Braid creator hates Nintendo
Braid might be released on PSN, but not on Wii, due to not enough space in the fridge.
Castle Crashers for XBL price revealed
It will cost you $15. Comes out next week.
Disaster: Day of Crisis coming soon?
Australia's OFLC gives the game a Mature rating
Super Mario Land 2 Retro Review
Leo this one is right up your alley
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GG take a look at this. Do you think shareholders really will stand for it? Plus the board is not blind either, they want money. Check out the losses too.
VB: What games are you moving to the Wii?
SJ: The Wii is a very cost effective platform to experiment with. There is a lot of crap coming out for the Wii in general. But if it’s not a good game, it doesn’t sell. That flood of crap will die down as publishers become more coherent. The Wii is a great opportunity for hitting hardcore gamers. No one is doing that. With “Mad World” from Platinum Games, we are trying to show that millions of Wii games want to move on to mature games. They don’t have to have an Xbox 360 to do that.
VB: I guess people now believe the Wii isn’t just a fad?
SJ: It’s very much disproven. People do play with the Wii like crazy for a while. It gathers cobwebs. Then they bring it out again. But kids are such a big part of the gaming community now and they’re demanding Wiis from their parents. Those kids will shape the future of gaming and they’re not a fad. Microsoft and Sony have to think about how to make their experiences more gaming in that way.
LOL at first glance I saw the chart and thought: ah nintendo, obvious since they are a platform holder,guess MS and Sony as game publishers will be right behind them. Then I looked down the list and thought this was a wii exclusive chart. Then I spotted them at the very bottom. WTH?
Anyhow from the list of losers, most likely to increase their wii prescence, MS and Sony are off the list obviously. Midway is pretty shit, unless they decide to do a Psi Ops sequel with elebits style control. I don't think take 2 will ever do a proper GTA game on Wii unless it's a port from the old games. My wish would be to have the bully team do a wii specific GTA as bully is hilarious and brilliant fun. They have indicated that titles like Bioshock would suit the system, I think there was even this super vague hint that bioshock 2 would launch on all platforms including wii.
D3 are shite, Atari is shite these days. THQ and Sega and EA are actually doing some decent stuff. As for the blue companies? As long as they are making money and nothing disastrous is happening they wont change. You saw what happened with RE4, this test was passed and they were suprised at the success and so instead of putting an original mature big budget game into production like RE4, they downport an old game because it's easier and cheaper. This is the wii mentality.
Well personally while I like the Wii I much prefer third parties like Capcom and Square Enix put the majority of their focus on the 360 because that's where my preference lies. A few reasons are the Wii's lack of a mass storage device, it's lack of power, and Nintendo's horrible online service which has no downloadable goodies such as demos, videos, and extra game content.
Where is Konami making all that money from?
SEGA say something completely different every fucking time they are interviewed. LOL Honestly I put no trust whatsoever into anything they say.
I don't think anyone minds the focus and I wouldn't even suggest having Wii being this dominant platform with lead skus there etc. What I just would like to see is some kind of parity. Either do a version like you have versions of Sonic Unleashed or COD5 or whatever. Or do decent viable alternatives with as much effort put behind them. Comparably the budgets of a high budget next gen game vs a high budget wii game mean you can do two big budget wii games for every big budget next gen title. So publishers should be using the economics to their advantage.
And even though you like the technology, having GC plus tech didn't stop games like Mario Galaxy coming out and being GOTY and one of the highest rated games of all time, it didn't stop MP3 being a stunning game in terms of visuals and design. You're seeing shitty wii games because people are making shitty wii games. Not because the technology is lower.
3rd partiers are treating the system as second rate and that's why you are getting second rate games. If the RE4 team had decided to make a RE5 sequel on Wii in a similar fashion to RE4 in budget, skill and commitment, you wouldn't question the result. When capcom put a third rate team to make a spin off or port a titles over you obviously have reason to question the dedication.
Good question...because outside of MGS4 I could care less about them. I'm guessing that soccer game sells well.
