John Carmack interview
Plays the Wii alot, no plans for making games on it
The future of Insert Coin (Important)
Guys get over to my blog quick, read it and leave a comment
The 29 Most Ridiculously Hot Female Fighters
Where is my Zero suit Samus?
3rd parties do sell on the Wii
but but the Internetz has told me otherwise
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I've known OneWing a long time, I think I even once accussed him of trolling many years ago. He's not a troll just a fan who goes through "disappointment phases." He seems to buy nintendo hardware again and again and gets disappointed. He's a nice guy, I even mailed him my old DS from london to new york.
Rag has had a couple of "I'm Leaving blogs" then goes back half an hour later.
It's quite funny. He cant seem to cut the ties. I would have liked to have read his original blog post when he said he was going to leave the spot - before he edited it. As for F1 I don't understand the question, the deal?
I could sort of understand this reluctance to leave Gamespot, I know you are fairly new to the spot Iga but a lot of people had been there for years, literally. It was my first online forum and I was always loyal to GGD. It took a lot to get me off there, a continuous solid period of degrading editorial quality and then over punitive modding and some assholish constant trolling.
I left before gertsmangate so I think it's different after that. The site lost all its familiar staff members, a lot of good old forumers left and a lot of new faces who sometimes seem a little.... don't know how to put it, but not exactly great - came in. So I think it's easier to leave now. I'm just glad that a great bunch of posters like yourself and edge and yo and ravenprose and of course everyone else decided to keep me company.
To get and keep more forumers I think we need to improve and expand things here a bit. Maybe the blogging is something that should be concentrated on as people like to have their own personal spaces and more customization.
I think presentationally we need a more modern, fun look. No offence meant to Yo, but I think we need to have like an art director or something to mock up a few schemes in Photoshop and let us take a looksie. A few layout changes, I mean it's hard to describe but maybe we actually need to lay off the news posting and only post the bigger stories and highlight them, or do like CVG and mock up pics and art with our logo. We need a decent logo.
With F1 I thought there was a history between you, but I guess I was mistaken.
About Rag, yes I understand the difficulty of him not leaving, but no one said he had to leave Gamespot. I just found it weird that he left us. I seemed to enjoy himself here.
About the overall site and art. I agree with that, I shall begin making a blog that goes into detail about the newspaper idea.It shall be about my vision, what the end goal must be and how to get there. Of course I will need feedback of all you guys so that it does not remian just my vision, but something we all can support. I will start writing it tommorow.
Any dissedents will be purged
Same here - I still post at GS, and my blog is almost aways there anyway. I haven't posted on the GGD in a while, not since MGS came out.
I hate tech whorish console guy, what self respecting techno-guy has a console. Be a man and buy an Alienware Quad core PC or something.
I couldn't get used to the community there. There was nothing wrong with the site or its features, or any particular member...but it felt too...American-centric, if that makes any sense. Like, the majority of content there was focused more or less on what was happening in the US, with barely any discussion on anything happening in Australia or Europe or whatever.
Again, nothing wrong with the site or any of the content (1UP's podcast inspired me, amongst others, to get into podcasting), but there was just something about the community that I couldn't get into.
Though I wanted to keep looking at GG Weekly, I always forgot to.
There's no offense, I'm the first to admit my visual design deficiencies. I've been trying to get a new server, and if I can ever find work I'll probably end up getting a paid one since I want to have it available for general use anyway. Meanwhile, I've been working on setting up a spare PC as a webserver, but I've had some complications.
Sorry about the continued delays in improvements, though. I've been stuck in a project from hell that just won't end.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileLol, there's an article up there that says "The Producer Grabs Cock"
But in all seriousness, GG Weekly is broken again... I'm unable to click into the comment-typing box where I am typing currently in Opera (Currently typing this in Internet Explorer.)
Consistently having 20+ pages of unorganized comments each week seems to suggest it needs some adjustment to me as well. For someone like myself that only checks out this page once per week currently, basically I see the top couple of posts on the first page and the last couple on the last page, and I just ignore the 19.5 pages in between. If it were organized out into individual topics, I might actually be able to find things that I am interested in reading, rather than just not reading it at all.
Even people who regular this page every day probably have to keep a mental note of the last comment they read. There is also no way of being able to go back into previous weeks and find a single post you recall and would like to see again for a link of whatever reason, not even a search option.
I like the new colour-coding on the news articles, but there is no legend indicating the significance, whether it's different kind of news, significance levels, or just randomly selected.
I'd recommend working out all the functionality and practicality before bothering with colour schemes and layouts.
Zelda's are Action/Adventure games.
Agreed. I still browser Gamespot once in a while and just think its lamer and lamer. Even the "rebel" site Giantbomb sucks (it was doomed from the start). And I keep going to Neogaf once in a while to see the lowdown but damn that site is horrid. It's actually WORSE then Gamespot at times. Again I usually only go here. Oh and also I will be inviting more people.
Anyway I agree with people that we need forums and this site needs re-tooling. Also let's try changing the name. I mean "Insert Coin"? What is this 1995?
One of the site's forefathers.
Personally, I like the news as it is. The in-depth news is one of my main reasons for coming here--and I actually do use this as an alternative to GS. I've been going to GS less and less, and I often miss some of their news stories even when I do go there. Plus, they just don't post as many stories.
I do agree that we should have a color legend for news posting, though. We should also have a color for PC news (unless my eyes or monitor are tricking me, it's white just like all the other nonplatform news).
