox. I remember when I first bought it, even getting it home on the tube/subway killed my shoulder. So if there was a multiplat I could get on cube, I would.
Now I'm in a situation where I buy less 360 games because in the back of my mind there is this 24 style ticker counting down to my machine's demise and I dont want to be left with a stack of games I can't play. I also just flat out prefer playing games with the wii controller and with wireless internet it's just easy while I can't get on Live unless I shell out $120 on the wireless adaptor.
Yeah there are people who just buy nintendo machines for their content and then use other machines for everything else. It's a skewed view in that you have to consider those that dont own multiple machines. There's a wii userbase out there that will never get to play SFIV or RE5 etc. They just dont have the option like we do of just getting it on a different machine. That's the hardcore view.
But each day you are seeing examples of people going that extra mile to make sure they get wii content up, Overlord for instance gets a unique entry on wii while having a sequel on the other machines. Even SUDA and Mikami's new game isn't missing out on Wii. It just shows laziness when publishers are completely annexing a platform or pigeonholing it as haivng a certain demographic that doesn't give a shit about quality.
And again we look at things personally, for you mario galaxy was just your wii goty and not overall. On gamerankings it still outrates a ton of killer content on these tech heavy machines. For me, design is king and I think there is a lot you can do with Xbox/Wii level hardware. I would take a RE5 with RE4 + visuals and Wii aiming. I would happily take a GTAIV with Burnout Revenge Visuals and Wii controls. I would take a Halo 3 with MP3 visuals and Wii aiming.
But then, like Iga said there is a ton of stuff the wii controller can do, especially now with this motion plus device. Developers just aren't taking the brave stab. Elebits still has tons of physics based object manipulation that other games should be incorporating and that's just something other platforms, including PC cannot do.
What just annoys me is that they aren't even trying. You can just think back to what we had last gen, wii can do all of that and with better visuals and some improved design and with things you couldn't do in the past with the wii controller. We just had NG2 for instance which didn't turn out too well. Wii should be able to do visuals better than Ninja Gaiden black, so imagine a fully fledged entry in that series with the motion plus 1:1 sword fighting?
Imagine force unleashed with the 1:1 light sabre action? Or Psi-ops with intricate physics control like Elebits. Or Red Steel 2 with 1:1 sword fighting. I personally flat out prefer using the wii controller for FPS, to the extent that whenever I play a dual stick shooter these days I just think: ehhhhhhhhhhh.
It's just the whole thinking that is holding games back, no one is willing to step up to the plate with the budgets and dedication, because they view the system as second rate and so aren't even trying to match what they did last gen. Meanwhile nintendo kicks it up a notch producing a steady stream of quality games which puts all third party content to shame. And then third parties bitch about sales?
Wouldn't have happened if you had stuck around!
I was rushed.
Man 360 is getting rocked these days, if only by 20'000 units. A pattern is emerging. But once again (and it's not even funny now) or an anamoly, Wii sells more than both systems combined (again). Meaning that potentially you have a market twice as big to sell to. Given those market conditions, the lack of content and the relative cost of putting out a big budget wii game..... it's not even funny.
You're seeing industry big wigs say it every day, like Peter Moore
While Sony's Kaz Hirai told the Financial Times that he thinks the PS3 can sell 150 million units during its lifespan, former Xbox man and current EA Sports label president Peter Moore gave the Times a different picture of what he expects the market to look like several years down the road. Moore, like many others in the industry, has predicted a relatively easy victory for Nintendo.
"It looks to me as if the Wii is going to have at least half the installed base of the overall industry and the Xbox 360 and PS3 are going to fight over the balance, based on the run-rates we're seeing," he said.
The Wii recently took over the top spot in the U.S. with nearly 11 million consoles sold. On a monthly basis, the Wii has easily been outselling the PS3 and Xbox 360 during each NPD reporting period. In June, even with the PS3's MGS 4 fueled surge, the Wii still outsold the PS3 by about 260,000 units and the Wii outsold the Xbox 360 by a three-to-one margin.
Nintendo's console truly has shown no signs of slowing down. Whether or not Moore's prediction of 50 percent proves to be accurate, Nintendo has already won in terms of mainstream mindshare and profitability.
The suppossed juggernaughts of the industry, MGS, Halo and GTA can't bring this sytem down. People can't even use the old line "When Halo 3 comes out Wii is going down etc" anymore. I'm sorry to bang on about it, but it just boggles my mind. Nintendo caught so much shit last gen because of the cube, here they are totally reversing the situation and developers should be flocking towards success like they flocked to the PS2 last gen. Instead they are like Gollum coveting the ring, the ring being their expensive next gen wares. Then EA loses $100 million in a quarter and radical lay off 100 staff and ten tons of games get canned from the activision fallout.