GG can you see a GTA Wii game with motionplus? Jack Thompson will explode when he sees that
What about original games on the Wii would you not like to see a game from Capcom and Square that is only possible or play better on the Wii? Games like Metroid, Trauma Center, Zack and Wiki, No More Heroes, Galaxy (take away the pointer control, see how you like it than), ISS pro!
Or how about a bloody 1 to 1 Samurai sword fighting game or a kiddy version of that a 1 to 1 Lightsaber game. ?
Would you like to see that too?
And the Gamecube didn't start to really lose ground UNTIL 3rd-parties abandoned it. When they were at least willing to make 6-month late ports of PS2 games, the system was doing well.
The Cube was never really given a fair shake, and that pisses me off because for its time it was an amazing machine. Mid 2003 there was a sudden developer Exodus from Cube to Xbox and Xbox only, almost like MS was going around to everyone and doing whatever they had to to get them to leave the Cube behind. Of course there was no way they could do that with PS2 as it was too popular. At that point, you could see and feel Cube withering away. It was sad.
The release of RE4 I remember as really a somber moment, because right then and there was the proof of so much wasted potential in that system. I brilliant affordable system that got sandwiched between a popular name brand on one side, and a shitload of $$$ on the other.
Yeah I loved Mario Galaxy too and consider it a 10/10 however that's in the context of the system it was on. For me while it certainly was my Wii GotY it wasn't my overall GotY. The three limiting factors that I mentioned for the Wii are simply too much for me to overcome. I'd hate to see some of what the developers are bringing out disappear or get hindered in some way because they wanted to shift more focus towards the Wii. It's all just personal preference anyway because naturally whatever system one prefers then that will be the one they want to see the most games on. I bought a Wii as a secondary console mainly for Nintendo games and the VC, everything else is just gravy for me.
That goes both way, you could say that some genres are limited by the controller input. And SMG 10/10 in context of the Wii, wel all ratings are done in context to their platform. That is natural, I mean we are not comparing the 360 to a PC too, right?
Actually I could totally get into Super Mario Galaxy if it didn't have pointer control. Don't get me wrong it was great and worked very well but I totally drool at what a Mario, Metroid, or Zelda game would look like on something on par with a 360/PS3 capabilities.
Batman News Posted Twice, On Thursday and Wednesday.
I'm not comparing them in the direct sense what I meant was that while I consider SMG a 10/10 game doesn't make it an overall GotY for me even if a score something lower on a different platform because the ratings are based within the context of their respective platforms. My post wasn't clear on that though.
Tsk tsk tsk, you do realize that without the pointer you would have to collect all the starbits by walking into them, so Galaxy would be much more tedious and less fluid. I would become like a giant collect-a-thon.
Enough abou that now about the rest. Would you rather have the same Zelda with better graphics? I would love them to do stuff with motion-plus. Can you imagine 1 to 1 sword fights, more control how you throw bombs and puzzles that take full advantage of the motion capabilities. This would change the game more significantly than HD graphics. Yes I would like to see how Metroid, Zelda and to a lesser extend Mario looks like with more power. And we will once the technology is cheap enough. But for now I want to see what motion control can do.
Probably that and I guess there music games. I think they also do a baseball game which is quite popular in Japan. I'm just very surprised that they are doing that well though.
I don't rate my games in context of the system. I rate on how good the fucking game is, regardless of the system. That whole thing to me always seemed like one of Gamespot's cheesy ass review guidlines that they used to justify some of their assier scores.
I remember people saying that Gamespot gave the PS2 version of RE4 a lesser score than the Cube version because "the PS2 has higher standards than the Cube".....give me a fucking break. Yeah, nothing to do with the fact that it wasn't as good as the Cube version. I believe they also said in the same thread that Metroid Prime wouldn't have even gotten a 9 on the PS2. As if it didn't blow away nearly every game on the PS2. I think I'd pick Metroid Prime over Jak 2 (because in essence, they said that Jak was better than Metroid) but to each his own.
When it comes to the heart of a game, and what makes a game great, it doesn't matter what system you're on.
Nicely put, now buy a DS
Hahaha, I had one.
I just hate playing on a fucking handheld man. But many of those games I'd buy day 1 if they were on a console. I'd love a Castlevania handheld compilation on the Wii or some shit, with all the GBA/DS Vania's.