About GS... I've been there since May 2003. I think its forum was the first one I became a member of, too. I'm not really into blogging or unions, but I occasionally do something with both. Over time, I was just going to GameSpot for daily news, for reviews, for the forums, and for select friends' blogs. With a few notable exceptions, including Shame-us, I can read "important" (to me) blogs here. I can get tons more news here, which I absolutely love. And this place functions somewhat like a forum, albeit disorganized (which limits relevant responses, and the structure here makes topics fade into the past much more quickly than in a forum--not good for quality topics). So I'd like to see this place develop into what I'll call a full alternative to GameSpot for me: something that has everything I go to GameSpot for, and more.
I tried 1up for a bit, but I hate the structure, if it can even be called that. The forums are a mess. There are parts of the site I like better than GS, though. However, the blogs aren't one of them. It just doesn't do it for me.
INSERT COIN ALL THE WAY! But yeah... I think we should really change the name--it sounds like a site for discussing arcade machines. Oh, and I couldn't find it easily with Google... is there something we could do about that, or do we just need more traffic to float this site to the first page of hits?
NeoGAF is good for news. That's all it's good for - I hate the rest of that place. It reeks of everything that I hate about various forums.
People there have no balls at all. Seriously it's the most conforming site I've seen since SRK. Possibly even more. People there either A. Don't bring upon their REAL opinions therefore they keep quite (at times some "stealth" troll). B. Haters, similar to Carnage or Gramton they troll, but so lightly that the mods don't care enough to take action.
I go there for news too but seriously I just can't go their anymore. People just conform WAY too much, and it seems like they hate every game mentioned. I can't wait until I make an account though, I'm going to shit on those that I have been eager to since I started reading there (prepare Amirox and Himoru).
One of the site's forefathers.
O' god, I remember a massive argument I had over at the PCPowerplay forum as to whether it was or wasn't an RPG. I said it was (which is probably incorrect
) but they were such fucking retards, and were completely unable to justify why it was an RPG. God that place sucked.
So I got Stranger's Wrath and I've only played through the tutorial so far but it's looking very promising. The sound quality of the voices is absolutely shocking (my speakers are dying so it could be them) but the graphics are great and it's certainly got that Oddworld charm so far. Plus shooting small furry animals at enemies? What could be better than that!
The reason people always get this argument is because Zelda like Metroid has gameplay from many different genres. You have lot's of action. With hacking and slashing. So you you adventure elements. There's a dash of RPG. Like getting stronger, items, buying healing potions etc. And than there is the puzzle element. The dungeons are full with puzzles like block puzzles, shoot the switch puzzle etc.
Calling Zelda an action adventure is correct, but 80% can be called action adventure. Games like Metal Gear Solid, Metroid, God of War. That's genre is so wide is pretty useless. Zelda is pretty unique, so the genre of Zelda is well Zelda.
I missed your input. I gave up on the 1up boards when firstly someone asked me who was paying me to post news
And secondly, people just act like complete asinine jerks at times and there is zero modding there, but too much at GSpot. So I needed balance. I like a place like this with no modding but good people who I know, we can argue like at E3 and bitch and moan, but at the end of the day we are all reasonable people who don't troll or deliberately set out to piss people off.
So you're the one marrying SteelAttack's sister?
Yeah really mean it, no offence. I'm totally crap at design myself, but I've seen other guys who are good, so getting a proper art director or people to mock things up in photoshop to get ideas would be good. Other professional sites just have a proper look about them and smaller sites have this underground look to them like destructoid for instance.
The error on page thing in IE is killing me.
Otherwise I have no problem in following the debate but then again I am here everyday and read everything in general. I don't see a need for a legend, it's pretty obvious that red is nintendo and sony is blue and MS is green and gold stories are major. I suppose that Yodariquo could add perhaps a very small pic of a horizontal bar that had the company name under it? I personally don't see the point. The white stuff is multiplatform or PC. A lot of PC is multiplatform too.
I think a forum is a great idea, but I remember that Yo said that that would be difficult to do. Also if we have forums I think maybe we need to think about scrapping this feature entirely and just scaling back on the news.
I like the fact that we post more news than anywhere else on the web with near 24 hr a day coverage given that we are based all around the world. At the same time I'm starting to think that we post too much news and should maybe just concentrate and find a way to highlight the bigger stories. Maybe even start writing blurbs or re-writing news stories as our own like someone like CVG does. But then that just increases the workload.
Yeah this place doesn't seem to be easy to find via search engines. You can find the old gamingeek weekly feature on 1up by typing those words into yahoo. I haven't got into meta tags but I'm sure Yodariquo knows what to do.
I think we all thought that the name of this place might change a few months after launch with a proper extended voting process. I have come to like the name but still would prefer something a little sexier. Like Sex
I think The Gaming Globe is a good name or Gaming Planet, like the Daily Planet.
Yeah, I like the news food chain but otherwise it's pretty useless, even the so-called debates, there are just too many people and the layout means I have to stretch my eyes all over the place just to see who is posting what.
About the future of this site, have patience I am writing it as we speak!!!!
I have my own vision for the site. Naked pics of us all on the front page.
A babes forum.
The ultimate site...
I sorta like the desgin. Reminds me of a site from '99!
Olympic pics:
logo creation,
It's even brought out Bush's sensative side,
Shamelessly stolen from pesfan.
And why not?
Is no one interested in Ponyo on the cliff?