John Carmack interview
Plays the Wii alot, no plans for making games on it
The future of Insert Coin (Important)
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The 29 Most Ridiculously Hot Female Fighters
Where is my Zero suit Samus?
3rd parties do sell on the Wii
but but the Internetz has told me otherwise
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Archangel3371 (4m)
Well at least you bought it right? Now it's me, bugs, Edge, Foolz and raven who own this.
It's a chill out game. You want to play this sprawled out, lying down with a drink in one hand and the remote in the other. And by remote I don't mean penis.
Bear in mind that you can get 40hrs out of this game or more so it's a slow burner of a title. Edge why not pop in boom blox just to see if you got the levels I sent you? I made one where my name explodes. Check it. Doooooooooooooo it.
So I just watched the captain rainbow trailer..........
I actually stopped reading the manga because I found it to be a far cry from what the anime was.
One of the site's forefathers.
Yeah, I thought the same thing. TBH, I doubt Captain Rainbow will be released outside of Japan; it's just too weird.
I like guinea pigs.
I saw the anime first, and decided to read the manga's version of the ending after hearing the anime and manga differed in their endings. Truth be told, I much prefer the anime's ending.
EDIT: Oh, we're talking about different series. My bad. I was talking about Death Note. XD
Awww the comedy was some of my favorite parts in GTA. But don't worry as many reviewers state the games story is "oscar worthy" (could like for proof).
Wait so they actually designd the game like a real city instead of designing it like a game?
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater was horrid due to me not being able to see anything because of the horrid camera. However when Subsistence fixed that I found it to be amazing.
IMO the only reason games should get a 10 is if they can't be improved anymore. Super Mario Bros. 3 and Chrono Trigger come to mind, Half-Life 2 and MGS3
as well.
Basically this is the generation of hype. Those wanna be "cool" kids who were 14 that were playing Halo and GTA "grew up" and want something that suits there tastes more. What ever happened to more light hearted games like Skies of Arcadia? What happened to color in my games like Dark Cloud 2? Why are so many console games short now? It seems that if any game hits the nail of appeal on that popular age group and gets "astounding" reviews then its the next "Big" game. Hell I still see people defending GTAIV saying that its premise and story is superior to most real movies. I'm sorry but when people say that GTAIV's story is more enjoyable then The Dark Knight, then we have a problem. After all some reviewers compared the game to the Godfather.
One of the site's forefathers.
Ehh, the manga is the original. The reason why Clair was fighting Prisciala was because Claymore anime has bombed and they wanted to make some sort of a closure. That fight never happens in the manga. Besides that it is pretty much the same ithe same story. There will never be season 2 of the anime, but the manga is getting on with the story. How far did you get, before quitting?
You sonofabitch. I bought that too!
Suck my dick.
Can't find it, ya spoothead!
The anime bombed? WTF. Anyway the reason I didn't like the manga was because it was just begging to be animated. I got to book 8.
One of the site's forefathers.
Yep that's why their is a difference in the endings. The manga diverges in chapter 59, so start there if you want to see the next how the story continues. If you want I can give you a link. And yes fighting always look beter animated, but the story is awesome too.
Rare talks Goldeneye licensing issues
"I kind of wished that the difference got sorted out," Rare's Nick Burton told, "but obviously there's the licensing issue for bond, if it it's something that's already come out. The ball's not in anybody at Rare's court, really. It's squarely in the license holders' court. It's a shame. It's kind of locked in this no mans land. There's nothing on LIVE Arcade, there's nothing on Wii."
Capcom survey asks about RE 5 on Wii
Capcom seems to be seriously considering making an RE5: Wii Edition. Sounds like a great idea to me! I'm sure they'd make a ton of money on it too.
Yeah, but watch the other questions, they are also serious in making it Gears of War clone #345!
Edit: Raven, do you know what this creature is?
Looks like a gerbil to me. It doesn't appear to have a tail in that pic, though.
EDIT: After a quick look at Wikipedia, it could be a degu. I'm completely unfamiliar with that species.
Wrong it's a Pika. Pika, Pika, Pika.
Apparently it can shoot electricity and stuff
What book is that chapter in?
*Sigh* I hate it when quality shows like Claymore bomb while lesser stuff suceeds.
One of the site's forefathers.
Chapter 59 is in book 11. Where do you read the manga? I read them of the internet.
The reason why it bombed it understandable. There are not enough Emo girly boys in it. Speaking of Emo's how far are you with Naruto if you have not given up already?
Rockstar wants all the GTA info to be pulled? Well...
Well not my problem.
A journalist job is to report what he finds. If that happens to be a leaked thing, so be it. We have something called free press. The gaming "journalists" should grow a fucking backbone and not let Rockstar bully them.