Braid creator hates Nintendo
Braid might be released on PSN, but not on Wii, due to not enough space in the fridge.
Castle Crashers for XBL price revealed
It will cost you $15. Comes out next week.
Disaster: Day of Crisis coming soon?
Australia's OFLC gives the game a Mature rating
Super Mario Land 2 Retro Review
Leo this one is right up your alley
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I want!
One of the site's forefathers.
Incredible. I didn't think it was that easy to kick the week off with a bang, and Raven proved me wrong.
Err, been a so so weekend for me. Was going to record Episode 21 of my podcast, but internet issues caused that to quickly least for now. Got back into the swing of things at Uni by handing in my first assignment for the semester.
Not much happening game wise - just Soul Calibur and the odd DS game.
Totoro ftw god dammit! Totoro at the cinema is absolutely breathtaking! It actually looked better than Howl did on a huge screen. SOOO beautiful!
Well I've been playing WoW, my time will be coming to an end soon. It really is fantastically made, but I sort of expected something omre than a perfect by the numbers MMORPG from it considering that not only is it possible but the critics seem to love it. Ah well perhaps that'll change at higher levels! Though I won't be finding out for a long time as I don't have the time or the energy to play it, and it's not the sort tof thing you can play casually. Back to Albatross18 now!
3x exp is absolutely hilarious though.
Hey Darth, what episode was Jared on the podcast?
JJR? He was never on the podcast. We mentioned him and his love of Footloose. It's recent - check the last five or so eps, I can't recall personally.
Quick question to anyone here. If anyone wants to know what Foolz really sounds like, let me know, and I'll post the link to the podcast where you can hear him (and myself) speak!
Did Foolz not do the Shadow Spider thing?
Oh, almost forgot!!! The new episode of AVGN is out
It is the second part of his Batman games review.
AVGN: Batman games review part II
He did. But I have him in conversation (i.e. regular voice).
Downloading tomorrow. What games are in the video (aside from Return of Joker)?
Return of the Joker Gameboy version and Revenge of the Joker!
The cat bus ruined it. I love totoro but I think it could have dropped that, maybe gave totoro more of this kind of wood spirit/protector vibe and made the film a bit better. This multicoloured catbus thing screeching around the japanese countryside just messed with it IMO. I find it hard to believe that totoro looks better than howl on the big screen. Howl has such incredible vistas and colour.
That would break down the 4th wall.
Iga said last week
"The second advantage will be that my blog will have lots of comments. This will grow my e-penis and it will make me feel more important. My well being is directly proportional with the amount of comments I get."
I just have to post:
Did you guys see this?
You can download and print this.
Ahh, I knew he did a Gameboy one, but I had no idea that it was Revenge of the Joker! Should be good.
Speaking of podcasts - here's a thought for the new and improved Insert Coin Iga, a podcast! It'd be hard to organize (after all, we're dealing with people in different countries and time zones), but it would be an interesting experiment.
Ah, the bastard lied to me! Where's my pithfork and torch?
Yes, but I was acting.
Except for the shocking sound qualit!
Fallout 3's coming to Australia. Possibly edited, but will have the drug system in place.
Good news, I'll probably import it anyway.
Cheaper ftw!
Good idea, post it in my blog with a little more detail, like what we are going to talk about!
My e-penis must grow. It must get bigger and bigger and bigger
Hey know when you need to shit but you can tell its not releasing fast enough, so you have to give it an extra nudge to quicken the pace so it doesn't get caught in your ass hair?
That's weaksauce.
Sony to draw with Nintendo?
True I have proof
This is even worse.
I'm gonna head off, I'll do the proper version tonight and post it tomorrow, or do it some tomorrow.
I have been playing Hotel Dusk, interesting but almost not a game, way too much talking. You take two steps in any direction and there is another conversation. Let me explore and solve puzzles damn it!
I want Strongbad but its $10...