Because it's longer than the Bible.
Give me time.
I just put the capcom story up, as I think it's an interesting insight into consumer feedback and I was directly responsible for it. And you know that someone else is going to report it as news anyway.
You guys seen these? I re-hosted.
GG, check again, Galaxy outrates all the tech heavy games on gamerankings. Only Ocarina of Time scored higher.
1:1 light sabre fighting will not work GG.
You want it to look like this
Or this
But with 1:1 it will work like this
^^That guy is fast huh? They better make a 1:1 Samurai game.
^ I'll check it out. Meanwhile yet another game has hit the 1 million sold mark on wii. High school musical. You see this crap selling well, but just imagine if a company like Ubisoft took the effort to make a wii game with the same effort as assasins creed in terms of establishing a new franchise? Red steel launched when the console hardly had a userbase at all, it was deeply flawed, incomplete game and it sold a million. RE4 is a port and sold a million. With the right effort and marketing you should see games hitting 2 mil easy.
Well I think its becoming obvious that the 360's reputation for horrible hardware has finally caught up with it, if they can't outsell the PS3 after a price cut.
The only game I really care for in the top 10 is Civilization. I'm surprised its selling so well.
Stop the presses: new episode of the Legend of Neil
Episode 4
I watched that. I would prefer for a star wars game 1:1 but with a 3rd person perspective. With a slightly zoomed out camera. Obviously in a game they have to make the AI work so that 1:1 is feasible. Even in red steel you can see what they did to ease players into it. The characters have slower exagerrated swipes, or pre-swipe indicators or red marks to show you when large hits are coming. Mutliplayer 1:1 would just degrade into someone swiping madly really fast however.
360 is only outselling the PS2.
1. Nintendo DS: 608,000 2. Nintendo Wii: 555,000 3. PlayStation 3: 225,000 4. PlayStation Portable: 222,000 5. Xbox 360: 205,000 6. PlayStation 2: 155,000
Following the release of NPD's US software and hardware sales data for July, the three platform holders were quick to post reactions on their respective performances - here is a brief summary before a more detailed examination follows:
Nintendo, which had the most to celebrate following more stunning success in the hardware chart plus a number of titles in the software top ten as well, restricted its victory speech to a simple quote from Cammie Dunaway.
Sony, which will undoubtedly be delighted at a platform victory for the PlayStation 3 over the Xbox 360, detailed a variety of statistics on its PS3, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Network and PlayStation 2 platforms, rounded off with a note from Jack Tretton.
Meanwhile Microsoft focused on its overall market share since launch, a solid software sales percentage and the level of third party sales that the Xbox 360 has provided to other publishers.
No, multiplayer will result in me kicking arse world wide, by attacking the hands. A lightsaber has no cross-guard so hands are an easy target. You need preprogramed moves so that all the moves will be exagerrated swipes and it needs either to be bit slower or you need a to get a warning before the stikes take place. You could do that with a little lag and markers to show you the impact point of the saber, and it could be explained in the game that a Jedi sees the future trough the Force.
Or make a Samurai Kendo game. and have best of 11 matches.
Well to me Iga I guess it's the difference between fighting the AI in a FPS vs multiplayer. The whole dynamic changes for me, you go from all powerful beast one man army to everyday joe ready to be killed any second. I don't neccesarily want 1:1 swordfighting for multiplayer, more to have it incorporated well into a decent single player game. I had an idea a couple of years back. I think some might remember my stick men drawings of a ninja gaiden game
This kind of reporting really just annoys me. This is another NPD Article.
Look at the article and how they slant the visuals and article towards a sony victory.
The first paragraph? This:
PS3 led Xbox 360 as the two consoles vied for the top slot in the high-def console race in July, a month that saw sales climb 28 percent year-on-year to $1.1 billion, NPD Group reported Thursday.
In the U.S., Sony's console sold 224,900 units versus Xbox 360's 204,800 during the month.
PS3 also topped Xbox 360 in June, nearly doubling sales of Microsoft's console that month thanks to the release of PS3 exclusive Metal Gear Solid 4.
They use the term "hi-def console race" so they can pretend like the other systems don't exist. And then later in one paragraph their only concession is this:
"In typical fashion, Nintendo Wii handily outsold the two higher-priced consoles with 555,000 units sold in July."
Pfft, screw Ninja Gaiden, give me a Iga Ninja game. I want to play as Hattori Hanzo, Watanabe Hanzo, Sarutobi Sasuke, Takamatsu Toshitsugu, and so on. (GG you should know at least 2 of them)
Yeah, historic ninja games where are they?
I'm glad Disaster has been classified so recentely. It was looking like this game had gone MIA so close to release or even we dreaded that it was canned like Project Hammer.
I just ordered Blood + Vol 1-50 for $26